

The perfect life of a beautiful daughter of a Senator, Jessica Gilbert takes a drastic turn after her father dies. She ends up being maltreated and raped by her uncle and cousin, later she discovers who's behind her parent's death, and tries to stand up for them, but ends up dying in the process. Jessica's death gives way to the birth of a vengeful Queen of Atlantia. Lilith the devil's wife takes interest in her and initiates her in her court and takes her up as her most precious Ally because of her Maternal ancestor, king Euphorion. Jessica's transformation to Queen Marina will bring confusion into the household of her enemies. Will she be able to keep her promise to Lilith and avenge her parents, or will she fall in love all over again with Kelvin Christopher, the son of Bishop Christopher whom she was sent to kill as her first assignment, Will bishop Chris allow the love to happen between them, Will uncle Jude and Helen repent and escape vengeance?

Favour_Aderemi · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 15- Trash it out..

I sat facing uncle Jude who was looking miserable, he knelt and put his hands together, "Where's my money? 600Billion" He started begging me for mercy. I enjoyed the look on his face and sat comfortably in the couch, and placed my leg on the table. He knew he was in deep trouble as he couldn't Access anything in his account. "My account, assets and shares has been seized And I don't know how to get it ma!" I sat up and faced him "Yeah about that I seized it all, it's not your bloody property! it's all mine, UNCLE JUDE!" He looked up at me and tried to read my face but then shook his head!

"You are doubting who's in your presence, well I hate wasting time, I'm Jessica, yeah the same Jessica you killed her parents and only brother and raped and killed. Actually Jessica had to die for queen to be born. So let's get down to business, I'm not here to play hide and seek with you, I'm here to get my own pound of flesh" I said and took out a gun, "hey you? I'm hungry, go to the kitchen and make something for me, Jerry follow her, do whatever you wish with her if she doesn't cooperate, I give you the permission, kill her if she misbehaves. call any police officer, you are just going to get yourself killed." Beatrice rushed to the kitchen and started cooking.

Uncle Jude was shivering still and staring at me, he couldn't do a thing since 4 men were all over him, "How did you become this?" he stammered. I laughed like a wicked witch I knew he was going to ask. "Well, after dumping my corpse on the refuse dumping ground, I turned into a mad woman and later gave birth to your child, luckily for me I discovered I wasn't a ordinary human and I became the queen of 85% population of the world and I could even crush the world bank at the snap of my finger, I had the presidents of developed countries at my neck and call.. I'm happy you sent me out of the house. I wouldn't have been this great, Thank you uncle Jude!"

He looked at me with shock! "What about the child?" he stared at me in expectations, like he wants something that will bind us both together. My eyes lost all kinds of emotions and I stared at him with black eyes "I killed her, I don't want to have anything to do with you, I drowned her in a pool with my own two hands until she turned cold and dead." Uncle Jude placed his hands on his head, "You killed your own child, how are you different from me!" I stood angrily, "You turned me into this monster, freak!" I pointed my gun at him but shot one leg, then I gave him a broom to start sweeping the house, inside out, or I'll put a bullet in his skull.

He cried like a baby as his wife was also being raped mercilessly by Jerry, he bended her over and dug into her, and she must continue cooking or she will die and the food must be perfect, she was enjoying it at first but when she knew it was deliberately to hurt her, she started feeling uncontrollably pain. I sat in the living room watching uncle jude but then I got bored of him sweeping. I went to the kitchen to take a rolling pin used to make Akpu, eba, and poundo yam. I took the biggest size and told uncle Jude to pull of his clothes.

"What do you want to do to me?" he asked in terror exactly the day he wanted to rape me. I hit him twice with the stick and pushed him, one of my boys strip him naked and tore all the clothes on his body, I asked one of my boys to bring Helen out to watch her father, I was so much enjoying it, meanwhile, Lilith was watching my revenge from a nearby mirror. "I'm going to show you what your father did to me as well, I've gotten my pound of flesh from you, you got everything you did to me but there's a bonus I want you to watch your father, just like my father watched him rape me in all kind of manner."

I turned to him as he bent like a dog shivering like a leaf on top of a raging ocean, I put off my high heels, my jacket and was ready for more torture, I walked to the kitchen, and rub some of the pepper Beatrice was grinding and went to the living, Uncle Jude was praying and shivering, and begging for my mercy, but I lost that, Queen doesn't have mercy, Jessica was the weakling who prayed for them to still change someday, I took out a lubricant and rubbed it on uncle Jude's anus, Helen was crying and I knew she was begging me to stop but I will turn into a demon if I don't do everything inside my head, I forcefully pushed half length of the rolling stick into his anus.

