
Quests in Every Anime World

I, An Orphan Who Died Due To Being Crushed By Ruins During An Earthquake Was Given A Chance To Live Again. But Because Of A Mistake, I Got Reincarnated In The Anime World I've Been Watching. I'm quite grateful for that mistake because it allows me to enjoy life in the anime world. This Reincarnation Is Not Free, I Have To Complete Every Quest Given. Completing the Quests Wasn't a Problem Because I Got Something Better. ===== This is just a fanfiction story. I Do Not Have Any Authority Regarding Any Series I Write. English is not my main language, if there is a wrong word, please understand.

ArthZY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Sports Festival Begins!

There are still 2 weeks before the Sports Festival begins. During this time, we class 1-A train hard in order to show the best performance.

Apart from doing Daily Quests, I also practice my skills, especially the new skill I got, namely Sharing Sense.

I need to get used to not feeling any discomfort while using it.

Also, I'm training to control more shadows. Not only that, I'm also trying to get rid of my habit of forming shadows with my hands.

I want to be able to make shadows only with imagination so that I can be more flexible in the future.

Practice not only at home, but also at school when you go home with other students.

I helped others practice, in return they also helped me. And not felt, 2 weeks went quickly.

Finally, the UA High School Sports Festival was held today.


Going to school, we, grade 1 students, were immediately ordered to change into our sports clothes.

I quickly changed into my sports clothes in the locker room then headed to the waiting room for class 1-A, where many students had already gathered.

When I entered, I heard Mina complaining that she wanted to wear a Hero Costume, to which Ojiro answered that Hero study programs were prohibited from wearing costumes in order to maintain sportsmanship.

Others wonder what the first race will be like, because every year it's different.

I looked for a seat and greeted the classmates who were near me, including Momo who recently had a slightly different attitude towards me.

The reason may be what I said at the time of the USJ incident, either because my words were a little sassy and hurt her feelings.

Maybe I'll apologize later.

Not long after, Iida entered the room "Guys! Are you ready? Soon the program will start" Hearing Iida's words, all the students were tense, nervous, excited.

When all the students were about to leave the room, Todoroki approached Midoriya which made the other students curious.

"Todoroki-kun? What's wrong?" (Midoriya)

"Even if you look at it objectively, I think my skills are superior" Todoroki said this sentence firmly as if not allowing Midoriya to deny it.

Midoriya himself also knew and confirmed what Todoroki said.

Moreover, Midoriya just got One For All about 1 month. With how strong One For All is, it makes Midoriya unable to control it properly.

"But, you have caught All Might's attention. Not that I want to interfere in your personal matters, I will beat you" Todoroki said seriously, showing his determination to win this Sports Festival on display.

The other students were shocked by Todoroki's declaration of war as the top student in the class. Immediately, Kirishima stood up to stop Todoroki.

"Oi, Oi, Oi. What's with the sudden fight? Stop this" Kirishima grabbed Todoroki's shoulder which he immediately brushed away.

"We're not here to put on a friendship play. What I do is up to me, right?" Todoroki turned around after this, but Midoriya spoke behind him.

"Todoroki-kun, I don't understand what you were thinking when you said you wanted to beat me, of course you are superior to me.

Your ability, in my opinion, is above the others, even if viewed objectively. I can't be left behind, I'll do this seriously" Midoriya also said this with great determination, willing to do anything to win even if it means breaking his arms and legs again.

Midoriya's statement was responded to calmly by Todoroki, accepting the determination shown by Midoriya to win this Sports Festival.

Bakugo, who was silent in his seat, was unhappy with Todoroki's declaration of war on Midoriya.


Currently at the UA High School Sports Stadium, gathered a lot of people ranging from civilians to even Heroes.

They all came here excited to be able to witness the upcoming event.

This Sports Festival is also broadcast on TV so that more people can watch this event without the need to come to the location.

On the big monitors in the stadium, Present Mic appears who is currently serving as Event Host.

"Hey! Attention please, audience. Media crowd. This year, your favorite youth school event, the UA High School Sports Festival, is about to start everybody" Present Mic hosted the event enthusiastically showing that he himself was also anticipating the participants' performances.

"Students, please enter the Class 1 Stadium! The first to enter, the class involved in overcoming the attacks of Villains, Hero Study Program, Class 1-A" Present Mic shouted, announcing the arrival of our class in the Stadium.

We walked in with all kinds of feelings, from nervous to worried to confident to excited.

"Even though the broadcast time is short, this class has a lot of abilities! Hero Study Program, Class 1-B!

Next, General Study Program, Class C, D, E! Support Study Program, F, G, H then finally Business Study Program I, J, K!

Class 1 SMA UA, everyone gathered" (Present Mic)

Students from other classes who are not from the Hero Study Program feel they are only a complement.

Most of the audience's attention was on the Hero Program, especially Class 1-A which had just been attacked by the Villains.

Then, on the podium stands Hero 18+, Midnight as this year's Chief Referee. All the spectators were excited and some blushed upon seeing Midnight's presence.

"Participant Agreement Time!" Midnight stood on the podium waving his not-so-long whip.

"To the student representative, Class 1-A, Katsuki Bakugo!" (midnight)

Hearing his name being called, Bakugo walked calmly towards the podium while putting his hand in his trouser pocket.

Up on the podium, Bakugo still shoved his hands into his pockets. Facing the microphone, taking the oath.

"The deal, I'll be number one!" Bakugo said loudly, declaring himself the winner of this event.

Of course, Bakugo's sentence made the other students feel belittled and not accepted, cheering Bakugo for not being arrogant.

Iida came to the front of the line to address Bakugo. "Why are you provoking them?"

Bakugo turned to face the crowd of students then replied.

"At least, be a useful stepping stone for me" said Bakugo while making a disdainful gesture by making a thumbs down.

After Bakugo's loud statement, Midnight as the host immediately announced the first race.

"Okay, let's get started right away. The first competition, or often called the preliminary round, the competition is...

Obstacle Race" (Midnight)


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Don't forget the Power Stone if you

have any left.

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