
Re:Degenerate’s Tensei

What if Rudeus from the future succeeded in turning back time? What would he, a morally degenerate bitter old man in a child’s body do with his life now that he is starting from the beginning once again? Would he try to redeem himself for the mistakes he had made and become a better person, or would he fall further in his degeneracy and become a slave to his hatred and lust? This his His journey, a completely different man from the one who had first opened his eyes to this wondrous magical world. A Mushoku Tensei Fanfic. Read at your own risk. Incest alert.

Needygasm · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Survival, than Primal

Rudeus POV

How did it come to this? Wasn't it a little too early? I mean, some days I had been brainstorming about what to do when I was finally confronted by him, but this was something else, not to mention too soon! Anything I had planned to say had slipped from my mind the moment I had looked into those fierce golden sanpaku eyes as the memory of how he had opened up my insides flashed through my eyes, though thankfully I had remained mostly unshaken to the outside world as I had become something of an actor lately, trying to act like a kid and not wallow in traumatic memories can do wonders for one's acting career it seemed. Not to mention having more than a hundred years of living experience also helped.

Now that I had time to take in, he looked quite charismatic. His silver hair, which I assume was common in the dragon race as Perugius also had it, certainly went a long way to compliment his looks with the same white coat that is adorned with grey fur I had seen him wear the one time I had met him in the previous loop. His expression was of anger just like before, though I am not sure if it is due to being angry or if this is just his normal face. But I had learnt early on that even angry and fierce looking people could be kind at heart just like Ruijerd, maybe this guy could also be one of them?

Wait a second, he doesn't even know that I have time leaped right now! As far as he was concerned I am just a little child! Maybe I can use this to let his guard down so that he could let me live for a little while longer? Granted, after hearing Hitogami's name come from my mouth he didn't even hesitate killing me who was an early teen at the time so I shouldn't expect much, but now I am just five years old! Surely he won't be that cruel, right? Especially when I didn't even utter that blasted God's name!

So taking a deep breath, I got in to the role, "can I help you mister?" There was silence for a while as I looked at him innocently, tilting my head to the side a little to appear less threatening. After what seemed like minutes, a low deep voice finally entered my ears, "how did you learn the dispelling magic?"

I suddenly felt cold, he was watching me the whole day! Fuck! And I just had to cast that spell on this particular day… I should have known better! Should have taught Sylphy only the common spells as she could have learnt the others easily in the future! But I had wanted to cram her with all the best spells as soon as possible to protect her, so how could I be blamed?

Maybe he was watching me for a long time and only decided to show himself when he saw me use that magic… Come to think of it, it was a pretty rare magic, I do not even remember seeing any mage I had fought use it against me… So I do not believe I could bullshit my way around this so easily. No, I shouldn't get distracted. Focus!. He now needs answers and I need to give it to him right away or my life is forfeit. I have to buy more time!

"Oh, you were watching me? What, are you impressed?" My voice sounded cocky, I wanted to give the impression that the boy in front of him was just a child, though more gifted than others but still a child.

The Dragon God just stared at me, waiting for my answer. Fuck! What should I say? That I had thought about it by myself? If so, than how did I know what it was actually called? I'm sure he could hear me just fine when I was teaching and playing with Sylphy. So that reasoning was a no go. I could play the 'mysterious book find' card again, but he would than demand said book and I'm sure saying I had lost it wouldn't cut it. He could definitely force his way to my home and find the book I had given to Master Roxy and that would be a disaster as there were sensitive information there that especially Orsted can not know. I might say that a mysterious person that visited the town taught me, and to be honest this was the most risk free option as it cleared my name and added this person-A that doesn't exist who Orsted had to deal with, probably spending his valuable time wasting away instead of hunting apostles and other shit. Hmm, I didn't like this option. I wanted this man to be my ally sooner or later against Hitogami, and I had a feeling that this lie would come to hunt me for many years to come, just a feeling I got from experience. Fuck! I do not have enough time to think things through! If I continue to not answer his question any further, I might as well tell him that I am an apostle of Hito… Wait a second… Yes! It was risky but that could work!

