

The perfect life of a beautiful daughter of a Senator, Jessica Gilbert takes a drastic turn after her father dies. She ends up being maltreated and raped by her uncle and cousin, later she discovers who's behind her parent's death, and tries to stand up for them, but ends up dying in the process. Jessica's death gives way to the birth of a vengeful Queen of Atlantia. Lilith the devil's wife takes interest in her and initiates her in her court and takes her up as her most precious Ally because of her Maternal ancestor, king Euphorion. Jessica's transformation to Queen Marina will bring confusion into the household of her enemies. Will she be able to keep her promise to Lilith and avenge her parents, or will she fall in love all over again with Kelvin Christopher, the son of Bishop Christopher whom she was sent to kill as her first assignment, Will bishop Chris allow the love to happen between them, Will uncle Jude and Helen repent and escape vengeance?

Favour_Aderemi · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 12- Shot by cupid!

I called my car and already found my body guards outside the Cinema, I went home straight, and found Theresa in front of the house, I went to hug her and started crying again, I was enjoying my time but I couldn't take it when I saw the guy in the movie leave his girl and go to another lady and marry her! it hurt me freshly all over again. Little did I know that kelvin had followed and saw my car enter my Mansion.

He saw me crying and someone comforting me and just decided to go home and meet me the next day. As he drove off a car packed at the gate of my mansion, it was the white lady, she walked to me and frowned, I don't know who you are but I'm Kelvin's woman and I am carrying his child and you better leave him for me, my eyes were glowing red and white, I was feeling pain, anger and fear at the same time, she left with a victorious smile and I just turned around, Theresa was sad at the sight of me caught up in a boy drama.

I couldn't cry anymore, instead I got interested in her and told my personal assistant to look into her background and identity, then I saw all the scandalous news of her and another guy, so I sent the videos and the likes to kelvin with an anonymous identity, I wanted to hurt him for hurting me, that' was the best revenge I could think of but he responded "Thank you so much, you're a life saver!" I gasped, so he knew he wasn't the father of the child and was only looking for evidence.

The next day, I woke up and saw Kelvin at my doorstep, he was dressed in suit, I don't go to church but he invited me to go to his church with him and meet his dad the real owner of his company, I didn't want to go but I decided to put on a bold face and go. We left and after church service, I met with bishop Chris in person but he looked me with the same eyes he used to look at me when I attended his church the last time and frowned, what are you doing with my son, I know what you did!" I pretended not to know what he was talking about, and thank God I used some contact lenses on my eyes.

Kelvin left me with him and went to greet arch deacon if the church and he looked at me with some angry face like he saw the devil and said, "I see you dined already with the devil, and you are not even human, leave my son alone or you'll be burnt to ashes by the holy ghost!" I shivered, and I left the church immediately without saying goodbye to kelvin. I was determined all that will bring kelvin and I together would be business alone.

I stayed indoor alone with Theresa, she was briefing me on the things that happened at the cult meeting but I was lost in thought. She noticed and suggested, why don't you get your revenge on uncle Jude, that's a perfect distraction. I decided, that's a perfect idea. Okay, I took my phone and called Helen I would be throwing a yacht party and would like her to be there. She was excited and promised to be there, I decided I will make her like me and get in her house by her own invitation and meet with uncle Jude.

The next morning, the party was set at the snap of my finger, young cult members were there and some other invited guest, I was expecting her and there she was, Helen rushed at me and asked if she could hug me, I did hug her and introduced her to my friends on the ship. She felt like one of us and began to mingle but she was mostly around me and l knew exactly the way she was behaving, a gold digger complementing everything I had, While they were dancing and some making out, I just sat and watched, helen was dancing with a hot looking guy as well.

I watched her every move and my eyes were glowing bright red. Then I felt a hand on my thigh. A familiar smell hit me it was, before I could think, I heard Kelvin's voice, he sat beside me and whispered, I knew you wouldn't invite me so I got in by another person's invitation, be careful of the lady you're staring at, she could be dangerous. I just smiled, I was more danger than Helen was. Theresa herself invited kelvin, I'm not sure why she did that but I was happy he was here. We chatted and he asked why I suddenly left church, and I said I wasn't the church type and he smiled and said he knew but I'll be going to church more often now.

I stared at him with purple eyes and looked away. "This is not a place where we discuss business, why are you here" I said coldly, but he just warmed up to me instead and said he wasn't here for business but he wanted to see me for personal reasons. I was getting scared that he would tell me he had a wife or he's in love with me. I stood and quickly grabbing a scarf to tie around my big hips. He followed and held my arm as soon as I got into a quiet room, he shut the door behind him and I was breathing fast.

"Jessica, I like you, I really do, after hearing of the death of my last lover I thought I wouldn't love again but I just found myself liking you. The moment I saw you!" he said and I looked at him with sad eyes, and pulled me into himselfI stood shocked, he pulled me in and his face was so close to mine. My eyes were glowing green and I knew we were about to kiss, my heart was pounding and I shut my eyes as his soft lips locked with mine, I enjoyed it and I kissed him back, I was enjoying it, I wanted more, he was moaning as I was kissing him and he turned to my neck, and kissed me intensely and I clawed his back and moaned, my eye colour was getting deeper. But I snapped and pushed him, "What about your wife, the white lady?" I asked sadly.

