
RE: Black-Light

-A guy has a modified version of the Blacklight virus, watch him on his journey on becoming the strongest being alive. -Picture belongs to me, via A.I... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING!!!: Respective series mentioned are credited to their respective owners, all characters twisted a little are due to my creative uses...

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

CHP 23: The Bridge and it's Builder, Mission?... (FINALE)

~Jacob's Pov~




I had a hunch that whoever that ninja was, they shared my purpose here. However, it turned out I was mistaken, albeit slightly...

As soon as they moved off, I swiftly followed suit, however what happened next surprised me a bit. The nin I was following threw multiple senbons with pinpoint accuracy, killing the nin that engaged Kakashi's team. Or, so it appeared...

'What's their aim?...' I pondered for a second.

But, things like these couldn't escape my vision. Those senbons might seem to have killed him, but the spots that they hit were non-lethal, however, that kind of information wasn't known to typical nin. It goes to show that whoever this was, they knew there stuff...

Still, it didn't take long for the masked nin to land onto a tree, and enter into the mix of it all. But, at least now I could somewhat see what there aim was now.

'Clearly they're working with the whoever they supposedly killed, but...', I looked over on the team, they weren't in the best condition. Kakashi was the only person who would be able to deal with these level of threats, if they attacked.

On another hand, Naruto was practically fine, with his other team members too, but they still won't be strong enough...

'I'll wait this out, bide my time, just a little more...'




~Omni Pov~




Kakashi recognized the person immediately, seeing their mask, clothing and weaponry...

"You're, a mist-hunter nin..." Kakashi spoke. The figure nodded slightly. However, Kakashi stooped downward, quickly checking Zabuza's pulse to make sure Zabuza wasn't breathing.

Confirming, he felt a little calmer, 'He really is dead...' Kakashi looked back and nodded.

"I'll take care of this... I've been hunting Zabuza for quite a while... You all did a great job at handling him, but as per our customs, I will take care of his body..." The hunter nin's figure turned into a pile of leaves before being spotted where Zabuza was.

He took up his body, bowing one more time before disappearing once again...

"Haaa..." Kakashi let of a breath of ease. 


"S-Sensei?" Naruto quickly ran towards his teacher, with Sakura and Sasuke doing the same.

Kakashi didn't say much, with only a short grunt of pain, 'Looks like I used the Sharingan too much again...', His body was worn completely.

After a couple of hours, the team had found some shelter to take a break...




"Are you alright?" A young lady asked. Kakashi, now bedridden nodded slightly.

"I'm, fine... I just won't be able to move for a week or so..." Kakashi responded. 

"Still sensei, it's kinda worrying how much strain the Sharingan puts on your body, you should be a bit more careful from now on." Sakura interjected. With Naruto nodding, and Sasuke observing...

"Hey sensei... Could you explain more about that masked nin we saw earlier? He even seemed pretty young too." Naruto asked. Kakashi obliged...

"Hmm... To start off, the mask that nin wore, remember it, with its pattern it symbolizes that he is a mist-hunter nin, they are also known as body erasers. And as you can guess, they dispose of any bodies of a rouge nin, in their own area..." Kakashi took a moment to relax a bit, before he continued. 

"The reason why they do this is because a ninja's body holds very valuable information. Specifically, the chakra types, herbs and other things about the village they originate from. So as an example... If I died, they could find out about my village and the Sharingan I possess, and maybe even more things..."

"This is why they always take care of the bodies... And I hear they do a good job at it, erasing any trace of the nin they subdue." Kakashi finished...

Naruto listened intently, sensing that something was slightly amiss about the whole situation. However, he opted to keep his suspicions to himself... At least, for now.




~Jacob's Pov~




I landed on a vantage point, confirming my suspicion about everything so far: he was indeed alive, but even before this, his pulse came back...

I took a note of where the attacks were and made sure to remember them. And thanks my dive earlier, I had absorbed multiple of the creature down there, which included an octopus.

Since they had multiple minds in their bodies, I absorbed that part of their physiology, and because of it, memorizing things had become multiple times easier, and clearer for me to recall. It's just a shame that it didn't boost my thought speed much, but the increase was very much welcome and useful.

I peered down, looking at both the masked nin, and the nin named Zabuza. Nothing surprised me much, at least in regards to their conversation. Still, the name, Zabuza...

'Ahh, damnit...' 

I remember now... That name had brought up memories for me. Now, I could roughly remember the plot of the story... Though, my current knowledge at this moment was pretty iffy...

