

A journey to find myself

natalie_bishanga · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2; Meeting The Doctor

"Patient number 20?. " l heard the nurse shout.

" Here!" my mom shouted back

"Please come this way maam" she nodded then dragged me with her to follow the nurse. l would rather go sleep than be here. l don't like to be around so many people makes me feel like am suffocating.

"Sit here for a moment the doctor will be with you shortly" after that the nurse left closing the door behind him. l looked around the room, everything was just pure white and i couldn't help nodding my head this room is not tht bad but eey the medicine smell was also trapped in here making me wanna puke.

l was busy wondering if l should go to the restroom to wash my face or just stay put when the other door opposite to the one we came through opened revealing a man around his 30s wearing a white coat and thick glasses. Seriously what's with the glasses these days is it some trending fashion l don't know abt but why isn't my mom wearing any. The last time l checked she was the number one fashionist in our community maybe google started lying to her again.

"Oh hello there" the doctor greeted us while looking at his papers then sat on the other side of the table.

"I am Doctor Dreck and l will be helping you in diagnosing the problem with your daughter. So, it says here you are hearing things huh."

"Tell me what's your name?" doctor Dreck asked looking at me.

"Rania" l replied looking at him confusingly.

"Rania what a nice noble name, so Rania ---do you mind if i call you Ranny?" he asked me again and l already knew what he was trying to do but just shook my head.

"Then Ranny can you tell me how old you are?"

"I am 15. "

"l hear that you have been hearing things these days can you explain to me what exactly that you hear?"

"Mostly l hear someone calling my name but not too loud it's like someone is whispering my name in my ears."

"The voice of this person can you tell me if it's a man or woman?" hmm i never really thought abt that was it a man or woman i can't figure it out, so l just shook my head confused.

"It's okay but try to pay more attention next time, okay?" he asked and i just nodded.

"The voice how often do you hear it?"

"Mostly when am around people but it also happens when am alone."

"Okay, so is there any part of your body that hurts or aches or any other discomfort?"

"Hmm not really apart from having a headache and Feeling dizzy when am hungry there is nothing else."

"Mrs Rivan is it?"

"Yes it is."

"From the information i have gathered we need to do a brain scan, the headache and dizziness might be connected to the things she is hearing, and it must be done soon before it gets worse."

"Yes, doctor let me go pay the bill while you do the scan i can't go back home now knowing that something might be wrong with her pls doctor do the scan today."

"I will scan her, but the results will likely come out tomorrow or the day after."

"It's okay l understand do what you have to do doctor."

"l will, so Ranny did you eat anything 2 hrs ago?"

"Hmm l did an hour ago."

"Okay then we will do the scan in the next 2 hrs. Mrs Raiven you go pay the bill while l make the necessary arrangements. "

"Thank you doctor Dreck."

"Don't worry abt it it's my job."

We bid the doctor temporary goodbye then we went out. My mom went to pay the scan bill and l went outside. lt was cold inside and suffocating so l decided to go sit on the lawn under the warm sun. l looked up at the clear blue sky that never failed to melt my heart and sighed. How did it come to this everything doesn't make sense.

Am l really sick or maybe something is going on but what could it be.

I sighed again. Everything is moving so fast now look am already at the hospital and l am about to get a brain scan ugh l just wanna sleep.


"Hmm" l replied thinking it was mom but when l looked around there was no one and l couldn't help it but sigh again.

"Behind you" hmm this is new maybe someone is really calling me. l looking behind me but the was no one there.

"Come outside" l looked at the gate then started walking towards it suddenly l felt someone's hand on my shoulder and jumped in fright only to see my mom wearing a worried face.

"Ranny are you okay l have been calling you for a while now, but you seemed lost and where were you going?"

"l heard someone calling and told me to come outside" l said to my mom who looked like she would cry any moment.

"Okay that's enough we going to have the scan now l can't take this anymore" my mom said sobbing and dragging me back inside.

Wait was l just hallucinating just now ohh boy this is dangerous.

"You stay here and no matter what you hear don't move am coming back in a second" after saying she left maybe to the restrooms l guess. She finally came back after 15 mins looking better now and sat beside me.

"Ranny, you have to listen to the doctors l know nothing is wrong with you and l don't doubt whatever you say too but we have to be 100% sure for me and also you to feel at easy okay?" even though l didn't want to believe that something was indeed wrong with me what just happened now scared me to the core.

"Yes, mom l understand don't worry" l said smiling at her and like that the wait continued.