
Random Powers In The Multiverse

Gabriel, a diehard fan of fiction, died unfortunately before his time. This leads to him travelling the multiverse with a random power system. (Multiverse travelling fanfiction with a random power lottery)

L_6 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Second Mission

Gabriel woke up and did his daily morning routine to make sure he was in top condition for the day. This consisted of having a shower, eating a relatively healthy breakfast and then doing some mild exercises.

He then made his Symbiote transform into his uniform and made his way to school. He had realised there was no reason to ever deactivate his Symbiote as he could just make it seem like he was wearing regular clothes. It would mean he was always ready in case something happened and he could defend himself.

Unlike before, nobody tried to mess with him and instead he was left alone to do what he wanted. It still confused Gabriel why his body's previous owner was bullied as it was not as if he was unattractive and nobody ever mentioned him doing something worthy of him being bullied, but it did not really matter any more.

As he was lying down on a bench during his lunch, he thought about how boring going to school was. Then he realised he didn't actually have to go if he didn't want to. Who would the school complain to? His parents? For all he knew they didn't even exist.

Once he realised this, Gabriel stood up and walked over to the gate that surrounded the school's outside area. He jumped straight over and started thinking about what to do next.

He thought it would probably be smart to complete another mission as he now had a very offensive power in his Symbiote as well as his more support type power in Limp Bizkit.

The mission he decided to take on next was Hex, this was because he was likely to be on Earth, and Gabriel believed he would be the easiest to take down. As soon as he decided to take on the mission, a beacon much like the one that showed where Doctor Animo was appeared.

It was quite far away, with it taking around forty minutes for Gabriel to arrive even while in his Symbiote form.

Once he arrived at the location, he saw that it was a large museum with the door blown completely off. He assumed that Hex was inside and entered without any hesitation.

Inside the museum, there were multiple corpses of people who had been inside at the time. Hex was standing in front of a glass case with a book inside and next to him was Charmcaster (Alien Force version but younger). There were also many large humanoid stone creatures with purple symbols on their bodies.

Before he was noticed, Gabriel activated Limp Bizkit and created around twenty invisible zombies which he commanded to attack the stone creatures as soon as they posed a threat to him.

Instead of rushing straight into a fight, Gabriel called out to them, "What are you guys doing?"

Hex and Charmcaster turned to face Gabriel but only Hex responded, "What sort of abomination are you, and what have you come for?"

"Well that's a bit rude of you don't you think? And I've come to kill you, nothing personal of course. I just have no other choice really."

"Well if that's the case then I'm afraid it will be you who has to die."

After saying this, Hex commanded the stone creatures to attack Gabriel only for them to be met with a counter-attack from the zombies created by Limp Bizkit. While Gabriel's zombies weren't necessarily winning the battle, they were managing to hold their own against Hex's forces.

Gabriel started to walk towards Hex and in an attempt to stop him from coming closer, Hex fired an energy blast towards Gabriel. There was not much Gabriel could do to stop this as it was moving incredibly fast, so he just let it hit his body. Surprisingly, it did not do too much damage and he continued walking forward while his Symbiote healed itself back to normal.

Hex kept firing spells at Gabriel only for them to have no effect as he continued to approach. Along the way, some of the stone creatures defeated his zombies and tried to attack him. However, their attempts all failed as he smashed them into pieces easily with his fists.

As soon as he reached Hex, he attempted to punch him but his hand was held back by an energy barrier of some sort. This would not be enough to stop his attack though, as Gabriel continued to send a barrage of punches down on the barrier.

Not long after, it started to crack and eventually shattered which allowed Gabriel's attacks to get through to Hex. The punch that had hit Hex was an uppercut to the jaw, and it sent him flying upwards due to the sheer force behind the attack.

Hex hit into the ceiling and then dropped back down to the ground. While neither the attack or the fall had killed him, Hex was severely injured. As he was attempting to stand back up and recover, Gabriel stomped on Hex's skull and a loud shatter was audible to everyone in the vicinity.

'Optional Mission: Kill Hex has been completed. Rewarding 1 lottery ticket.'

Unlike the last mission he had completed when he killed Dr Animo, Hex had not been alone. During his fight with Hex, Charmcaster (Hex's niece) had not intervened and had instead gone to assist the stone creatures and they had now managed to overpower all of Gabriel's zombies.

Now that Hex was dead, Gabriel would have to deal with Charmcaster if she attacked him despite not gaining a reward for it. He walked over to her still in his Symbiote form and saw that she did not seem affected by her uncle's death. Despite his original intention to talk to her, she was the one who spoke first, "It seems as though you've killed my uncle, I should thank you really. My freedom with him was heavily restricted and I was planning on taking that book for myself."

"I thought I was going to have to kill you as well if I'm being honest. I don't have an incentive to do so but I assumed you would at least attack me or something."

"No, I'm quite alright with my uncle's death so as long as I can take that book I will be on my way. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you? I have seen many aliens, but none resembling your species."

"Oh, I'm just a human." Gabriel removes the Symbiote from his face for a second before covering himself fully once again). "See, just a normal guy. You can go get your book now if you want."

After he said this, Gabriel heard a voice that was neither his or Charmcaster's, "It's hero time."

Gabriel just had one thought after hearing this, 'Oh god, not Ben.'

He turned around to look at the source of the noise, and he saw Ben had transformed into four arms and was running towards him. Gabriel did not move, but as soon as Ben reached him he threw a punch that hit him directly in the stomach and sent Ben flying backwards. This had winded Ben and caused him to revert back to human form.

As both Gwen and Max were also there, Gabriel shot out webbing towards them both and stuck them to a wall.

Charmcaster who had finished collecting the book was shocked at this, "Wow, me and my uncle had so much trouble with those guys in the past and you took them down like it was nothing."

"He just had a bad match up, if Ben had transformed into something else then he might've had a chance."

"Wait, you know them too?"

"Yep, they're relatively helpful as they take out small threats that I have no reason to kill."

"I was thinking, do you want to help me steal another book I need. I was going to do it with my uncle, but you know what happened there."

"You know what, yeah sure." (Gabriel made his Symbiote just appear to be normal clothes like he had before). "Let's go get some food or something first though. One more thing before we go though, what's your name?"

"My name's Charmcaster, but you can just call me Charm."

"Sounds good, let's go now though, I am starving."

Gabriel and Charmcaster walked out of the museum and paid no attention to the multitudes of police sirens that could be heard approaching the scene. After all, food was the most important thing to Gabriel right now.

He decided on using his lottery ticket after getting food.

(What should his next power be? Genuinely got no idea what to make it. Leave some suggestions of powers you would want to see in the future. It has to be a specific power from any form of fiction. So it can't be just a generic ability, it has to be something like the current powers rather than just fire resistance for example).