Kelvin held his head, "I sent her off after seeing the video, you sent me, I knew it was you, I'm a hacker as well you know! I got drunk thinking of Jessy and that was it I don't know how she got in my bed and she said she was pregnant, it was all too suspicious but I'm happy you showed me that, I know this is all happening too fast but trust me I've never felt like this in a while and I know it's real.. please!" he said with the cutest eyes and he began to kiss me more hungrily this time and I was loving it.

(+18 Adults content ahead).

He went to my neck again and kissed them more seductively, I was already in bed and he was into me totally, I was also on cloud nine, he pulled off his shirt showing his hard abs, the six packs were obvious and I brushed my hands across it and he went lower to my breast, jeez if I hadn't used drugs to stop my breast milk it would have been so embarrassing. He sucked my nipples gently and I felt like flying, he played with my nipple with a hand and sucked the other. He went lower to my abdomen and sucked as well, I don't know what he was doing to me but it made my eyes greener, and then he shifted my panties.

There I was in the seventh heaven as his tongue touched my clitoris, he was going to suck me and make me cum, I arched my back and brought it closer to him and held his head in place, he sucked so hard and he came back to kissing me, he shoved the blanket over us and I was getting excited, his eyes were glowing with lust and he was also burning with desire, I felt something at the tip of my Vagina, it was his Gbongla (Dick).. It was entering me and I quickly pushed him.

I really wanted to do it, I wanted to have sex with him but I couldn't, if I did he will want to do it the next time and he will die if he had sex with me the second time, I can't sleep with a man the second time, I sat up quickly and adjusted my pants and turned to see his shocked face, I was scared I didn't want him to die! He was hurt and sad at my rejection but when he saw me crying he knew something was off and he was already hard as rock. He sat up and let out a long sign, "You're very mysterious, what's wrong baby?" I turned to face him but looking into his hurt eyes I broke down and started breathing fast. "I'm sorry, I can't do this."

"Do what, date me or have sex with me?" he asked scared and I nodded "Both! I can't, we can't be in love, your dad he hates me, and I don't blame him, I wouldn't allow my son date someone like me, and also we can't make love as well." I said and he looked upset and was getting very angry but I guess not at me. He stood and wore his shirt and went out, I wept on the bed, I swear it took me all the strength in the world to push him off me.

I heard him scream at the top of the ship, he was letting out his anger at the ocean and I felt so bad.. I can't face him today not today at all. I sat up in bed and he walked back into my room looks like all the rooms in the yacht has been taken, he turned to me and said "That shouldn't destroy our business relationship right?" I nodded and we slept out backs facing eachother. I couldn't sleep and I knew he couldn't as well, as soon as the yacht got back on deck, and I opened my eyes the next morning, kelvin had mysteriously disappeared.

I asked Helen if she enjoyed her stay and I saw she's hooked up with the guy she was dancing with last night, she invited me for a home party at her house, my dad's mansion and I agreed to be there on Friday. It was actually uncle Jude birthday party, I knew the date like the back of my hand but I pretended like I knew nothing. It was still Tuesday. I told Theresa about kelvin, she seemed like she expected that to happen and then I got what she wanted to do, she wanted me to have sex with kelvin so that I will start pushing him away for his safety.

I decided not to tell her anything again, I was done with my love life with kelvin actually, we couldn't be together, we only have business that brought us together, because most times I behaved like Jessica and quote some of her words exactly the way they were, we actually got closer based on work and became just friends even though I wanted more I couldn't ask for more and I avoided his dad at every cost.

Kelvin's POV.

I don't know why I just love this lady, I mean she reminds me of Jessica and I don't know if I liked because of Jessica or I just did and I wanted to be sure.I wanted to know if she's just someone that reminded me of Jessy or I loved her for who she is, because, the more I saw her the more I felt like I was with Jessy, and it's funny how I liked another lady when I haven't stopped loving Jessy!

When I kissed her I was expecting her to push me and slap me hard but she didn't, she kissed me back without hesitation, and I felt like a heavy load dropped off my shoulder when I explained about ivy to her, I'm still baffled about her eye lenses, and why they glowing, I searched online but didn't see anything of such, well it might not be out yet, Her kiss was angelic, I just wanted to pleasure her and make her feel like a woman and indeed she had a beautiful body, her breast full and beautiful, I mean those pink nipples were something else.

Why would she just push me out of my way to Jerusalem, I mean, I knew the penetration was somehow hard and too tight but what must have turned her off, was I smelling, my breath is quite good, and I used my best perfume.. I mustered all the courage in the world to do all these with her but she rejected me and it scared me, Why does my dad have to chase her off, was it because she looked like a mermaid? I know I have to give her space and me too. I need to clear my head and focus on work, and get rid of this feeling if possible.


Helen got home and shared the good news with her dad and they began to change the furniture to something more fancy, and employed more workers to show off.


Queen's POV.

I entered my room and shut the door and touched my waist. "Open" I entered the portal and went to my child and mother and spent most of the night with them. They were happy to see me and I told my mom everything and she smiled and told me to take things easy and not do things that would hurt me. I nodded and slept in her arms, when it was morning, I kissed my baby and left again.