
QT: To Break An Oath (BL) (PAUSED)

Lie Yuan — a law abiding rich second generation young master with a first class looks and a gentle and nice temper. And also a wanted criminal. Thus, he suddenly face his retribution. System: "Host. I am System 678! The most efficient system of all time. Your mission is to fill the hate value of each protagonist in every world! After that, you will obtain a certain death in order to leave at that current world. No need to worry host, our company will provide no pain experience." Lie Yuan: "Okay." System: "Host no need to worry! You can do anything to fill the hate value of each protagonist but always remember that you cannot OOC." Lie Yuan: "Right." System: "Does host wants to ask questions?" Lie Yuan: "No need, now shut up." System: "....." But the plot doesn't seems quite right. The college student that he dumped: "You said that I don't deserve you before? Now, you will become mine." His ex-fiance CEO: "Marry me or I will lock you forever." The Alpha Fiance that he betrayed: "I know you did not want to betray me darling. I know all your pain and misery." The Prince he tried to kill: "You want to leave? Dream on!" Lie Yuan: "What the hell is wrong with you people!" Warnings: 1. Angst 2. Tragedy 3. Psychological 4. Mature Content -covert art belongs to the rightful owner.

BunnyDubu · LGBT+
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87 Chs


Lie Yuan stared at his reflection in the mirror. His red eyes sparkled under the dim of the faint light, his face was flushed in heat. He sighed again, and applied an ointment on his gorgeous face.

He only stayed outside for a couple of minutes, yet his skin looks so burnt.

[That's what I told you. My skin is so sensitive, and it was not used in direct sunlight or any disgusting dirt.] An arrogant voice sounded again in his mind.

He closed his eyes and groaned, "Might as well tell me what things do I need to bring and stop whining about everything."


[Hah! That's my host!]

Lie Yuan ignored them and started packing up Yeonwoo's clothes. Their flight was very early, the reason was to avoid many fans and paparazzi by their sudden arrival. And of course, to save Yeonwoo's heated reputation.

Lie Yuan pursed his lips and removed the face mask that was lingering on his face. He did the usual skin care routine of Yeonwoo. After that, he put on his regular night gown and lay on the bed. His free hands dialled the number of his brother.

Subconsciously, his heart began to shake. He understands this part. This was Yeonwoo's real emotion. In the plot, he also hated his brother for easily forgiving their father. In his heart, he wants also his brother to have the same hatred towards their father. But Sobin was born kind and softhearted, although their father did some unforgivable sin, he still believes that his father was a good person. Yeonwoo can't take the hypocritical of his family and then leave the mansion. After that he coldly ignored his brother and father and only contacted his broken mother.

But now, his mission was to help Sobin becoming the successor, of course he needed to approach this brother. Nevertheless, he still needs to act according to Yeonwoo's preference. He needs to control his self to avoid himself going out of character.

It tooks a couple of minutes before a baritone voice answered the phone, "Hello?"

Lie Yuan went in character and arrogantly replied in a cold tone, "It's me, hyung."

There was a loud crashed in the other line, "I-I'm sorry....it was too sudden. I was shocked. Are you not mad anymore? Brother really miss you so much."

Yeonwoo raised his left brow as his back rested on the pillow, "How are you?"he ignored the first question. He attentively looked at his nails and pursed his lips.

"I'm good. How about you? How are you doing right now? Are you eating healthy? Is your manager treating you well?"

"Hyung."Yeonwoo feels like his mind well go insane, he bites his lips and sighed, "I will go home tomorrow." Fortunately, this brother was such a bro con.


A loud shout reverberated on his ears. Yeonwoo retracted his ear on the phone. His night gown loose slightly on his legs and revealed a white bare skin underneath. The light on the lampshade outlined his every gorgeous features. The left side of the bed was filled with unpacked clothes and unwanted accessories.

"I'm sorry... It this true?! Are you really going home?!"

You can't blame Sobin for being hysterical. His brother has been in abroad for almost five years, and he refused to go home even if they begged him. But now....this was so sudden. Sobin can't still believe it!

This, of course, Lie Yuan can understand. His lips twitch and his slender fingers massage his temple, seemingly annoyed. "I already said it. I will go home tomorrow." After that, he hung up.

[Host are you okay?] The white ball floated beside him. His chords were connected to his host' body, and he discerned that his host....was a little bit upset.

Lie Yuan closed his eyes for a moment. His heart clenched unintentionally. He still remembered his memories with his brother...his brother that he treated just like a fragile treasure only to be caused by his biggest downfall. And made his life turned ninety degrees inside out.

He can't help but to feel those emotions again. Pain...anger....and betrayal. But right now, he did not need to worry about that anymore. His main goal was to free themselves from the lord god's control. Although, he had no idea what will be his life after this.

Hee-Ryang looked coldly at the files on the table. His dark wavy hair was cleanly combed upwards. But some of the remaining strands covered half of his forehead. His large and callous hands was holding a paper, attentively observing. His eyes inky as night faintly narrowed and his thick lashes flutters creating a vivid shadow. His fine jaw clenched repeatedly as his eyes moves down and up.

Secretary Lee, seeing this can't help but to worry. He knew his boss so much and whenever his expression will turn like this, he knew that something was wrong in the report.

Hee-Ryang pursed his lips and throw the files on the table, "Change this. I don't like it." He clasped his huge hands and his eyes strikingly narrowed.


"As I said, change this. I want new icon and face from the advertisement. This selection don't interest me."

