

The perfect life of a beautiful daughter of a Senator, Jessica Gilbert takes a drastic turn after her father dies. She ends up being maltreated and raped by her uncle and cousin, later she discovers who's behind her parent's death, and tries to stand up for them, but ends up dying in the process. Jessica's death gives way to the birth of a vengeful Queen of Atlantia. Lilith the devil's wife takes interest in her and initiates her in her court and takes her up as her most precious Ally because of her Maternal ancestor, king Euphorion. Jessica's transformation to Queen Marina will bring confusion into the household of her enemies. Will she be able to keep her promise to Lilith and avenge her parents, or will she fall in love all over again with Kelvin Christopher, the son of Bishop Christopher whom she was sent to kill as her first assignment, Will bishop Chris allow the love to happen between them, Will uncle Jude and Helen repent and escape vengeance?

Favour_Aderemi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 14-Game on!

After my night with kelvin, I thought he might have just wanted sex but he became head over heels in love with me and I felt like he would die if anything happened to me, he would send me flowers and gifts whenever he didn't see me throughout the day due to his busy schedules. I decided to pay him a visit in his office one day and I found Helen in there, she had plans of seducing kelvin too, because of money and I couldn't stand it.

I was relieved that kelvin wasn't in the office, he was out on a meeting. I took Helen out and shopped for her, and took her for a complete make over, and then brought out the papers for her to sign and got the documents from her, she just signed it without reading anything. Then I wrote her the cheque like I did before. She was so over joyed and on her way home, she cashed out the money and forwarded half of it to her own personal account and the rest to her dad's account. I made a surprising call to my dad's most trusted friend and was given an appointment the next day. Mr Fadehanmi was Late Mr Gilbert's most trusted man.

The next day, I went to meet him and I was let into his office, he looked at me with strange eyes, "Sorry do I know you?" I sat and smiled facing him. "I was the lady who called yesterday regarding The change of ownership of Mr Gilbert's properties." I said calmly and he stared at me for a while, "I want to reclaim my Father's wealth and put you in charge of them. I bought everything one of my father's assets From uncle Jude." the man took off his glasses as he stared at me closely, "Sorry, the only children of Mr Gilbert I know is Jessica and Tony, and you are miss Queen right! I've never seen you before" He said reluctantly.

"Daddy Fade, it's me Jessy baby! I am not dead, you are the first to know my real Identity, uncle Jude tried to kill me and his wife poured acid on me and I had to escape for my life, but I got rich and had a Plastic surgery, I remember how you put a chewing gum in my dad's pocket and his hand got stuck because he didn't take your advice on my birthday. It was our little secret, remember?" I said with puppy eyes and he looked at me with tears in his eyes, "Jessica, is it really, but I saw your death certificate and grave!" "that was all a show to prove I was really dead or uncle Jude will still see me as a threat and kill me." I explained.

He took out a fingerprint scanner, and I placed my hands on it, and my identity came on the screen close to him, he looked at me with sad eyes and we rushed to hug eachother.. "My daughter, where have you been? I am sorry I wasn't there for you, I'm so sorry about Tony too, Jude didn't want me anywhere close to the mansion and I couldn't even get to know whether you were okay, I always knew somethings were fishy." I understood and we went down to business.

He made a few calls and all the directors came in and I was made chairman after proving my existence. I told them to freeze Uncle Jude's accounts same as Helen's, and cut every right, and benefit they had from the company, their shares where shifted under mine and seizure of other unclaimed property should commence immediately. They were all happy to see me and kept my existence a secret and I told them if he asked of who was behind it, Tony Gilbert was responsible! I walked out of the board meeting and stopped in my tracks.

I had supernatural powers and I could smell betrayal from a distance, I looked behind me and saw One of the directors texting Jude. I took the phone smashed it on the floor and fired him instantly. I also hit his chest, he would have an heart attack in 30 minutes time and die! I can't afford to blow my cover, immediately I touched him I read his memory and realized he knew of my father's death and how he connived with uncle Jude to get money from the company. I threatened to kill anyone who betrayed me and I meant it.

