
Re: Apocalypse Online

Kaden, a comatose patient, was one of the many who had fallen because of the sudden entry of mana on Earth. But fate had other plans for him when a mysterious new patient was wheeled into his hospital room, giving him an unexpected second chance at life. Suddenly, he found himself back at the beginning, when it had all started, right before the revolutionary game 'Apocalypse Online' had launched. Kaden did not know if he had received this second chance thanks to the mysterious patient or not but he was determined to make the most of it. In a year when the game merged with reality, everything was going to change and Earth was going to take an evolutionary leap. Only this time when it happened, he was going to be ready for it. In fact, he was going to be more than ready for it. He was going to become the strongest player and claim the throne as the overlord of the new world!

Shameless_Neet · Fantaisie
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182 Chs

Just relax and watch the show

Kaden was prepared to roam about the underbelly all day long but after two short hours, he unexpectedly struck gold.

"Kind sir… please save my granddaughter…" An old man approached him, hunched over with a cane, his face wrinkled with age and concern. His eyes held a desperation that was obvious to see.

"What's wrong?" Kaden asked, his voice barely containing his excitement.

The old man's eyes welled up with tears as he explained, "My granddaughter, Lily, she's been kidnapped by a band of thieves known as the Shadow's Claw. They're demanding a ransom I cannot afford. Please, kind sir, you must help me!"

"I have begged and begged the city guards but no one is willing to help me. Please sir, my child's life is on the line." 

Kaden nodded. "Tell me more about these thieves."