

The perfect life of a beautiful daughter of a Senator, Jessica Gilbert takes a drastic turn after her father dies. She ends up being maltreated and raped by her uncle and cousin, later she discovers who's behind her parent's death, and tries to stand up for them, but ends up dying in the process. Jessica's death gives way to the birth of a vengeful Queen of Atlantia. Lilith the devil's wife takes interest in her and initiates her in her court and takes her up as her most precious Ally because of her Maternal ancestor, king Euphorion. Jessica's transformation to Queen Marina will bring confusion into the household of her enemies. Will she be able to keep her promise to Lilith and avenge her parents, or will she fall in love all over again with Kelvin Christopher, the son of Bishop Christopher whom she was sent to kill as her first assignment, Will bishop Chris allow the love to happen between them, Will uncle Jude and Helen repent and escape vengeance?

Favour_Aderemi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 13-Let the game begin.

I sat in the board of directors meeting, my entire mind was all over kelvin who was busy looking at the lady presenting the project. Somehow I felt jealous that he didn't even look at me just once or even behave as of he saw him I don't blame him every guy rejected like that wouldn't want to talk to me anymore. After everything when the meeting was over I stood up and was about to leave when a handsome looking man stopped me, kelvin pretended like he wasn't paying attention.

He introduced himself as prince, I shook his hands, he seemed to be flirting with me and smiled seductively, then he asked me out, okay I should go out with him and I was like okay, I needed a date to go to uncle Jude's birthday party, so I explained to him and kelvin cut in instantly, "If you needed a date, why not me? Afterall we still have unfinished business" then he stared daggers at prince and he quickly backed off. I laughed in my head and just pretended like nothing happened and he asked me to text him the time and address.

I left happily, I thought he hated me so I felt relieved that he didn't. I got in my car and went for shopping with Theresa, we got ourselves the best at the boutique, when I got home, I texted kelvin the address but we ended up texting all night long until I slept at around 5am. I went to the salon in the morning and had a complete makeover with Theresa, she's my bestie afterall. We ate at the restaurant I owned as well and went to the beach. After having enough fun for the day I went home to prepare for the party.

I stayed home all day the next day, and sincerely I missed the presence of my baby, I packed out everything for babies and gave them out to the orphanage. I heard a knock on my door and told a maid to get it. Then she knelt and greeted the man, I knew he was someone important so I walked to the door with a bowl of popcorn, I was busy stuffing my mouth with some popcorn, but then I saw my visitor, it was Bishop Christopher, I almost choked on my popcorn as I coughed miserably.. "Sorry, don't die!" he said sarcastically.

"You must be surprised at how I knew your location, well kelvin has been here several times in his car watching you from his car, I don't know what you did to my son that has made him to be so obsessed over you but please I beg you, let him off the hook, I know you wanted to kill me, but please don't touch my son, daughter of a serpent! Jezebel's generation leave my son alone and face me! I won't repeat this, I will never accept you even if you turn to an angel! I know you belong to Lilith." He said and walked off! I was shocked where I was standing, my eyes were glowing of a colour I don't even know.

I threw my popcorn away and went upstairs to sleep, I kept rolling in bed but I couldn't sleep, kelvin kept texting me but I didn't reply him at all. The next day I did some chores myself and cooked my own food, when it was about 5:00pm, I called my hairstylist and make up artist. They came and did there work, by 7pm I was ready and when I walked out, and met kelvin at the entrance, I just smiled and held his hand and went in a limousine. We got to the venue and I started having a panic attack and breathed fast and kelvin didn't know why but he held my hand and kissed my lips. I blushed and my eye colour changed from black to green but I had to switch to blue, so I tried to calm myself and it switched, I smiled and took his hand and followed.

As I entered through the gate, I looked around and held Kelvin's hand tight, the entire trauma began flowing back, I turned around sharply and broke down in tears all the pain I went through came back and kelvin knew something was off, he tried consoling me and wiped my tears. Now the zeal for revenge came back and I won't let them go Scot free. I looked at him and saw my eyes glowing sharp wine, I wanted to kill, and I was furious and he knew I had history in that house but he didn't know how. I calmed down and turned around And walked sharply with him into the house, and a worked wanted to show me inside.