Uncle fade knew I changed already and was much stronger and powerful than before and he looked proud of me as I stated my terms to the director without fear at all. I left and drove off to Dad's grave and Tony's. They were beside eachother, I knelt in front and wept my heart out, and begged them to forgive me for not coming to see them sooner, "Your wife and granddaughter will visit when the time is right daddy, tony you'll meet mom and your niece very soon, I really miss you both, and I promise, I will fight for you both and make them pay, they Will cry tears of blood!"

I stood and turned around to leave but then I bumped into a hard chest, I thought it was my body guard, "I told you to wait for me at the car Jerry what's your problem?" I looked up at his face and saw it was kelvin, I shook and stepped back! "kelvin what are you doing here¿" I said with fear in my voice, I never knew he would catch me red handed and know my identity. "I suspected you were Jessica,but I didn't have an evidence because you looked so different.

"I met a private investigator who looked into her death for me and he dug your grave out and took the sample of the corpse's DNA and tested it with the hair bond you left when you ran out of my car the day I told you I was leaving, it didn't match at all, and to be sure I even went to the Mortuary agencies here to compare the DNA to your dad and brothers own but it didn't match, then I knew it wasn't Jessica that was buried" Kelvin fell on his knees in tears, he shouted at me, "Why baby? why why why WHY? Why didn't you tell me you were Jessy, I wept and looked for you, and even mourned you thinking you were dead, I knew it wasn't natural for me to start loving a different woman when I just heard the death of my love!Why did you keep such a secret from me!"

I shifted back in tears and said I'm sorry and left immediately! I was crying already, kelvin ran after me like the day he told me he was leaving but I got in the car before he would catch up, he drove after me immediately and I knew he would catch up with me at home.

I got out of the car and ran into the house, kelvin went out and chased after me, he held me from behind and hugged me tight, i couldn't break free even if I tried and he stared down at me, "You are crying!" he said and hugged me again, and wiped my tears. "I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't, because I wanted you to move on away from Jessica, I didn't know you will end up loving queen as well!"

He held my face and kissed me, and hugged me, "I missed you so much Jessica!" he said and I hugged him back, and then his dad called him. He told me he had to leave and will be back later in the evening. I was so exhausted from crying that I fell on my bed and slept off.

After a while I got out of the house to pick up my next plan of revenge. But then Theresa called that she was throwing a party and it was meant for me, I almost forgot it was my birthday as Jessica Gilbert and I went to Theresa's house and was excited to see the party she threw for me and when I got to her house she hugged me and walked me in. I was still thinking on how to crush uncle Jude, then I saw Helen tied to a chair and five hefty looking men stood around her, she was blind folded, an idea came to my mind and I put on the music so loud.

Helen was shaking and shouting where she was seating, "What's all these? will you let me go now before I call my daddy!" One of the men slapped her and she knew she was in real trouble, "okay sir, what do you want, I have money oo I can even pay 20 billion if you want! just let me go!" I bent before her and saw how evil she still was. she needed to be thought a lesson. "Do you think I still need your father's money with where I've reached in my life, and is it even your father's money?" She shivered, "Queen is that you? please save me from these hoodlums"

I stood up and took off her blind fold. "Yes it's me Queen! I've always wanted to do this!" I raised my hands and gave her a deafening slap "That's For hating me when I did nothing but loved you!" then I hit her again "That's for conniving with your father to kill my dad and brother" I hit her and strangled her, "That's for sending boys to rape me!" "who were they?" Helen started weeping, "who really are you?" she asked and I smiled "Your worst nightmare, Jessica Gilbert" Helen fainted but I took a bowl of iced water and splashed it on her face.

"I don't regret what I did to you, you are and will always be my worst enemy, but wait how did you manage to become??..." she screamed with hatred in her voice and I hit her again, "When I'm talking you don't talk!" I snapped at her and she saw I meant business, "Boys!" I said angrily, they held Helen and I took my phone and took a video, "What do you want to do! Jessica, okay please tell this stupid men to leave me alone!" she pleaded. The men tore off her clothes and untied her, she was held by two men.