So I donned a happy expression, forcefully relaxing my tense muscles as I had figuratively embraced myself for the worst case scenario, "oh right! You had asked about who I had learnt that spell from? Sorry I forgot. Well of course it was Millis-sama!" Yes, even though the country that we currently live in doesn't follow the Millis faith, Orsted must have known that mom was a Millis believer as he had foreknowledge of how many siblings I had which suggested that either he was acquainted with my family from his previous loops, or had come upon information about them for some reason. Either way, he shouldn't think it odd that I was a believer of Millis which the very thought brings me disgust. So I just had to play the part that Hitogami had used my religion in order to manipulate me.


"Yeah! One month ago after mommy put me to bed, I suddenly woke up in this white place where Millis-sama welcomed me and told me who he is and that it was heaven and I was his apostle! And that I could be a hero who saves people! You see I had lots and lots of mana but despite my master Roxy's teachings, I was still weak! For that I had to get stronger! And he even showed me how to cast gravity and disturb magic! Though he is a terrible teacher! I had to ask Master Roxy's help to learn them!" I enthusiastically added, trying to sound naive and cute which if my mother's reactions are to be believed, is quite effective in it's own right. I may be burying myself deeper in to the grave with my own hands, but I could think of no better way! Ran Ma was just too suspicious of a spell to use and Orsted wouldn't accept most of my answers I was sure of it. And adding Gravity magic to the mix was just to be safe as although training in Almighty Push could easily be done in my own room despite the large mana cost, what's to say he hadn't been observing me there as well? I had to be extra careful to not contradict him…

"What did he look like?" He asked, his voice sounding much colder this time. Shit!

I went on, my hands in the air, "Yeah you wouldn't believe it! He didn't at all look like what was described in the scriptures! He was all white I couldn't even see his face! It was all blurry!" seeing the atmosphere getting worse, I decided to step up my game!

So I went on, my voice sounding more naive this time, "And then he told me that some evil man named Orsteddy or something, was trying to destroy the world and my family, can you believe it? I have to stop him!" I said passionately, then took on a shy voice, fidgeting, "I mean, he didn't tell me how to stop him, just to get myself stronger. But I will definitely stop him!" then I turned contemplative, "Hmm, instead of fighting maybe offering him mommy's pudding will calm him down and he will listen? Then he would understand how destroying this beautiful world was a big mistake and we will become friends! Just like in those stories where the hero and the demon king become friends after they have a talk and understand each other!" There was no such story in this world I'm making this shit up as I go along with it. Please don't kill me please don't see me as a threat please! Please!

He just looked at me and didn't say anything for a while, before saying, "You mean to stop that evil man with your mother's cooking?" His voice was the same as ever, but I could sense bafflement, I swallowed, then went on, "Well of course! Anyone who has tasted it has tasted heaven! Why would you want be evil and to go to hell after having a taste of that?" I asked, sounding confused, then adding, "Oh, how about I invite you to our home now and you can taste mommy's pudding for yourself! There should still be more left! After all, today is my birthday and mommy made lots of it! She didn't even get mad at me for eating five servings of it!" I smiled happily, nodding enthusiastically.

I could feel the tension leave him despite maintaining the same expression. Yes! It was working! I could see the gears turning in Orsted's mind, he will seek to convert me to his side! After all, I was only under the influence of Hitogami for a single month and from the sounds of it, I didn't harbor any hate towards him which the inhabitants of the world automatically did due to his curse.

Seeing him still expressionless and silent, I just added, "why are you silent? You are so strange uncle. Oh! You are waiting for me to lead the way? Then just say so!" I then took hold of his robes and pulled him along which thankfully he didn't resist, following me along the cobblestone path to my home.

Yes! This is a good sign! Even I didn't know why I acted so brazenly with the Dragon God, but something in me felt that he was like Ruijerd as well, so I had to act the part.

