
QT: Against My Will

Author: ChubbyLiv
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 1.2M Views
  • 637 Chs
  • 4.7
    28 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is QT: Against My Will

Read ‘QT: Against My Will’ Online for Free, written by the author ChubbyLiv, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, R18 Light Novel, DARK Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: SYNOPSIS:After a painful separation from her boyfriend, Bing Shi gets an opportunity to meet him again. Under one condit...


SYNOPSIS: After a painful separation from her boyfriend, Bing Shi gets an opportunity to meet him again. Under one condition. To get her wish granted, she will have to travel to different worlds and finish all the assigned missions from the System HeadQuarters. In each of these universes, she's thrust into the company of the creme de la creme of men - alpha males who could stir butterflies in even the most self-assured and independent women. Will she be able to keep her cool around these magnetic hunks, or will her resolve crumble like a stale cookie? Amidst the chaos, Bing Shi stands firm: "I want only one thing – my boyfriend." In a cosmos filled with temptation, will her loyalty and love for her boyfriend emerge victorious? [Author's Note]: Don't be fooled by the term "quick transmigration." Each arc is a full-length romance novel in its own right, complete with side characters that are capable of development. :3 Illustrator/Artist: E.Y.R. E.Y.R's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_snoozy_cat_/

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Crimson Academy
Volume 2 :Mr. and Mrs. Jelly
Volume 3 :VOLUME 004
Volume 4 :Dangerous Angels
Volume 5 :Dangerous Angels
Volume 6 :The Sleepless Elite's Wife
Volume 7 :War Of The Wickeds
Volume 8 :Monster Heist
Volume 9 :Jelly Household
Volume 10 :Rebirth Of The Heart

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Okay ladies and gentlemen...here it goes. *Ahem–Ahem* I've discovered "Against My Will" through Discord chat, and at that time I was looking for a story that would be realistically written, with no CEO's (as someone pointed out earlier), no immediate good-girl-falls-for-bad-guy and vise-versa plots, and no extreme, ridiculous 1-girl-7-guys steamery (I just made this word up, btw). And though I am into fantasy and love to escape reality sometimes, I was not searching for vampires and werewolves and princes and princesses either. I just wanted something that would resonate, something simple yet complex like the life itself, a journey I could relate to: that is what grips the reader, after all. With that being said, I'd stumbled on Against My Will and the energy I had picked up from this story sucked the life outta me in a very, very good way. Literally. Now, before reading it, I was not too familiar with QT, but listen, as a reader and a writer you must dive into all genres, and Oh! How I'm glad I did! For me, the author is unmatched in QT series. Bold. Brilliant. Mature. Honest. The grammar is sharp and witty, plot is immersive, conversations are swirling with emotions that you can feel with your skin. Joy and worries you seem to share with the characters. No long descriptions of actions, all those over-detailings that bore the reader to death. To me, conciseness is mastery, and it looks like the author has achieved it. Simplicity, humor, drama, tension, maturity, darkness and beauty...you just open the series and that's it, you're screaming, either because of what Xuan Mu did or of what Bing Shi said. You're looking for something real good? Look no further. It can all be found in this QT story. I'm writing this review because I want to let the author know how appreciative I am for discovering this diamond, and for continuously updating the story and adding chapters to keep us readers on our toes. Please, never stop writing because it would be a sin. You are too talented and brilliant to ever stop. And for the readers...I suggest, NO I URGE, you to start reading it right this second...❤️


The story is SOOO AWESOME!!! I'm just plain addicted to it....Waiting for more chaps..💜💜💜


Reveal spoiler


The main characters in this novel are so twisted but you can't get enough of them. They will show you that not every protagonist in a book has to be perfect or OP, they will show you that they, too, can be vulnerable, weak, insane, evil. Because let's be honest, everyone has a dark side, at least these characacters embrace them and acknowledge it, however, most put on a facade and act like you have everything in control, that there's nothing wrong. Ok.. I am done ranting😅😅... Just read the damn book, guys!!!


Ahhhh. To everyone not sure as to read this, please don't. This isn't your usual lucky go happy story with a dense or 'genius' MC. The ML is not your typical cold CEO shit. But if you enjoy reality and how to cope win it, thisi this I perfect for you. Love you author-sama!


The story is well developed and it took me on edge many times while reading.. Main leads characters were well explained.. I am not much into systems, but readers if you stumble upon this, it's worthy for trying.. all the best author


I'm sooooo glad I came across this novel otherwise I have missed Great work!!!!!!!! Sooooooooo Addicting!!!!!!!!(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ Can't stop myself reading again n again!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for updates!!!!( ╹▽╹ ) #Awesome


Awesome !!!(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤( ˘ ³˘)♥ Authornim ur novel is superb !!! It's really addicting seriously!!! I'm not into smut but I love dark romance types; so thank you soooooo much for creating this great art !!!


NDJSJSJSJS ITS SAUR GUD FR SUGGEST U READ THIS MASTERPIECE like the world building and characters in themselves are really well written and thought out, im honestly amazed how the author is able to write such 3 dimensional characters and how they chose to develop the numerous worlds present in the story! If only webnovel wasnt so expensive for broke reader like me, would def have finished it alrdy_(┐「ε:)_ 5 stars 🌟 suggest u read no cap. Please keep updating author and dont forget to take care of your health!


I had this read this novel on Wattpad and saw an announcement that this novel will be going to be posted on Webnovel 🥳🥳 which is awesome! The story, character and everything is written oh so amazingly~~ ❤❤❤ But Mr. and Mrs. Jelly will always be my most favorite arc ever 😍😍😍😍


Thank you for this beauty. 5 stars! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The story isn't like none other the story is very unique and pick my interest. The MC is really cool she has a good EQ and the ML is very possessive but still respect her, even though they're relationship are kinda Toxic if I may say but still it's great Love you work Author and thank you for creating your novel ( ˘ ³˘)♥


I love this entire concept. I like the mystery there is at the beginning of the story, and I like how the MC isn't the only one who is a reincarnate. Does it seem to be that the MC was put in a story that already happened? I'm not too sure, but this had me hooked. The first couple of chapters were hilarious and the author seems to put her personality into this story. There are some typos here and there, but not enough to make me drop the story. You nice, keep going!


I love this, the writing style is minimalist but dripping with character. When it does get descriptive it does so beautifully. The characters are well written, and I especially appreciate how they interact. Certainly one of the more enjoyable novels I've had the pleasure of reviewing.


Its good, five stars!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Awesome !!!! I really love it~ Thanks a lot Authornim creating such a stunning masterpiece!!!! Please update soooooon please hurrrrrrrrrrry (☆▽☆) #updateplease(*^3^)/~♡


I really didn't like the novel because I couldn't understand a thing from the novel and I had headaches .Sorry 😔 😐 writer


Despite not reading much of the book as it isn't what I prefer to read, I can guarantee that if you decide to read the book, you won't regret it! (if you want a review a little more about the actual story, characters, writing, etc. Then this isn't the right review but please listen to what I have to say)So if you just stumbled upon this book, please, I beg you to give it a chance, try reading it, adding it to your library, or commenting on it so that it can be viewed by more people or so that it can be seen by those who like to read stories like this, (of course you don't have to do what I asked but I would appreciate it if you did, and I'm sure the author would too)welp, that's it from me. Thank you for your time, and you got this Liv!


The novel is well written, I haven't personally read much just yet, only up to arc 2. i find it predictable but at the same time not, its also quite addicting. Liv did a good job on this novel in my opinion -P.D Webb


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