"Don't you bother, I know my way around here!" I said curtly and walked into the living room and Helen rushed at me and hugged me, I rolled my eyes and kelvin knew I was controlling myself so much. He looked at me with strange eyes but when I looked at him he will just smile. I sat on a chair beside him and Helen rushed to call her dad. As he walked closer, my eyes turned completely black and kelvin quickly kissed me on my cheeks to bring me back, I looked at him with a surprised face, did he know my eyes were not fake. He just winked and stood to shake uncle Jude.

I stood to hug uncle Jude and I felt like stabbing him from the back, but I Just stopped hugging him and then he asked the maids to serve us drinks and refreshment,He hit a maid for mistaken pouring juice on me and I knew he couldn't change so I just gave the maid a huge tip behind and she knelt and walked away. I was left alone to clean.

I began to look around the house, nothing much had changed except for the furnishings, I walked into my room and went to my dad's study, I then went straight to the rest room to clean my stain and when I walked out of the restroom, kelvin was waiting for me for me and he asked "Have you been in here before, how did you know the way to the restroom without taking direction" I just stared at him and smiled and said let's go.

I saw uncle Jude sitting where I left him, greedy selfish man I knew I got his attention because of the money I paid for the necklace, "If I may ask, who are your parents, as my daughter's friend I need to know right?" I sat back and relaxed and watched him for a while with a smirk on my face. Kelvin too was curious and he never asked but he waited for my reply. "I'm an orphan!" I said and he looked at me with pity, kelvin held my hand and I knew what he was doing. Uncle Jude then asked again, what killed them? I stared at him, I was enjoying my question.

"They were coming to Nigeria from Paris and their plane crashed, all thanks to the voodoo my uncle practiced on him" I said and uncle Jude stared at me for a while in fear, and quickly laughed it off nervously and sipped a glass of wine. Kelvin's eyes were brimming with tears, he squeezed my hands softly. Helen was also suprised and uncle jude stared at me, "who is that wicked uncle, how could he do such!" I laughed and I smiled "I don't remember his name but you have a striking resemblance with him. No offenses!" Uncle Jude had to endure because of the money he wanted from me and I knew it.

"Did you later arrest him? I mean he shouldn't be walking around freely" he said. I scoffed "I'm glad you know that" I said with a low voice and he asked "You said what?" and I smiled "I mean I've got plans for him, I'll make him cry for death and he won't even see it. Let's not talk about that. Enough of me!" I stared at him for a while and he looked nervous as if Jessica was speaking through me, maybe I was possessed by her ghost as I walked in here. I decided to ask some things from him to see if he could fall into my trap.

"Nice place, I like the decor, quite different from what I knew!" I said and he coughed out his wine. "I meant, you have good taste and the party I was coming from wasn't lit like this. Actually, from my findings I discovered that your companies have been bankruptcy for the past 6months now, I could be of help." Helen adjusted well and uncle Jude signaled her to behave. "I'm offering you 600billion for the company, but you'll have to submit all the documents regarding this house and the other houses that you haven't sold, and every other assets that were given to you.And when you can pay back everything, you'll have your house back!" I stood and adjusted well and took my bag, "Think about it!" Kelvin stood and we walked out, uncle Jude and Helen saw me off.

"We will give you our response as soon as possible." Helen said and I went into the car with kelvin. I knew they couldn't turn it down, giving that amount means me taking over my dad's assets and what's left of the company away from him and I'll get my 600 Billi back, then they will be in debt to me. We zoomed off and I looked at the man sitting beside me, kelvin has been staring at me and he kissed me, "I don't know why I'm doing this but please, I know you love me and I love you too, let's try and give this a chance, please. Forget about every other person or things." I stared into his pleading eyes and I nodded "okay" and when we got to my house, it was late already.

He was going to sleep over tonight, I was so happy I would spend the night with him and I went to make dinner myself and he decided to help me out too. I changed into a bumshort and a crop top. His eyes looked so lustful when he stared my bare skin and that sent me some waves as well making me look like a green eyed nymph. He walked into the shower room and I dropped a short and a big polo of mine, I took the clothes he pulled off and gave a maid to get then washed.

