
Raising a Demon Empire

Being able to leaving from her past lives' grief and pain through death. Lishe Que began looking forward to being an annoying ghost. Sadly a certain god had heard of her plans and completely destroyed it by having her reincarnate in another world. Being chained to a physical body, with her trusty system (another chain)she is forced to complete missions to create the perfect demon empire. Having had so many things not going her way Lishe discovers ways on how to destroy or escape the system while having trouble becoming a ghost. It is her decisions that locks that worlds possible fate.

Scout_tag · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

5 Food

From daybreak to midday, most if not all of the animals in the forest have awoken. And that is the amount of time a small rabbit like Lishe took before giving up on looking for her home.

Now she is looking for food. She admits that she has thought of starving to death as her way of becoming a ghost but...dying by starving takes a while and her greatest flaw is boredom.

There is grass and leaves everywhere and anywhere she went. It was free and fresh any rabbit would enjoy. Now that Lishe thought of it why did her group of rabbits need to go so far away from the den to look for food? There was grass all around the den when she first hopped out. Was there something she was missing? Did her species of rabbit need to eat something specific?

Looking around she laid her eyes on a piece of grass. Might as well test it out...right? With her curiosity starting to eat at her mind and stomach grummbling. Lishe gave in and lifted her head closer to the piece of grass; her rabbit mind thinking how tasty it looked. Sadly, she never got a taste before she saw a bug with large bright wings and quickly backed away.

The startled bug flew out of the grass and flew right in front of Lishe who immediately shut her mouth tightly scared that this was a suicidal bug that wanted to be eaten. She for one was not starving enough to eat a bug.

The 'bug' without knowing Lishe's thought started hitting the sides of her mouth angry that a small rabbit almost gave it a heart attack. All Lishe felt was a ticklish feeling on her snout and the ringing of small bells couldn't be clearer.

Lishe, as the smart and decisive perso- rabbit she knows herself as doesn't dare admit that she confused a 'bug' for a fairy. But then again she is now a rabbit, saw a battle that shouldn't be possible and a fairy doesn't sound that crazy.

With a certain amount of acceptance lishe looked straight at the glowing fairy that is struggling to win against a snout.

After a bit the little fairy gave up and took a thinking stance in the air looking at the dumb little bunny, that looked to be done with everything, from time to time. At the end of it's thoughts it seemed to have realized something showing a small evil grin before being replaced with a polite smile aimed at the bunny, gesturing for the furball to follow.

Lishe slightly felt she was being lured by a kidnapper, the fairy, but sadly she was already lost and the fairy being the cute child friendly fairy it was...She became willingly and knowingly kidnapped. Hopefully it leads her to food that doesn't have anymore confusing bugs.

The small fairy lead Lishe deeper into the forest. The light slowly and steadily disapeared the deeper the two went in until the only light left was the one that the fairy was emmiting.

The deeper they went the more confused and panicked the fairy got every time it looked back at the fur ball. It was expecting something to happen to the rabbit but it was still there each time it looked back at it.

Calming itself down a bit. Looking away from the bunny, it was ready to keep on going for a while more before giving up. But it changed its mind and completely came to a stop the moment it saw a certain glowing flower and quickly hid behind a nearby tree.

Lishe was confused as to why the fairy just flew behind a tree. So she was about to send a questioning look to the little fairy but then her nose caught a whiff of the best scent in the world.

If her mind was willing to follow a very suspicious fairy, her mind would hold even less objections in following her nose on an empty stomach.

The smell was coming from the single glowing flower in the area. Now that lishe thinks about it, the fairy could have probably noticed that she was hungry so...this flower could be what the nice fairy was trying to show her!

Ah...the fairy helped her find food. This is such a nice fairy.

The flower was clean, no bugs and smelled delicious; It was the perfect meal. Lishe looked over at the weirdly shivering fairy in thanks. As she savors every last bit of the flower, knowing, that this was the fairy that lead her to this sweet treasure.

The fairy looked at the dumb rabbit in extreme horror as it hopped right to the brightly shining flower.

The fairy wished to stop the dumb creature but the force emitting from the flower could crush even the most powerful of creatures if it took the wrong step. This felt like another horror story, from the great mother fairy's time. The fairy was frozen in place unable to look away. It couldn't understand what that dumb fur ball wanted with the most dangerous and well known plant in this forest.

The moment the rabbit began eating the flower. Was when the fairy knew, how right it was to call this rabbit dumb.

Lishe was greatly disappointed with the taste.

The taste didn't live up to the flowers smell. She was expecting great taste and pleasure only to get plain grass with a sour taste. She came from a world of false advertisements, she should have known when something too good to be true showed up in front of her. But she still couldn't resist.

She looked at the flower, now glowing faintly, in her mouth in disappointment and continued to chew on it. Hunger really can get to someones head. She even forgot to check if it is a poisonous flower or if it has any after-effects like: nausia, pain, vomiting or even death. She did think of radiation poisoning but she then considered that since the fairy is also glowing but still alive she should also be fine.

She does want to become a ghost but...she knew if she died now. Nowhere near her riches, her handsome men, or the human populace in general, she'd curse the day this flower sprouted. Then again it's probably best not to hold a grudge on the flower. Just in case.

Halfway finished with her disappointing flower. She then heard something that immediately stopped her chewing and even caused her stomach to scrunch up in extreme distaste.