'Alright, I'll need to think for a bit...' I can't just interfere with these kinds of events. Still training Naruto to this point is already messing with his story, and seeing how unbelievably complicated this world is, it could have disastrous effects...




Still, '...Should I just take them out here and make my student's life easier?' If I did this, I would be messing with canon tremendously. Affecting this point of the story might even impair the growth Naruto should have had, and his team as well... But, I wasn't entirely sure...

I sighed at myself for taking so long to realize all this.

'...I'll just leave them be, for now... Naruto and his team should be able to handle them both anyway.' I looked back down towards them, I had realized that the masked nin; If I remember correctly, his name started with an H, regardless...

Why is his body temperature practically close to zero?...

On second thought... 'Didn't this guy have sort of special ability... That's right... It was ice-release... Yeah, if that's the case. I'll have to take some of that guy's blood as well. But, if I do anything now, It might mess things up...

For now. I'll just keep watch. My chance would come... I just needed a bit more patience, something I have an abundance of...




A day had elapsed, during which I shadowed both Zabuza and the masked ninja, whose name I learned was Haku. Through my little observations, it didn't take long to discover that they had affiliation with a notorious figure named Gatou, who I vaguely recalled from my, recent memories...

As an ANBU operative, knowledge of Gatou and his activities was practically imperative; he had gained notoriety for trafficking both goods and people, a reprehensible practice in my view.

Nonetheless, my attention was drawn to Haku's current task of gathering herbs for Zabuza, indicating a temporary halt in their activities, at least for the time being, it would be a couple more days for Zabuza to recover fully...

Recognizing Haku as the more active of the two currently, I decided to keep biding time and maintain my surveillance, despite how mundane his actions were so far.




For the past hour, I've trailed the kid closely, observing how meticulous he was at gathering herbs. Although it's a bit uneventful, it was evident that he had considerable skill, and his fair bit of knowledge in this field.

...With my understanding, Haku's proficiency could outmatch most medical ninjas, given his extensive knowledge in that field. It's a shame a guy this young and talented would have to live a life like this.

I could only shake my head at how this world even operated. Most people back in my first life skimmed through these things in the series; but now that I'm living in it, coupled with my own experience. It's utterly fucked. Kids training to become proficient killers, and some growing up, being able to rival nukes, or more.

I reminded myself sternly, not to succumb to all the corruption surrounding me. I quickly shifted my gaze towards Haku's direction, scanning the surrounding area for any signs of activity, or potential threats.

Nothing seems off so far...

'Still, Haku's current path... It's leading him dangerously close to where Kakashi's training ground was for the team.'

I turned to look if anyone was there, and sure enough, there was only Naruto there... At this rate, they'll eventually meet with each other... Whatever, this might be for the best anyway...




~Omni Pov~




Naruto's eyes widened as he caught sight of an unfamiliar figure amidst the tranquil forest setting. "Hey, who are you? What brings you to this place?" he called out, leaping down gracefully from the treetop where he had been training moments before.

Naruto's guard surged with both curiosity and caution. This spot had been carefully chosen for their training, yet here was someone who had stumbled upon it so easily.

The figure, unfazed by Naruto's inquiry, regarded him with a composed demeanor, as if recognizing the young ninja as a member of the Leaf Village, "Greetings. I'm here gathering herbs," they responded calmly, their voice laced with a polite undertone despite the unexpected interruption.

Observing the basket of herbs, coupled with the attire of the individual, Naruto's tension eased; albeit slightly, though he noted the evasion of his initial questions.

"Ah, I see... Carry on, don't mind me miss." Naruto said, hopping back to his perch.

However, a soft chuckle escaped the person's lips. "I'm not a 'miss.' I'm a boy," they clarified, prompting Naruto to pause mid-movement, casting a quick glance downward.

'Really? He's even cuter than Sakura.' Naruto remarked to himself offhandedly, a light-hearted jest escaping his lips.

"Heh... You remind me of my teacher..." Naruto said. For some reason, he felt as if he could continue the conversation with whoever this was.

However, the person had raised their eyebrow instead, curious about Naruto's comment. "In what way do I remind you of your teacher?" they inquired, amusement coloring their tone.

"Let's... Not dive into all that." Naruto replied with a sigh, he couldn't say that this person and his teacher looked attractive... That part would be too embarrassing.

"I see... Well, now that I take a good look, you have a headband on, are you a shinobi?" The person asked.

Naruto nodded, "Yeah, I'm a shinobi... In fact, you're looking at the future Hokage." Naruto smirked. The person only let out a small smile...

"I see... Well, remember me when you become Hokage..." The person then took their time to leave.

