

hapter 331: Sonic Joins the Snow Blowing Group?

As for Yoruya himself, he obviously didn't have the leisure to mess with the bald ghost at this time, and he was going to beat Sonic into slag now.

Previously, because he had no ill feelings towards Sonic, Yaya did not treat the other party while defeating the other party.

But now this cargo is fat enough, he actually dares to move his sister, then there is nothing to say, it is directly the end of the Deep Sea King!

When Yoruya arrived at the forest that Sonic had mentioned, and saw the blown snow covered with scars and some torn clothes, his whole face suddenly twisted with anger.

The arrogance on Yeya's body began to erupt violently because of his emotions.

The ground began to crack, and the birds and beasts in the forest began to flee rapidly, as if a volcano was brewing here.

"Long time no see, night, do you know how I live these days?

Since I was defeated by you, I have been practicing every day and every night, just waiting for this time to come.

Defeat you first, then go and beat Saitama! Sonic

came out from behind the tree, and the moment he saw the night, he directly exploded with a shuriken in his face.

Then it showed the success of the recent special training, and finally the mysterious "Ten Shadows Burial"!

Because the speed was too fast, it left nearly ten body afterimages in place.

Although this "bald wall" formed by Saitama's "serious repeated jumps" was defeated before, Sonic did not believe that Yaya could be as strong as Saitama.

And because of this period of hard training, Sonic's current "Ten Shadow Burial" is close to "Hundred Shadow Burial"!

The exploding shuriken was easily slapped away by Yoruya's hand, directly exploding a crater in the distance.

Seeing that there were all around Sonic's figure, Yeya stepped on the ground with both feet, and his body burst out like a bullet out of the chamber, directly in front of Sonic's real body.

"Flowers and whistles, who cares whether you are buried in ten shadows or a hundred shadows, if you move my sister, you have to die!"

Night Ya exploded in front of Sonic, and an elbow blow directly knocked Sonic into a bowed prawn, and broke several large trees in a row, sliding into a deep ravine on the ground.

With just one blow, Sonic, whose strength was slightly better than Genos, was already seriously injured in an instant.

This is Yeya's current strength, although he is angry, but now his strength is much stronger than before.

To be honest, since the fight with Poros, there should not be many creatures in this world that can make the night fight hard.

After beating Sonic, the aura on Yeya's body erupted, and a yellow qigong wave brewed in his hand with one hand.

This time Yoya didn't plan to give Sonic a way to live, and he never planned to show mercy to the guys who attacked his family.

"Night, wait a minute, he saved me, or I would have been killed!"

When the qigong wave roared out, Blowing Snow suddenly ran up and grabbed one of Yeya's hands hard.

Fuyuki knew that Yaya had obviously misunderstood, thinking that the injuries on his body were all caused by Sonic.

But she couldn't be blamed for this, she wanted to explain it clearly on the phone, but Sonic didn't give her the opportunity at all.

And when Ye Ya arrived, the two of them did not say a word, and Blowing Snow had no room to interject.

But now that Yoroya actually wants to make Sonic, Blowing Snow can't keep watching.

Although the other party seems to have a hostile relationship with Yozai, the people have saved their lives.

Sonic, who had just climbed up from the bottom of the pit, looked at the oncoming qigong waves with blood at the corners of his mouth, thinking that this time he was dead.

But who knows, when this qigong wave arrived in front of him, it actually turned a corner and flew past the side of his body.

The qigong wave that brushed Sonic's side finally fell at the other end of the forest, directly exploding a huge mushroom cloud, which made Sonic swallow his saliva.

There is no doubt that if the attack just now hits you, the corpse is not afraid of the bones and bones can be regarded as a good result...

After recognizing the strength of this monster Yoya, becoming even stronger, and his current strength, which is not an opponent at all, Sonic decided to run.

Although I don't know why the other party changed his mind in the end and chose not to kill himself, Sonic felt that he couldn't stay here for a long time.

But when he turned back, he suddenly saw Yeya's handsome face.