He screamed and I'm sure houses at the estate gate must have heard it, I saw Lilith laughing and looking with pleasure, she was happy and proud of how wicked I was. I will get back to her, let me deal with this bastard first. I kept pushing it in and pulling until the whole floor was full of blood coming out of his anus. He was so weak, and he fell to the ground, I was going to show him what real horror was. Then I remembered how he pulled my hair and blocked my throat with his dick. I took a gun from one of the boys.

Uncle Jude pretended like he fainted and if he truly fainted I don't care, I shot his second leg and he woke up screaming, I didnt care, I slapped him several times to open his mouth, I shoved the gun's shaft down his throat and placed my hand on the trigger. I smiled wickedly, he was begging for mercy, I wanted him to swallow a bullet big enough to scattered his intestines. He was crying blood and I knew this was worst than seeing a ghost. He cried so hard but I needed more, he stood still obediently for about 10minutes, he was losing breath and I pulled the gun out. .

I'm not killing you just like that, I want more of everything, a million times. He couldn't talk for a while. I brought a chain, and lock his hand and legs, then I said "let's play fire and ice, I'll chase you and if my bullet hits you it means I win." He shook his head and begged, are you ready or not. I chased after him as he leapt like a frog. I kept shooting floors beside him. He fell and had a seizure, who even knew he had epilepsy.. I poured a bowl of water on him and he fainted. "He must not die, bring him back from the pit of hell he's gone to." Uncle Jude woke up and was weak exactly the way I was whenever I was used.

I went inside and Beatrice brought a tray of food. Fried chicken and beef, with spaghetti and hot sauce, I stared at it in anger, just like she always did to me, I took everything and smashed it in her face, "Is this the best you can do?" she knelt weak and begged for forgiveness, she turned her head and saw how uncle Jude was, he was a complete mess and could have been begging for death to take him. She rushed to the kitchen and cooked Pounded yam and egusi soup with Turkey, she brought it out and served me, but I stared at her and told her to feed Helen with it.

Helen refused to eat it, but she later took it when my eyes were turning black, after eating three morsels of food she began to cough, and scratch her throat, she took water but the scratching persisted, she poisoned the food, then I just laughed as Helen began to cough blood, exactly the way she killed my Tony! I stared with satisfaction at Helen then back to Beatrice who was shivering like a ram on Salah day. "Nice delicacy! Jerry what were you doing when she put poison in the food.?" Jerry knelt and apologized that he went to urinate and came back almost immediately.

I knew he was saying the truth so I told him to step aside, Beatrice placed her hands on her head, I pointed a gun at her head, she was the one who got the poison used to kill my brother, it was clear now, how she came almost immediately after my brother died. "Eat everything now or I'll decorate your skull with bullets!" She began to eat the food but then she searched for something on her body, I pointed a glass vial, "looking for this? oh poor baby! this is not your lucky day, I smashed it on the floor!" She made the poison and the antidote. The antidote poured out, but before she could crawl to the antidote, the poison effect had spread to her body, she fell and scratched until she gave up the ghost.

Uncle Jude watched in horror and cried bitterly for forgiveness, He crawled to my feet and begged for forgiveness. I rubbed his head and told him I forgave him. I was going to test his sincerity, and stood from the couch and intentionally left the gun at his side, he saw it and took it and pointed it at me, I already alerted the police that someone tried to kill his guest and family, the boys quickly went away in a car, "I can take care of myself just go!" They went home and met kelvin on the way, Jerry didn't want to disclose my location, but he didn't trust that I could be fine on my own, and they both came back"

I pretended like I was not having the upper hand, "So you think entering this house and blowing up your identity will make me come to kiss your feet, you are such a fool, yes I killed your entire family and so what! you shouldn't have come here!" I raised my hands and pretended like I was scared but my eyes were glowing yellow, if he knew my eyes were connected to my emotions he wouldn't have done what he did, he pulled the trigger, meanwhile the police were recording his entire confession. After pulling the trigger, nothing came out, I finished the entire bullets in it, when I was chasing him. A mischievous smile spread across my face and I smirked. I winked at him and the police rushed in pointing guns at him.