Unbeknownst to Naruto, the person's face was cold, a stark contrast of what it was during the conversation mere moments earlier.




~Jacob's Pov~




I've been waiting for the past few days... And so far, this doesn't look too good. I hoped they wouldn't cross paths much, but its unavoidable. Still, maybe I can do something about it...

I looked over to my right, seeing Gatou speak with his lackeys...

'Yeah, I can definitely do something about them.', Knowing Naruto and his team, they wouldn't deal with Gatou for how he should be dealt with, they'd let him off, give him a few years, and Gatou being Gatou, he'd likely find some way out of the locks of Konoha...

I took out the anbu masked I had, now painted in all white... I placed it on my face, looking down at where Gatous's hideout was, if everything is as it should be, Naruto and his team should be fine...




~Omni Pov~




"Boss, do you really think they'll pull this off?" questioned a subordinate, voicing doubts about the task at hand.

"They better if they want their pay," Gatou retorted dismissively, his tone laced with authority.

Meanwhile, downstairs, a newcomer had silently entered the scene. Jacob, now in his usual attire but concealed behind a mask, surveyed the surroundings with a calm demeanor.

"So, this is the place..." he mused slightly, taking in the atmosphere...

"What the heck? Who the hell are you?" demanded the guard, noticing Jacob's presence. While the rest of the men in the building turned towards the entrance, wondering who was the cause of the commotion...

Instead of responding, Jacob's sharp gaze roamed across the building, methodically scanning every corner and angle as if searching for something specific...

"89... This'll require some time," Jacob muttered to himself, his words catching the guard off guard, now; the guard now irritated by the apparent disregard.

"Ya' won't say anything? then DI-










"Wha-Wha... He... He crushed his head..." One of the men said under his voice. He saw the body of the guard fall to the ground, lifelessly...

"88 more to go..." Jacob muttered to himself.

Without hesitation, Jacob launched into action as the remaining men reacted to their fallen comrade. Jacob moved with a fluidity that belied his calm exterior, each step deliberate, heavy, calculated and powerful.

*Fwish!* He disappeared form their sights...

"S-S-Shit! Fucking do something!" One of them shouted.

The men, realizing the threat Jacob posed, lunged at him with weapons drawn. Their movements were desperate, fueled by a mix of both fear and adrenaline. However Jacob's training and experience had honed his skills to a razor's edge...

With swift and precise strikes, Jacob incapacitated his attackers one by one. His movements were economical, yet lethal; a testament to his mastery of combat. The room echoed with the clash of metal and grunts of exertion as the confrontation unfolded.

'I should test something first...' Jacob looked towards the sword that was coming at him from the right; the blade moved like it was a snail in his eyes, in that instant, he carefully placed his hand in front of it, slowly the blade sunk past his flesh, but quickly stopped at his muscles...

'Tch!... I expected as much, even despite my increase in toughness, the blades can still get pass my skin...' Jacob noted this, opting to find a suitable solution for it soon.

Despite their numbers, Gatou's men found themselves outmatched by Jacob's prowess. His efficiency was staggering, dispatching each opponent with ruthless efficiency. Using taijutsu that was foreign yet deadly.

As the last man on the first floor fell to the ground, defeated, Jacob stood amidst the aftermath of the skirmish. His breathing was steady, his focus unwavering. The room was silent once more, save for the sound of bodies hitting the floor...

No, one couldn't even call them that anymore; they all looked like a pile of bloody flesh.

Gatou, watching from the top of the building was shocked, he couldn't hide his surprise, and admiration. "Impressive," he muttered, begrudgingly acknowledging Jacob's skill.

Jacob's gaze remained fixed towards the top of the building, his expression unreadable behind the mask. 

As Gatou observed the masked man's effortless dispatch of his men, he furrowed his brows... "He looks as if he's swatting flies, and he hasn't even used a single Jutsu..." Gatou muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with fear.

"You've made quite an entrance," Gatou remarked, his tone a blend of admiration and wariness. "But taking down my men is one thing. Dealing with me is another entirely."

Jacob remained composed, "I don't think you understand..." he replied evenly, his voice carrying a heavy tone. "You, and all your men will die here today..." Jacob then raised his hands, with a bolt of electricity destroyed the camera, soon after the building shook slightly...

Gatou's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of defiance in his gaze. "You may have skill you little shit! But I have resources," he countered, gesturing subtly to the room around them, where more of his men could be seen gathering at the periphery. Gatou's anger flared as he realized the magnitude of the threat Jacob posed. "All of you, get down there, now!" he barked, his voice echoing with authority and urgency. He had been impressed by Jacob's initial display of skill, but now, a sense of unease crept over him...

