
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Philosopher's Stone

Five years passed, and Rizevim concluded his energy research. Reflecting on the passage of time, he couldn't help but marvel at how short a human lifespan seemed in comparison to the years he had spent working as a devil. Decades flew by in what felt like the blink of an eye, while he remained engrossed in his work, hardly noticing the passage of time.

As Rizevim concluded his research, he pondered, "The power source should be self-sustainable, requiring no manual intervention for energy supply. It should enhance both the AI and technology. Creating a philosopher's stone would be perfect." He recalled tales from the DxD universe where the Greeks had achieved this feat.

' Creating the stone necessitates the use of prima materia, the fundamental base form of all matter. This process involves a secret and specialized method known as the Great Work (Alchemy), which includes four distinct steps: nigredo (blackening or decomposition), albedo (whiteness or purification), citrinitas (yellowness or awakening), and rubedo (redness or the culmination of the material's transformation). Through these steps, the philosopher's stone can be brought into existence. '

It was the process written in the library. Although Rizevim couldn't use prima materia, he could employ other methods to create it.

As five more years passed, Rizevim completed the process of creating a large quantity of Ether.

Rizevim divided the process of creating a philosopher's stone into two steps:

1. Liquify Ether to facilitate better processing.

2. Convert souls into spiritual energy and purify them to remove any negative emotions and

 resentment from the material.

3. Alchemically process it to create a philosopher's stone.

Rizevim stepped into a room filled with beakers, each containing solutions of varying colors, resembling the workspace of an alchemist. However, what set his laboratory apart were the intricate Runes inscribed on every vessel. As he began mixing the solutions, the Runes glowed with ethereal light, responding to his practiced gestures and murmured incantations.

After a meticulous series of mixtures and enchantments, the result emerged—a crystal-clear stone, roughly the size of his palm, pulsating with contained magical and divine energy.

With the stone prepared, Rizevim turned his attention to the souls needed for the next phase of his alchemical endeavor. Drawing upon his innate understanding as a devil and his extensive knowledge of magic, he effortlessly purified the souls, preparing them for their destined purpose.

Moving to another chamber, Rizevim approached a shimmering lake, its waters shifting through a mesmerizing spectrum of colors. This was no ordinary body of water—it was Ether liquified, a substance he had labored tirelessly to stabilize.

Placing the crystal into the lake, Rizevim directed the fluid to enter its core, where it eagerly absorbed the potent essence of the Ether. This time, unlike his previous attempts, the Ether remained contained, thanks to the perfected method he had devised.

Returning to the chamber with the purified souls, Rizevim commanded them to enter the crystal, now infused with the essence of the Ether. As they intertwined with the magical energy within, a dazzling display of Runes illuminated the surface of the stone, orchestrating the fusion of magic and soul into a single, solid form.

Though he could have enchanted the crystal directly, Rizevim chose the traditional method of using Runes, knowing from his research that it would enhance the quality of the final creation.

After three days of intense magical transformation, the Philosopher's Stone was complete—a marvel of alchemical mastery, its surface shimmering with grey hues that shifted like a rainbow in motion.

Rizevim bestowed upon his creation the name "Ether Stone," a title befitting its true nature. While the term "Philosopher's Stone" held connotations of alchemical legend, the Ether Stone transcended such limitations, housing not only the vast reservoirs of magical energy but also the divine essence of Ether itself.

The Ether Stone possessed remarkable capabilities beyond its mere transmutation of matter. Through its influence, the fabric of reality itself could be subtly shaped, granting its wielder basic reality-warping powers. However, such abilities required practice and finesse to master, lest they spiral out of control. Furthermore, mere contact with the stone bestowed upon the user temporary telekinetic and telepathic powers, allowing them to manipulate objects and communicate with others through thought alone. Additionally, the stone provided a form of clairvoyance, granting glimpses into the hidden truths of the universe.

As Rizevim held the Ether Stone, he felt its potent energies coursing through him, invigorating his senses. With a determined gaze, he set out to create another lake of liquified Ether, drawing upon the stone's power to manipulate the very essence of magic itself.