After we arrived, naturally he didn't want to come in due to his curse so I alone went inside, I could hear the passionate cries of mother which didn't arouse me as at this very moment my life still wasn't off the hooks. So I quickly grabbed up a plate of pudding from the kitchen which was currently empty and went to the Dragon God's side, offering it to him.

"Here, this one is gourd flavored, an expensive fruit from the Begaritto continent which my mom bought to make pudding, it's my favorite." The pink fruit had a taste extremely similar to that of chocolate which I had learnt from my time there in the previous loop so I had asked mother to get it for me which she certainly did thanks to her merchant connections.

After he had gotten his first bite, I went on, "Mommy makes me lots of pudding, but she doesn't eat them that much, saying it will make her fat. I don't understand? Why would you worry about gaining weight if you eat such a delicious treat? Sometimes mommy is weird. You don't seem to be fat, do you eat sweets often?"

My mouth just didn't shut up, maybe I was nervous but I thought I needed to speak because I felt that I could break at any moment. Thankfully Orsted didn't seem to mind as he finished his pudding, then without saying anything handed me the plate as he turned his back and walked off. Thank goddess! Everything went alright! But I needed to solidify things first so I took a deep breath, here goes nothing!

"Mister wait! You didn't tell me your name!" I asked as I approached him, then panicked, "Oh, sorry! Mommy says I should introduce myself first! My name is Rudeus Greyrat! I want to be a hero! My favorite things are mommy, pudding and Roxy! What is your name?"

"My name?" He looked at me, he was still his angry self as he replied, "Orsted" than continued on the road.

"Ohh?! Your name sounds really similar to Orsteddy! But you look so nice! I thought someone who has a name like him to be more evil! Wearing a black cloak and red face with horns… But you just look like a kind uncle! Ah but you ate my pudding so even if you were evil you should not be anymore!" I announced, then added, "Oh! When can I see you again? Let's play hero-demons! I be the Hero Rudeus and you be the Evil Orsteddy!"

Orsted stopped at that, contemplated for a few seconds before, then grunted, "I will visit tomorrow" he then left without saying anything else. I just stood there as I watched his silhouette slowly disappear. Suddenly my knees gave away, the tension I didn't notice I had suddenly left me, "I did it… I have survived… I did it! Hahahahahah" I am sure my laughter must have echoed quite loud all around but the sounds of intercourse inside the Greyrat Household must have dampened it enough that nobody noticed.

The next day's meeting with Orsted went much smoother than I had expected so I was more relaxed as I interacted with him. Apparently he had brought me a strange bracelet, telling me it was a birthday gift with that same voice which definitely wasn't the tone of voice you would take when you give a birthday present, but I guess for dragonkin it was different. Of course I had enthusiastically accepted, even giving him a hug! Can you believe it? I just hugged the man who had made a mincemeat out of me! Not to mention I was an old man in a child's body which had made the experience all the more strange… But I had a cunning plan! If I could establish a firm bond between us, then he would be more interested in keeping me and my loved ones alive not just in this loop, but also in the off chance that the worst case scenario happens and I suffer a premature death, he could potentially help me in the future loops.

He had also told me to keep it on me at all times as apparently it had the power to make me stronger which I happily accepted. I could certainly see the intricate formation work and it was certainly not a power booster type. Most probably something to prevent Hitogami from contacting me which I didn't mind! In fact I welcomed it! Anything between me and that damned God was a worthy birthday gift in my book. So thank you Orsted!

After bidding goodbye, I needed to relieve some stress so when I'd found my mother who was in the living room in the middle of reading one of her romance novels she had recently purchased, I made my presence known and made a secret sign which only she could understand, the sign for our 'sessions' to which she let out a tired sigh, then got up. "Come Rudy, let's have a bath~"

—Lemon Alert— Mixed POV alert

A few minutes later I found myself naked on my mother's lap, with her scrubbing my back. Today I didn't feel like breastfeeding, I wanted to do something much more. So I turned over, facing Zenith as I gently grabbed her breasts with my hands but this time instead of lightly caressing it, I used my decades of knowledge of pleasing women to the limit as I pinched her nipples with my index fingers and tumbs while at the same time using the rest of my palms to apply pressure to her breasts.

