

A journey to find myself

natalie_bishanga · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1; Someone Calling My Name

" R-a-n-n-y" l heard someone whispering my name and l looked around only to find my desk mate reading a book.

"Did you call me?"l asked and she gave me a weird look.

"No i didn't" with that she continued reading her book and l just shook my head.

"R-a-n-n-y, r-a-n-n-y" i heard it again and i looked at my desk mate but she was busy with her book. What's wrong with me am l hallucinating again or is she playing a prank on me.

"R-a-n-n-y, ohh r-a-n-n-y" am sure this is definitely a prank.

"Will you stop calling my name and tell me what you want!!!" finally l snapped at her, and she looked at me like i was some madwoman.

"Ranny what's going on there" the teacher finally came when she heard me shouting.

"Maam it's her i don't know what's her problem is, she is just calling my name but when i ask her what she wants she pretends to read a book like she said nothing.

"Is this true Tiana?"

"No maam it's not true i never called her name, l swears if you don't believe me, you can ask Suzan, she was here the whole time."

"Suzan tell us did you hear anything?"the teacher asked Suzan.

"No maam l didn't hear anything apart from her asking if Tiana called her name but she said no."

"Did anyone hear Tiana calling Ranny pls tell us?"but everyone said no.

"Miss Ranny if this is one of your pranks again you will not be spared, now go to the principal's office" the teacher said giving me one of her scary eyes and l had no choice but to go. l dragged my tired body and confused face to the principal's office. I looked at the white door with the big words 'PRINCIPAL OFFICE' and knocked lightly.

"Come in" l heard the principal answer in a gravelly voice and l hesitated a bit before opening the door." As always l saw his picture on the dark walls first before stepping in. Even though l came here a few times l still few like l have just entered a new world on its own. There he was sitting behind the dark brown scale desk with his big glasses and a cold gloomy aura surrounding him. l had the urge to turn around, but l held myself together. l need to prove my innocence.

"Miss Ranny what trouble did you cause again?"he asked gravellier making my legs tremble and my fingers start to shake.

"Sir l didn't do anything wrong the girl beside me was the one calling my name but denied it when the teacher asked her.

"Let me guess this the fifth time you came here clamming someone is calling your name, but they dined it. Do you think the kids love playing pranks on you or its just you are hearing things?"

"I am sure they are playing a prank on me sir because its sounds so real!"

"l thought abt it and finally came up with two conclusions, its either you are faking it or you might be sick what do you say miss Ranny?"

"Sir am definitely not faking it "l said nodding continuous.

"Then that means you are sick let me call your mom so we can discuss this with her this might be a serious problem"

"But sir ----"

"No buts, sit down and l will call your mom" l wanted to protest but the look on the principal's face made me sit down defeatedly.

What's going on me with why l keep hearing these things am l really sick or something else is going on with me. l don't want to stress mom right now, she already got a lot on her plate but on the other side of the room l could already hear my mom's voice "I will be there in a moment principal thank you for calling me."

"It's okay madam" and he cut the call then gave me a shady look and said "She is on her way sit there until she comes" with that he went back to doing his work.

After a while of staring at the dark walls and the complicating paintings on the walls l finally heard the door opening and a worried voice i was very familiar with.

"Mom" l called to her softly afraid if l shout she might break down.

"Ranny are you okay, did something happen to you?"mom asked continuous with an extremely worried face.

"Mrs. Raiven, pls sit down let me explain" l heard the principal say and my mood drooped from one to zero.

"After coming down for a second she finally sat down.

"Mrs. Raiven l called you here to tell you about what your daughter have been experiencing here. So, you see your daughter have been hearing people calling her name a lot these days but truly speaking there is no one calling her and that got me really worried that's why l called you here."

"Mom it's not like that am sure l had someone call my name a couple of times why would l lie to you?"

"Ranny let the principal finish first then you can tell me what happened okay?"l looked at her and just snorted.

"I apologize on behalf of my daughter pls continue principal"

"It's okay, so as l was saying this is the fifth time she has been here because of that and l strongly believe she might be ill and need to visit the hospital."

"No l won't go am fine pls believe me."

"Ranny l think it's time to go see a doctor, you also do that at home too. At first l thought nothing abt it but looking at it now it's even happening at school today we are going to a hospital and l will ask them to do a quick check up on you don't worry if it's nothing srs will go back home okay?"

"Fine but there is nothing wrong with me."

"Let the doctors be the judge of that."