
King Orm

Bruce Wayne also took this to observe the combat effectiveness of these Atlantis soldiers and found that it is indeed worthy of attention.

Arthur Curry was a burly figure. He knew he was a hunk at a glance, but under the siege of Atlantis soldiers, he could not escape being knocked out in the end. From the side, it can also reflect the strength of Atlantis soldiers.

They are well-equipped, and if they are in large numbers, they will pose a big threat to humans on land!

Bruce Wayne began to think, if the Atlanteans in the video want to wage war on land, how should he deal with this crisis?

At the same time, Arthur Curry in the video was caught in a magnificent palace.

Wearing golden armor, King Orm sat high on the throne, while Arthur Curry was bound by chains.

King Orm naturally had no good attitude toward his wild brother, and after taunting him, he lashed out at the terrestrial people for their various evil deeds that have continuously polluted the marine environment in recent years.

He emphasized that the war he launched was famous and just!

As the son of Queen Atlanta, Arthur Curry stood on the side of the landers and became a traitor to Atlantis!

This is why King Orm dealt with Arthur Curry!

"I guess he still doesn't know that his fiancée has betrayed him." Diana smiled not disgustingly.

When King Orm was angry in the video, his fiancee Mera was sitting next to the throne, and on the other side was a close friend of King orm.

However, both of them have already taken refuge in Arthur Curry.

Frankly speaking, from the perspective of some bystanders, King Orm is the proper face to suffer, and his fiancée and trusted minister have all betrayed him.

However, as a landman, Bruce Wayne naturally felt that King Orm had a pit in his head. The ocean area was much larger than that of the land, and the land people had limited exploration of the ocean.

The seven seas under Atlantis' control are much larger than the land. It is not good for the two sides to coexist peacefully, so they have to shout and kill.

"The problem now is, if nothing else, King Orm should also see this future video now, Arthur, your friends may be in trouble." Bruce Wayne reminded me.

What Arthur Curry did in the video was exactly what he wanted. Arthur Curry glanced at Bruce and did not speak.

Mera, the red-haired woman in the video, doesn't know him yet, but she will be his friend in the future. As for the middle-aged man on the other side of the Orm Throne, Vico.

That is his old acquaintance.

Vico was regarded as Arthur Curry's teacher and guide. He taught the Atlanteans special fighting skills, and the two had a very close relationship.

Arthur Curry couldn't help but become anxious, and at the same time he cursed in his heart, why does this weird game have to pull him in?

The future has been exposed, can it still be considered the future?

In the depths of the ocean, there is also a huge light curtain floating.

A large group of Atlanteans gathered around the light curtain. When Arthur Curry appeared in the video, it caused a lot of disturbance.

Before this, not all Atlanteans knew about the existence of Arthur Curry. After all, Atlantis combined with humans and gave birth to a mixed-race child, which was a scandal for the royal family of Atlantis.

The high-level people just need to know it in their minds, and naturally, they won't promote it to the bottom level.

But it's different now.

"Queen Atlanna has another son. He is our eldest prince? So, this Prince Arthur should be our king?"

"No! Arthur Curry is a hybrid wild species, how can he be the king of our Atlantis?"

"King Orm wants to start a war on land. This is the most important thing! Isn't peaceful life bad now? If the war goes on, how many people will die? We don't need war!"

"Yes, we should not start a war hastily, and we are used to the ocean environment, there is no need to go back to land again!"

The Atlanteans started an argument, not paying too much attention to Arthur Curry, after all, it was just a wild species.

What they care more about is that King Orm's swelling ambitions will bring war.

Whether they are on the land or the Atlanteans in the sea, most of them do not want war.

It is precise because of this that King Orm in the video has to give him his ambition to launch a war and whitewash a layer of justice.


King Orm looked at his fiancée and important minister in disbelief, "Why are you betraying me and helping a wild species?"

Mera started without looking at him, "If you want to start a war, then I will stop you at all costs like the future shown in the video!"

Vico frowned and said: "The future has not happened yet, and there is time to make changes! Orm, if you can bring long-term peace and security to the Atlanteans, then we have no reason to betray."

"Hehe..." King Orm sneered," Have you forgotten the glory of your ancestors? We did not come to the depths of the ocean voluntarily, the former Atlantis was the overlord on land! "

The disappointment in the minister's eyes could not be concealed: "So, you really will fight the land like the future?"

Orm did not answer, his attitude was already acquiescence, and then he waved his hand, and immediately several red-armored guards stepped forward and took them down.

Neither Veco nor Mera resisted. They were surrounded by troops loyal to King Orm. It was a wise choice not to resist.

Seeing them being taken away, Orm turned his head and looked at the light curtain, watching Arthur Curry in the light curtain, and his energetic self said in his heart: "Since everything is clear, then just find an opportunity to directly wage War on land!"

In the light curtain video, King Orm and Arthur Curry started a duel, which ended in the victory of King Orm.

the next question also came out.

["can Arthur Curry find Poseidon's trident and be recognized by this Atlantis artifact?"]

["A: he succeeded in doing it

b: he failed."]

The new question was a follow-up to the previous one. When Om saw it, his face suddenly collapsed, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

According to legend, the Poseidon Trident possesses the power to command the Seven Seas, and it is also the symbol and token of the Atlantis king. If this wild brother can find the Poseidon Trident and obtain its approval. then he will be in great danger.

"The answer to this question is b! He will never find the trident, let alone get the approval of Poseidon's trident!"

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