"Nnnnhhaa!" she let out a surprised but seductive voice, having not expected such a sudden stimulation from her son's ministrations. Just as she was about to protest, I let go of her right breast and lightly bit her nipple while my now free hand wandered between her seductive thighs, caressing them, dangerously close to her flower which she was certainly aware of as she shivered with trepidation and some arousal.

"R-rudy what are you doing?!" She sternly chastised me but didn't make any moves to get rid of me so I continued, "Mommy, do you know that I can hear your voice every time when you are mating with father?" To my question, she was absolutely shocked. She didn't even consider the possibility that her little baby was subjected to the sounds of their intercourse! But apparently their room wasn't as soundproof as she had thought. Before formulating a proper response my fingers on her thigh must have tingled an especially sensitive area as she let out a moan,

"You don't know this mommy but I always masturbate when I hear your moans, thinking that it was me who was plowing your delicious pussy~" "Rudy where did you learn words lik-" her words were interrupted by a loud moan that escaped her mouth as she had felt something touch her flower, "Yes mommy, moan like that~ I want to be the one to make you moan this time!" I was now sucking on her neck, with our hight difference even when I'm sitting on her lap I could not reach her delicious lips so her neck was the next best option.

With her wet blonde hair and fair skin, my mother was simply gorgeous! And from the looks of her blush, a little bit excited as well. The water droplets on her naked skin created a pretty sight with her increased rate of breathing! I could even hear her rapidly beating heart! I let her go and stood up. Her eyes suddenly glued to my dick as she looked conflicted.

Yes, now I can proudly call it a dick as it was much larger than it was compared to the previous loop at my age, but still a long shot away from my final form. Thanks to my mother's efforts, my member had developed quite nicely, it was now about five inches long and had a respectable girth, far outgrowing my first life's pathetic excuse of a penis.

I got closer to her sitting form, and before she could have a chance to close them I quickly parted her legs and inserted myself in between her thighs much to her protests, with my member making contact with her pussy for the first time! As I began dry humping her, she closed her mouth with her hands, suppressing her moans. I could feel the little bump which was her clitoris on the surface of my dick and with each of my thrusts I could feel a little twitch from it along with mother's mewling sounds which was just so cute I couldn't suppress my instincts anymore! So I latched on to her tightly and bit into her neck as I full force thrusted away at her which made her gasp in shock as she didn't expect her boy to make her feel so many emotions in such a short amount of time; Anger, fear, confusion, lust. Shortly after she began responding to his thrusts as lust won, grinding her little bump as well.

And for a few minutes, the bathroom was filled with the suppressed moans of a mother and the occasional grunts of her son, the rhythmic sounds of flesh meeting flesh only added more fuel to their distorted passion that was born out of incestuous lust as they gradually increased their tempo. Though no penetration happened, both parties were getting close to their release. And then it happened, like an eruption Zenith came and shortly after her boy as well.


"Ah! Mommy!"

Thanks to his dear mother's training, Rudeus was able to barely hold on until his mother came, so he didn't hold back after that and let himself go as well, his dick twitching and pumping, but no semen to come out as was normal for his age.

The two were still in the middle of their rhythmic dance as they orgasmed, but with each thrust their pace slowed down until everything stilled, the mother sitting with her legs parted to the limit, her toes curled in pleasure and the son, standing in between her legs as they hugged each other.

Seeing his mother vulnerable, Rudeus quickly took away his mother's lips with minor resistance as he used his ample experience to give her a passionate kiss to which she responded halfway. Then he began planting small kisses all over her face as clarity slowly came to his mother, a trembling soft voice echoed around the bathroom, "Rudeus… What have we done?"