"Mr Jude Gilbert, you are under arrest for the illegal embezzlement of public funds, your family's company funds, the murder of Mr and Mrs Gilbert, and Tony and Jessica Gilbert, and the attempted murder of Miss Queen Marina. You are advised to stay quiet or anything you say here might also be used against you in the court of law, now move!" A Police officer said and he was taking out along side Helen and Beatrice' corpse, I was led to the police station as well to write my statement. I left the police station and I looked behind me! "That was all I wanted! justice!"

That was all I wanted, Rightful justice and my own pound of flesh! Then I crashed to the floor and now wept my eyes out! All the burden I've been carrying since I was 16, now I can let them all go. A pair of strong arms hugged me from behind and played with my hair. I knew it was kelvin, He took me home and stared at me through out the drive home.

When I got home, I felt really hungry, I stormed the freezer and oven but then I realized it was my 20th birthday, and Theresa and kelvin organized a surprise party for me. The lights switched on and Most of my friends were there, we partied ate, catched up and even precious was there, she apologized for not helping when she could when I went through hell. I said My vote of thanks and they all left after a while leaving me and Theresa and kelvin alone, the maids were cleaning up while we were catching up on what happened in the day.

Kelvin was happy that now I hate no one, I am genuinely happy and ready to move in. We were having fun and I was happy Theresa was getting along with kelvin as well, I went upstairs to get a surprise Watch for kelvin and came downstairs to see Bishop Christopher. He was fuming, I could see smoke coming out of his nose and ear as angry as he was. He was ranting and shouting at kelvin who was trying to calm him down. Kelvin lost it and shouted at him.

"Daddy why? why why? don't you want me to be with queen?" he shouted at him and he seemed surprised that his son raised his voice at him. "This daughter of Satan tried to kill me your father and you are only a target to get to me, this was why I sent you out of the country, so that you won't get tangled in all this. Lilith killed your mother, and now they want to take you away from me, there's no relationship between light and darkness, you are a son of light, she's not the one for you." when I heard this I snapped.

"Excuse me! with due respect! you think you are God right! please keep quiet and let me speak, your son is a child of light and I'm a daughter of darkness ugh, why are you looking down on me because I am under Lilith, did you for once ask why I was under her in the first place. Even Jesus Christ, your master said he came to the world not to condemn it but bring us closer to God! for God to have opened your eyes to know I was a cultist, and in darkness is because there's still a sign of light in me, and he wants you to bring me closer to him, and you have been screaming, I tried to kill you, I could have killed you when you were in coma, I was just a step to injecting poison in your system, if I killed you then, I would still be with my daughter, she lost her life on earth because I didn't want to kill you, and trust me if not for kelvin, my child would be alive and kicking, yes I had to pay for your life with my child's, you think that's easy for me! you think I'm happy I didn't kill you in your room that day! if you don't have anything better to say please, carry your precious son and pack him out of my house, get out this instant! I don't want to have anything to do with your light since I'm darkness"I screamed and pushed them all out of the house. Theresa tried to calmed me down and took me to my room.


Kelvin and his dad left in shame, I knew kelvin wasn't going to talk to me again, bishop Christopher was totally ashamed of himself! He asked God for forgiveness and apologized to his son and kelvin explained everything she went through! He got really angry and said, "That's how the devil takes advantage of weak people and torments them, we need to help Jessica and being her back to Christ. I need to amend my ways and make up for this." He said and couldn't wait for day to break.


I woke up in the morning hearing glasses shattering to the floor, Theresa was holding daggers and smashing all the mirrors in the house! "Babe! what are you doing?" I shouted, she was sweating, "Lilith is angry at your outburst at bishop Christopher, and he's also outside." I went outside and saw him, he was holding a Bible and smiling at me, "That's new!" I said and he greeted me, and apologized for all that happened yesterday. Kelvin hugged me and gave me some chocolates and flowers so I ushered them in, I'm glad now that I've made peace with the one that hated me most.

"I thought you hated me sir!" I said playing with my fingers and he shook his head "I don't hate you my dear, I just misunderstood you but it's clear now, we both have something in common, a common enemy, the devil, and let's break you free from her if you are willing!" I knew this was going to be tough, but I knew it was time to submit my soul for Lilith and become a puppet of the devil, and sincerely I hated that so I need to escape that one way or the other and I nodded at him.