
Random K-Pop System

An ex-assassin connected with a random system after death (not a dark story), get a chance to restart his life, what will he do? K-pop story, enjoy.

dexxterzxc · Politique et sciences sociales
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35 Chs

Ch 7 Freedom

Jay goes back to his room and changes his clothes.

'We still have some time before Jee Eun and her family arrives, what are you going to do now oppa?'

'The morgue.'


He takes the elevator to go down to the basement, a security guard is sleeping on the counter in front of the morgue.

"Ahjussi, wake up please."

"Hmm? A boy? What are you doing down here, are you lost?"

"No, I'm here to see my parents."

"Oh... I'm sorry boy, what's your parents' name?"

He tells him the names and informations of his parents, of course they were all provided by Random beforehand.

"Okay, take these two numbers, show it to the ahjussi inside this room, he will tell you what to do."

"Thanks ahjussi."

"Hey! Cheer up alright?"

"I will." He answers as he enters the morgue.

"Poor kid..."


Inside, a messy looking man is doing some paperwork on his desk, hearing the sound of door opening, he lifts his head up.

"A kid? How can I help you?"

"The guard outside told me to show you these." He passes him the numbers.

"...come with me." He brings Jay to the freezer.

"Are you sure you wanna see this? We can just skip to the next procedure if you want."

"I wanna see them for one last time."

"...as you wish." He pulls both the bodies out from the freezer.

"Can you give us a moment please?"

"Of course, just look for me at the desk when you are done, and take your time."


"Sorry to say this but, as you two know, I'm actually not your real son, your real son too died during the accident, if you haven't seen him up there, just wait a little longer, I'm sure he is on his way there. Everything I know about the three of you are told by my partner Random, but from what I heard, you guys were a great family, brave kid, even braver parents. I promise to take care of this body, so may the three of you find peace up there, I will always pray for you." He whispers softly while looking at both the corpses, after that he stayed silent for a minute before going back to the diener.

"Oh you are back, so you are done?"


"Alright, these are their death certificates, and these were their belongings." A purse, two phones, two wallets, a broken watch, two rings, a gate remote and a bunch of keys, that's everything.

"How do you want to dispose the body?"

"Hold on, let me ask." He takes out a coin from the wallet.

"Omma, appa, heads for proper burial and tails for cremation."



"Cremation it is."

"Alright, I'm gonna the people from the crematorium to collect the bodies, you can arrange the details of the funeral with them when they arrive."

"Thank you."


They arrive 10 mins later

"We need two days to prepare everything for the funeral, in the meantime, you should invite your relatives and close friends to the funeral to send them off."

"I'll do that, thank you. I'll leave everything else to you guys, the costs don't matter, I want the best service you can provide."

"If you want the best service, the cost would be around 100000 won."

"Here, this the deposit, after funeral, I'll pay you the remaining half." He takes out five 10000 notes from his dad's wallet and passes them to the staff.

"Consider it done."


'You okay oppa?'

'Of course I am, don't worry about me, how many deaths do you think I've seen in my whole my life?'

'This one's different though.'

'Different, but still doesn't change anything, gotta move on.'

'Just know if you any consolation, I'm here alright?'

'Yeah, I know. Anyway, we have to leave the hospital and prevent Jee Eun and her family from coming in here, it's over if they meet the physician again.'

'What do you plan to do then?'

'I'm gonna meet them at the entrance, let's go see the counter lady.'


"Morning miss, the physician gave me this consent letter and told me to come see you for my official discharge."

"Oh morning! Let me take a look, Jay Kim... involved in an accident two days ago, transferred from ICU to general ward yesterday, free to discharge today, signed by the cheif physician herself. Okay, let update on my computer, and... there you go! Congratulations on your discharge, please stay safe in the future okay?"

"Nae! By the way miss, can I use your computer for awhile? I'm waiting for someone to come and fetch me, and it's so boring."

[Charm successful]

"Erm, sure... but you gotta let me use it if someone come to the counter okay?"

"No problem, it will take just a second, can you get me a water please? I'm so thirsty."

"Sure!" She turns to her back fills a cup of water for him, he uses that moment to change the date here too.

"Here you go, I put some ice in it for you too!"

"Thank you miss! Ah refreshing! Oh! I see them, they are here! I gotta go miss! Look at this coin, once it hits the desk, you will go back to your duty and forget everything that has happened in the last five minutes."




'Now we really are safe, when you are creating a lie, you gotta make sure to cover it on both side.'

'Woooah! Lesson learnt! As expected of oppa!'

'Now, the problem is these people in front of us, I need to do some convincing again. How many times has it been today? Three?'

Jee Eun and her grandmother have arrived.

"Omo Jay oppa! Why are you out here? Go back in quickly!" Jee Eun grabs his arm and pulls him inside.

"What are you doing?" But Jay didn't even move an inch from his spot.

"Getting you back inside you dummy! You are a patient! Halmeoni, say something!"

"Jay ah, Jee Eun is right, you shouldn't be out here, let's get back inside okay? Look, I bought something nice, chicken soup!"

"C-chicken soup?! Wait, I can't be swayed by that. Halmeonim, I'm here because the physician has agreed on my discharge, look, this the consent letter."

"Where? Show me!" Jee Eun snatches the letter away before her grandma could.

"How is this possible? The physician might have made a mistake, we have to go talk to her, let's go!"

"Jee Eun ah! The doctors did multiple checkups on me this morning, there's no way they made a mistake. Plus, do I look like a patient to you right now?"


"Trust me, I know my body the best. Anyway, I don't even care if you agree or not, I'm gonna go home one way or another."

"Oppa you...! Hmph!" (#`3´)

"How about this, if you really worry about me that much, how about you and halmeonim stay at my home for the time being? That way you can take care of me yourself, and I won't feel lonely as well, win-win situation!"

"Oppa..." Hearing that, tears start forming in her eyes.

"Please?" He holds her head with both his hands.

"Halmeoni..." She turns and looks at her grandma with puppy eyes. (;_ ;)

"Let's go take a look at your house first, then we will decide what to do next."

"Okay! Let's wait for a taxi."


P.s There probably won't be anymore 'Charm' appearance in the near future.

P.p.s The real plot will start after chapter 10.