
RE: Black-Light

-A guy has a modified version of the Blacklight virus, watch him on his journey on becoming the strongest being alive. -Picture belongs to me, via A.I... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING!!!: Respective series mentioned are credited to their respective owners, all characters twisted a little are due to my creative uses...

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

CHP 40: Month 7, Control...

~Jacob's Pov~




I sat cross legged, continuously refining my control over my ki and chakra, but I've been stuck at 99% over my energy for an entire week now. In a sense, I've faced a massive bottleneck between my two energies. They felt as if they were over my control, and that singular percent felt as if it was eluding me...

But I refused to give in. With a deep, steadying breath, I whispered to myself, "I can do this..." The words echoed through my mind. I visualized the perfect harmony of ki and chakra, the seamless integration of the two energies. And with a fierce determination, I plunged back into the depths of my consciousness, driven to overcome the bottleneck that had held me back for so long.

I knew if I crossed it, I would be much more powerful than I am now...

Unfortunately, I was running out of patience, I tried the easy way of melding them together, but that last percentage. It wasn't budging a bit... Even if that was the case, I'll just force em' together-


I heard a voice. Her voice calling my name. I got too lost in my meditation again...

"Are, you okay? You're sweating bullets honey..." Bulma looked at me, worried. I didn't like that expression on her face at all... As men, it's our duty to not make our women worry, yet here I'm breaking it...

"Sorry Bulma, I just wanted to get this over with..." I shrugged softly, playing it off.

"Hmm. Well, mind if I watch you train?" She asked, with the smile I couldn't say no to.

"Alright, but if it get's dangerous, stay back and get far, ok?" I needed to keep her safe.

"Of course, though, I don't think you'll hurt me." She said, smiling again. I reciprocated.

With Bulma watching, I refocused on my training. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and summoned both my ki and chakra within me. The familiar sensation of my energies began to swirl around me, but I knew I needed to push further...

'It's now or never...' I muttered to myself, gritting my teeth as I poured all my willpower into their fusion...


I felt the air around me began to distort, as if reality itself was bending to accommodate the immense power building inside me. Bulma's eyes widened in awe, but I barely registered her reaction. My entire being was consumed by the struggle to merge my ki and chakra.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of light enveloped me, and I felt the ground tremble beneath my feet. The sound of crackling energy filled the air, and I knew I was on the cusp of a breakthrough...

The light was so intense that Bulma had to shield her eyes, but she couldn't tear her gaze away from the spectacle unfolding before her. I was a vortex of energy, my body glowing with an otherworldly aura as I wrestled with the fundamental forces of nature.

The air was filled electricity, and the very fabric of reality seemed to be bending to my will. Ki and chakra, these two damned rebellious energies, were finally beginning to merge.

The sound of crackling energy reached a fever pitch, and I felt my body begin to lift off the ground... Just a little more...

The pain was immense, it felt like my body was going to melt...




~Bulma's Pov~





I stumbled backward, my hands flying up to protect my eyes from the intense light that had erupted around him. The air was filled with electricity all over the place, and I could feel the power coursing through the air like a living thing...

Hell, I felt like I could barely breathe...

"Jacob!!!" I cried out again, my voice trembling with concern. I couldn't see anything, the light was so bright. I stumbled around, trying to get my bearings, but everything was all just a blur.

Suddenly, the light faded, and I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my vision. Jacob was standing before me, his eyes, they were glowing..

I loved his eyes, the crimson shade in them; but, this was different, they was a strange symbol in it, no, both of them... He looked as if he was going to consume me...

"J-Jacob, what's happening?" I asked, my voice shaking. I couldn't understand what was going on. One minute he was training, and the next, the world around us was exploding in a blaze of light and energy...

But, he's smiling? Jacob's smile was so serene, his eyes still glowing deeply, "It's done..." he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

I stared at him, my mind reeling. What had he done? 


~Jacob's Pov~




"It's done..." 

Other than that, I could feel my energy... No longer just ki and Chakra, but something better. I felt twice as strong as before all of this... Not just that, my vision, it felt so much clearer too...

I looked around my body; My blue colored ki had disappeared completely, returning to the shade of orangish-red it was before, but this time, it was a deep crimson color, my energy flowed like liquid. It was thicker, more substantial, like it was more potent than before.

I turned to Bulma, and my heart skipped a beat as I saw the fear etched on her face. I reached out to reassure her, but before I could speak, she flung her arms around me, holding me tightly.

"Hey, it's fine... I'm fine. See?" I tried to reassure her, but she just held me closer, her grip like a vice.

"Can... Can I just hug you a bit longer?" she whispered, her voice trembling. I felt her tears soaking through my shirt, and my heart went out to her. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close as she cried, trying to comfort her as the storm of emotions passed.

As we stood there, locked in each other's embrace, I realized that my transformation had not only changed me, but had also affected her quite a bit... 'Note to self, don't train around around her...'

"I'm sorry for that Bulma, but hey! I at least got to finish what I was trying for a week." I wanted to lighten the mood.

Bulma pulled back, her eyes still shining with tears, but a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm just glad you're okay," she said, her voice still trembling. "I was so scared when that light exploded around you."

I chuckled, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "I'm more than okay, Bulma. I'm... different. And I think I'm going to like this new me." I grinned...

"Yeah, well, get your eyes checked out first, because something is up with them." She said, but I was confused.

"Like, what? What's wrong with them?" 

"Well, they certainly look they same! Kind of, apart from the strange pattern in each of em'" 

I took a bit to process that information...

'Holy shit... I unlocked my Sharingan...'






