
Purity Of Heart

Collection of poems dedicated to Lord Krsna and His Hladini Potency, Srimati Radharani. Please, don't compare them to ordinary romantic couple. They're divine. Everything about Them is divine. If you want to know more about who's Krsna and who's Srimati Radharani, well, I've explained it a bit in the first chapter! Thank you for choosing to read my poems!

RadhaKrsna · Histoire
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93 Chs

O Sri Radhe!

O Sri Radhe!

A big grin that has manifested

Upon Your transcendental face

On seeing Your sweetheart;

And let me tell You O Vrindavaneshwari,

My dubious heart melted.

O Sri Radhe!

I'm so fallen and disgraced,

That I keep on glancing

Towards the deep dark pitfall,

That is just the illusion of mind,

But I'm stuck in a stupid timorous downfall.

O Sri Radhe!

Hold my hand

Please speak to me,

Become my companion

And speak to me

The wonders of Sri Hari

Of Your Sweet Lover.

O Sri Radhe!

I'm helpless

Surrounded by material norms,

I really need to be with thy Lord

But I'm at times inclined

Towards this dark sad song.

O Sri Radhe!

You're my only refuge

Please accept my humble obeisance,

I don't desire to pine for materialism,

Please hold my hand

And bring me out of this nuisance.

O Sri Radhe!

Thy Lord is so sweet,

Sweeter than even all honey combined!

I just want to hear His glories,

His pastimes,

His wonderful and naughty talks,

His holy name,

And to see His divine walk!

O Sri Radhe!

I only pine to serve You,

And Your eternal associates;

For You're my only home,

I have no other place to stay.