The other guys where pulling down their trousers, and exposing their yam sized dicks, Helen was pinned down to the ground and the men raped her one after the way, I didn't feel sorry for her at all as she pleaded for mercy, she was a devil and I wanted to give her a taste of her own bitter medicine. She wept so hard and after the men took turns on her, they held her upside down, and took canes and flogged her until she fainted, sincerely that wasn't enough for me! she killed my only brother, I will never be satisfied until she's paid with her life and I placed my hands on her head after taking the videos, and rearranged her brain, then she started bleeding from her nose, until she fell and Theresa smiled!

I took out a laptop and moved the video on my phone to the disk drive in it, and put it in her hands and took her home, I dumped her at the gate of the house and drove off. I didn't kill her Buti turned her into an imbecile for life and nothing could bring her back to the way she was, she will be aware of her condition as an imbecile but won't be able to do a thing for herself.

She won't be able to talk at all, or hear, she will be as good as dead, and that felt more than okay for me, I wouldn't want her escaping her punishment just like that. I went with Theresa to a club to celebrate phase 2 of my revenge. I took too much wine and got extremely drunk. Theresa dropped me off at home, she was drunk herself and we just fell wasted on the couch, Kelvin walked up to me and carried me in his arms, I saw him and smiled, "Baby my handsome baby boo! I feel so happy, I feel so refreshed after giving Helen a piece of my mind, do you want to kiss me?" I pouted my lips for a kiss but as he laid me on the bed, I slept off and he adjusted the bedsheets on me.

He told a body guard to take Theresa to my room as well and he slept on a couch watching over us. I woke up in the middle of the night, and walked into the bathroom, I didn't know kelvin was around as well as Theresa. I just wanted to clear my head for a while, I touched my waist bead and said open, I don't know why I did that but I think I was still under the influence of alcohol. The portal opened and I walked into it and saw my mom and daughter sleeping. The portal closed and I staggered and slept beside my mom.

She woke up and saw her half drunk daughter, I smiled at my mom and told her the latest development, she knew she couldn't change what I have done but she just hugged me, I've been carrying this bitterness for too long and I needed to let them go! she hugged me till I woke up in the morning, Baby Sarah hasn't woken up so I kissed her and left, but when I opened the portal and went in, I appeared in the bathroom and was startled to see kelvin waiting for me. He looked at me with surprise in his face and I had no choice but to explain everything that happened from the moment he left to him.

I told him I was going to have my own cut of flesh before I forgave or forgot anything and he couldn't say anything. I got dressed in black hoodie, black trousers and white sneakers. I was going out with Theresa, we went out and watched uncle jude from afar, he couldn't watch the video of Helen's rape and I knew he was devastated, he must have felt the pain my dad would have gone through! He took Helen to an hospital, more like a disability care center but she was rejected, Uncle Jude couldn't pay for any service.

Theresa and I got home and kelvin was still waiting, now that he knows I'm same as Jessica, he wouldn't let me go for anything in the world. We both went to my room and Theresa Left for her house. I sat in bed and kelvin stood facing me and watched folding his arms. He didn't know what to say.


Jude left his house after leaving Helen with Beatrice and went to the company, his account is frozen and has lost every document of properties he could sell to get money. A board meeting was going on when he barged in, he demanded some explanations but they all ignored him and he was later pushed out of the company building by the security, he couldn't even get his car out, the company claimed it. Now all he had was the mansion where he would live. Jude got home and found Helen on the floor, her mouth was twisted she couldn't talk, and when he looked around for Beatrice, she has run away with another guy and there remaining money left in his vault was taken away.

He sat on the floor crying like a child but then he heard a knock on the door, he went to open it and saw queen, with very tall and hefty bodyguards outside, they were holding Beatrice, and she was pushed inside the house. "You can't go Scot free" Queen said and slapped her. Jude walked up to Beatrice and beat her to a pulp not Minding who was watching and Helen woke up from her sleep but then she started shifting away and making terrified imbecile sounds as soon as she saw Queen and Jude took her to a room and locked her up in there.

Queen sat on a chair and placed her leg on the table. When Jude walked close to her a body guard pushed him away and beat him up, he sat on the floor "What did I do queen? I thought you came to comfort me." Queen stood and smiled "Actually I'm here to do the exact opposite! Uncle Jude!"