Thus, Secretary Lee did not protest anymore. He nodded and bowed gently. He picked up the files on the table and left in a hurried manner.

Therefore, Hee-Ryang who was coldly looking relaxed his expression. He pulled his phone on his pocket and pressed the clip that he watched countless times.

"So N-Zero's Yeonwoo, what do you like in boys?" A young reported asked.

The camera angle moves towards the gorgeous Hermaphrodite. His usual proud and arrogant face was displayed with beautiful features. He smiled in the camera.

"Well... I like overbearing character. Has a mature attitude and probably, a man older than me. And of course... A very clean man."his voice was always sweet and seductive and when those sharp red eyes deeply stared at the camera, Hee-Ryang subconsciously stiffened.

The young reported chuckled, "Well I guess Yeonwoo like someone who is too possessive I guess?"

Yeonwoo rolled his eyes and laughed cheekily. The clip ended.

Hee-Ryang continuously touched the screen of his phone. He looked at his face on the screen and sighed. He was a very overbearing character. Not only that, but he was also mature and older than Yeonwoo. And lastly...

He was a virgin.

His ear and cheeks was red from embarrassment. He unbotton two buttons on his suit and untie his tie. His bare sexy collarbone was exposed. He leaned his back on the office chair and chuckled obsessively. Gladly, he was fitted in the youth's aesthetic. Although, Yeonwoo don't have idea that he exist, he was already tied to him.

They're engaged.

He smiled again, foolishly. His usual aloof temperament has long gone and have been replaced by this uncommon behavior.

Yeonwoo sneeze.

"Are you cold?"Zaya who was beside him asked.

Yeonwoo shake his head. He pulled the blanket until it reached in his face, only showing his eyes and nose. He rested his two legs in the extra seat and leaned comfortably.

[Come on! Pay attention to your image! Don't laze around!] A loud voice sounded in his mind.

Lie Yuan shrugged his shoulder and rolled his eyes. He then sat properly with a mocking face.

Zaya and Kyle who was seeing this was bewildered. The youth in their eyes was very moody. He quickly can change his expression, even just for a few minutes. And...they feel nervous for no reason.

It's take a couple of hours until their plane safely landed.

The manager already prepared everything in advance. There was already a car waiting for their arrival and only few of paparazzi was present. He reminded Yeonwoo and the other to be aware in their own image.

Some of the paparazzi will only use their flaws to drag them down. And manager Lu was already a veteran in this aspect. He knew dirty tricks and motives of any other media. Just now, N-Zero was slowly rising on the top, there were always someone that will not wait to drag this down.

Yeonwoo combed his slightly messy golden hair and put his sunglasses on. His pale face was so gorgeous that it did not require any retouch. Manager Lu stared in daze.

"Manager, I called my brother, and he said that he will fetch me."Yeonwoo declared in a soft voice.

Manager Lu nodded and silently called some other staff to help Yeonwoo in his luggage. As Yeonwoo set his feet on the ground, countless binding flashes made himself stopped his tracked. Gladly, he was wearing his sunglasses or else he will surely lose his eyesight. He displayed his arrogant but charming smile and walk with confidence.

There were only few people on the airport, but it was enough to cause an uproar. Yeonwoo of course, used this advantage to make his image become well known. His sexy red woolen coat covered almost of his body and his slender fingers was waving continuously in the open air, until his figure reached on the certain luxurious car.

The car immediately opened and revealed a handsome and gentle man. His smiled was shining as he approached the youth.

"Yeonwoo." Sobin greeted his brother and give him a tight hugged.

His smile was so pure that even Lie Yuan, himself, felt warmness in this. Lie Yuan instantly fixed his expression and patted the back of Sobin.

"Hyung."he replied.

Sobin finally let go of him and observe him from head to toe. Indicating that he had no problem, he let out a sighed of relief and smiled again. He really misses his brother.

"You finally came back."he said truthfully, "Mother and father was eager to see you."

Hearing the word 'father'. Yeonwoo's mood turned gloomy. He bites his lips in annoyance and frowned silently. He did not answer his brother and directly went inside on the car. Sobin don't find this offensive and happily attend the needs of the youth. He also entered his car.

[Host, you're acting was really outstanding! You can see that he still did not doubt your identity. And I even felt like you are really Yeonwoo!]

[This dumb system was really annoying. I get it that you are good, but why always praised nonstop? It's getting in my nerves right now.]

[Y-You...wu~wu why do you always bully me?]

[Because you're dumb.]

"Will you shut up, please." Lie Yuan was really having a hard time being with this two contrasting existence.

He pulled his sunglasses down and a red orbs revealed in anyone's eyes. His golden lashes flutters as his eyes drifted on the window, quietly observing the roads and building they passed by. His skin glowed under the mercy of the faint light. His brother continuously talked about something, and he only replied if the latter asked. But most of the time, he was just silent.

In a couple of minutes, they arrived at a huge mansion. The design was exquisite and pretty, the center of the garden was a fountain and all the way from the main house was full of plants and flowers. When they arrived, some maids was already waiting for them.

Sobin went out first and talked to the guards and maids, before the opened the door for Yeonwoo.

The other men pick up his luggage and entered the door first. Yeonwoo scanned in his surrounding and noticed that it was quite unusual. When his eyes drifted to a maid with a normal face, a robotic sound of voice invaded his mind.

[Warning! Warning! A Watcher Detected. Watcher Detected. Warning! Warning!]

Lie Yuan lost his consciousness.

In case you forgot, I posted two extra chapters on Arc I :)).

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