I walked into the room to get a towel for him but then I saw him walk out of the shower room, A short towel around his waist, Holy moly mother of crunchies! He looked like a son of Zeus, Hercules Nigerian version and I was lost but then he winked at me and walked up to me where I stood like a statue, he took the short from me and took off the towel while I was still looking, I saw his cock and hurried away from him with my eyes closed. "Male ashawo!" I thought that's what he was. I rushed to the kitchen to start cooking, I fried some chicken and made some noodles.

I felt strong arms hold my waist from behind, his hands playing with my waist bead. He kissed me at the back of my neck and I felt electric current go through me. I turned around and he kissed my forehead. "I don't know much of who you are but I really don't care, all I know is I love you and that's that matters" I nodded and turned back to switch off the Gas.

We ate and went to the living room to watch some news before going to bed. Kelvin stared at me and cleared his throat, "Are you in any way related to Helen and her father?" I stared at him and shook my head "They are not my family!" I said with anger. "Okay have you guys got any history together or do you in anyway know his niece Jessica?" He asked and I just stared at him, "No! From what I know Jessica is dead" I said with sad eyes. Kelvin knew it was time to stop and he just nodded.

I stood and walked into the bedroom, I laid in bed and Stared at the ceiling, he walked in and apologized for asking but none of this was his fault, so I held him and said it was fine with a smile. "You are so unique, most especially your eyes, they are charming and magical." he smiled, "Can I know how you got those eyes, was the surgery painful, or were you born with the eyes. I know they are not lenses" he said and I stared at him and just smiled, all I wanted at that moment was his lips, I kissed him and when I noticed I was getting wet I told him to stop.

He did and we said goodnight, but then we kept rolling in bed, kelvin couldn't take it anymore and he grabbed my waist and looked me deep in the eyes and devoured my lips with so much hunger. The music playing in the background wasn't helping things either, Lady Gaga's paparazzi. He wouldn't take no for an answer and I wasn't ready to say no.

(+18 Adult content Ahead)

He pulled off his shorts and I didn't know when my bumshort and G-strings were pulled, he kept kissing me and put his hands under my top, he squeezed my breast and tore my top in the most sexy way. "I'll buy you a whole boutique" he whispered and before I could say anything he put his tongue on mine and I just shut my eyes to feel the moment.

He sucked my breast until they were sore, he came to my ears and neck and sucked them softly. He began to play with my nipples as he sucked the other, he then went down on me and sucked my pussy, he dug his tongue into my pussy and raised my waist with a strong hand and playing his thumb on my nipples, he started sucking and licking and I held his head, I felt like bringing into my pussy. .

He then came back to me and kissed me back again, he kept kissing me and I could see he held both my hands with one hand and kissed my nipples again, and then he dimmed the lights, he changed the music and kisses me so hard and I could feel my lips swelling, then I felt his dick sliding into me slowly, he grunted and pushed the rest into me, it was hard to come in, I gasped and he looked at me with pleasure in his eyes, veins were popping in his forehead, and he was looking at my face with the emotion I've never seen before, as he went inside of me, and I felt nothing but pleasure.

I held his back, and squeezed his butt hard making him dig into me deeper, I screamed as he got in his full length to me, I knew he was about going fast and he locked his lips with mine and began to increase his pace! He began to bang me so hard that my moaning turned to screaming, I was enjoying it but I wished he could slow down, he kept banging me for God only knows when he would stop. Then he just shut his eyes and I felt something open in me and that's was it, he released directly in my womb, my eyes opened wide as he filled me up, but I was too tired to even talk, I slept off almost instantly.

The next morning, I saw him staring at my face and playing with my hair, I smiled at him but then I remembered what happened between us and I looked under the duvet and covered my eyes, he laughed at me, he hasn't worn anything at all. I covered my breast and he kissed me again. "Let's do a quickie this morning baby!" He said as he kissed my neck, I pushed him "Do you have a death wish? No quickie! I haven't recovered from last night you want another again, now let's bath!" I stood and took the whole duvet covering him and rushed to the bathroom. He followed me and we bathed together. Even though he was horny I pretended like I didn't see him and just went to the living room.

I checked my phone and saw Helen's text messages, they agreed to my offer, I smiled mischievously and called my lawyer to make some law binding documents, the deadline and terms and conditions. Kelvin got dressed in his suit and called his driver to come pick him up, he kissed me and I had to make him eat before he left, after eating he left for his own house. Now my game of revenge is about to start.