
QT: Against My Will

SYNOPSIS: After a painful separation from her boyfriend, Bing Shi gets an opportunity to meet him again. Under one condition. To get her wish granted, she will have to travel to different worlds and finish all the assigned missions from the System HeadQuarters. In each of these universes, she's thrust into the company of the creme de la creme of men - alpha males who could stir butterflies in even the most self-assured and independent women. Will she be able to keep her cool around these magnetic hunks, or will her resolve crumble like a stale cookie? Amidst the chaos, Bing Shi stands firm: "I want only one thing – my boyfriend." In a cosmos filled with temptation, will her loyalty and love for her boyfriend emerge victorious? [Author's Note]: Don't be fooled by the term "quick transmigration." Each arc is a full-length romance novel in its own right, complete with side characters that are capable of development. :3 Illustrator/Artist: E.Y.R. E.Y.R's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_snoozy_cat_/

ChubbyLiv · Fantaisie
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639 Chs

5.44 – Trash-Talking – The Sleepless Elite’s Wife

╔═══ Author's note ════╗

Edited by Psycho S.


"Taking a rest?"

"Not at all," Bing Shi shook her head, lamenting with a sigh, "I'm studying the art of movie-making. Just watch and you'll see."

A few moments later...

"💢," XiaoPu was this close to switching off the TV. He watched, upset, as his newly-found gem of a movie was being trash-talked by his host and her hubby. He'd been forced to listen to their critique once the movie had started! Why couldn't they just watch the movie without poking fun at everything unrealistic about it?! 

Now, he got to know why they wouldn't watch movies a lot. Host and her hubby should stick to reading and gaming, respectively! With a loud hmph, XiaoPu ran away angrily from the couple and into his room.

Lu Kai raised his eyebrow at the fuming boy, who ran to his room in bitterness, leaving them alone. "He's not crying as much now."