This, this was more than he had anticipated, and for the first time in his life, Gatou felt a flicker of doubt. No amount of money or influence could easily buy him out of this situation...

His men only nodded, sensing Gatou's urgency, hurried to comply. They descended into the room where Jacob and Gatou faced each other, ready for whatever confrontation awaited.

Meanwhile, Jacob on the other hand remained composed, 'Onto my other tests...' Jacob walked forwards seeing the men come forwards. He sensed their levels, roughly estimated them on being high chuunin to low jonin level in strength...

The first of Gatou's men lunged at Jacob with a ferocious attack, but Jacob's reflexes were lightning-fast, and with a simple weave, Jacob dodged the strike. With efficiency, he countered the assault, effortlessly dodging strikes.

Now tired of the futile attacks, Jacob grabbed his opponent's face, slamming the man into the ground, causing a large crack in the ground. All that was left were drops of blood...

The rest of them froze at the sight... "S-Shit!" One of them said. 

Jacob simply flashed his hands, turning towards the rest. However as he did so, a massive fireball came towards him, despite seeing the attack, he didn't move an inch...





"Is... Is he dead?..." They saw a massive crater and scorch marks, as they gathered near the crater, a sudden movement caught their attention. From within the billowing smoke, Jacob emerged like a phantom, his presence a chilling reminder of the danger they faced.

Without hesitation, he seized the closest ninja, his movements swift and lethal, snapping the unfortunate individual's neck with a sickening crack. They all saw him, his clothes charred and burnt, his body on the other hand was without a scratch...

"That answers that." Jacob added.

One by one, Gatou's men fell before Jacob's onslaught. His attacks were relentless and precise, exploiting every opening with ruthless efficiency. The room echoed with the sounds of impact as bodies hit the ground.

After everything, the room was filled with nothing but blood... Jacob, only took his time, climbing his way towards his last victim was...









"Gatou... There's no use in hiding," Jacob's voice cut through the lingering echoes of battle, his tone calm yet filled with a quiet intensity. With deliberate steps, he advanced, each movement purposeful as if drawing inexorably closer to his prey.

Gatou, cowering in the shadows, felt a chill run down his spine as Jacob's presence drew nearer. Every step Jacob took seemed to tighten the vice around Gatou's heart, the weight of his impending doom bearing down on him.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Jacob closed the distance, his gaze fixed unwaveringly onto Gatou's heat signature... The air crackled with tension, the silence broken only by the steady rhythm of his footsteps.

Then, abruptly, the footsteps ceased...

'Damn it! Damn it!! Damn it!!!!' Gatou cursed in his mind.

A heavy silence descended. Gatou dared not move, his breath caught in his throat as he awaited Jacob's next move. In that suspended moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, as if bracing for the inevitable reckoning that was about to unfold.


The metal sheet bent and twisted as if it were mere paper, yielding to an unseen force of immense strength. And then, like a specter materializing from the chaos, Jacob emerged from the wreckage.

In one swift motion, he reached out and seized Gatou, effortlessly lifting him from the debris-strewn floor.

"I told you before, Gatou... There's no use in hiding..." Jacob smiled, Gatou couldn't even speak. The only thing Gatou saw last, was Jacob's mouth opening in four different directions...




~Jacob's Pov~




Despite the trail of bodies left behind, there wasn't a flicker of remorse in my heart. It was as if a veil had lifted, revealing a version of myself unburdened by the weight of morality. I don't think I should be calm about this, but maybe I had changed, regardless, there's no room for sentiments now. 

I sighed... I knew the men I killed were killers, that was for sure, no hesitated to charge at me. They participated in acts that were inhumane as well, I guess that was reason enough...

I hastened towards the battle between Zabuza and Kakashi's team. As soon as I reached the destination, the evidence of their confrontation was, easy to spot...

'Still, the area looks like a small warzone...' the whole place was filled with remnants of destructive Jutsu. From a safe distance, I took a bit of time to observe the aftermath...

They were all gone already, however, I could tell it was recent too, the blood in the air was, fresher than I expected... Still, that was good, if the battle was fruitful, I could get valuable DNA here...

I hopped down, since no one was in sight... Blood was splattered all about. Without wasting my time, I quickly willed my tendrils to consume all of it, cleaning the battlefield. Soon all the blood left, entered into me... I could feel it all. But this wasn't the right place.

No, When I head back to Konoha, I'll see what I'll gain...