But at this time, Yeya's face no longer looked angry, but licked a smiling face, which made Sonic creepy, and directly did a few backflips, widening the distance between him and Yeya.

"Sonic, I'm so sorry, it was all a misunderstanding.

You have to believe me, I really just said hello to you just now, and I didn't mean to kill you. Sonic

looked at Ye Ya Tian shamelessly said such a sentence, the idea of scolding the mother in his heart was there, just now the pillar of light attacked, actually said that he didn't want to kill himself, do you see me believe it?

Fuyuki had just told Yoruya about it, and Yoruya knew that the hungry wolf would kill three A-class heroes, but Yoruya remembered that Fuyuki was not one of those three heroes.

However, this is also what he ignored, because the previous blowing snow was only a B-level hero, and now the blowing snow is already a solid A-class hero.

"Sonic, let's make a deal, do you want to be stronger? Want to learn the true essence of ninjutsu?

Not your kind of bells and whistles, but real ninjutsu! Saying

that, Yeya again in front of Sonic, what is the real "doppelganger", is a real doppelganger, not a phantom caused by Sonic's speed.

I have to say that Sonic's heart is moved, whether it is becoming stronger or the real ninjutsu skills, he can't say no.

"What do you want me to do? And aren't you afraid that after I fully learn your skills, I will use it to kill you? Sonic

didn't run away either, but looked at Yeya playfully, he knew that the other party would definitely not teach him easily such a secret skill.

And the other party also made it clear that this is a transaction, since it is a transaction, UU reads books www.uukanshu.com then naturally it is impossible to pay unilaterally.

Sonic wondered if he had to pay such a huge price to learn such skills.

"It's very simple, I want you to join the Blowing Snow Group and be my sister's subordinate for the time being.

It was time until the hungry wolf was solved, that is, the guy who injured my sister was knocked down, what do you think? The

hungry wolf has appeared, which is the so-called "hero hunt", and Yeya cannot guarantee that he will be by the side of the blowing snow all the time.

And it's been a while since he returned to the Overworld, and the devil knows when the system suddenly lets him cross again.


Chapter 332: Teach Sonic Ninjutsu?

"It's that simple? Then I went directly to kill that hungry wolf, can it speed up the transaction time between us. Sonic

originally thought that if he wanted to learn this real "ninjutsu", the conditions given by Yoroya should be quite harsh.

But I didn't expect that Yeya's request was so simple, just let him be a bodyguard.

"That's right, it's that simple, just like your usual mercenary mission.

Of course, it's okay if you want to be the first to attack and kill the hungry wolf, but if my sister is injured for this reason in the process, then I will kill you!"


he said this, Ye Ya was exposed with a murderous aura.

The task given by Yaya is to protect, and if Sonic fails the mission because of his rash behavior, then Yoruya will naturally not show mercy.

"Hey, after I learn your skills, I will definitely kill you mercilessly, well, and Saitama's bald head!"

The implication is that Sonic agreed to Yoruya's deal.

No way, although it was not happy at night, but the opportunity to become stronger was in front of him, and Sonic could not refuse.

And Sonic also believes that with his ninja village genius qualifications, as long as he learns "ninjutsu", he will soon be able to surpass Yoruya and defeat him!

"Do you think I'm going to stay stagnant? When you become stronger, I just need to become stronger than you, and I wait for you to defeat me.

After the

deal is made, Yoruya throws a scroll, also known as the "Chakra Extraction Method", at Sonic.

Since the Chakra on Yoruya exists, it proves that the world of "One-Punch Man" is extremely inclusive, and Chakra's power is also allowed by the rules.

If nothing else, Sonic should also be able to refine Chakra.

After leaving the scroll, Yoruya left with Fuyuki, while Sonic opened the scroll with a look of excitement.

When he memorized the contents of the scroll, the scroll actually began to spontaneously combust until it turned into a pile of ashes.

This is also the seal left by Yoruya, and when the scroll is complete, it will begin to self-destruct.

It's okay to teach Sonic, but Yoruya doesn't want to one day when a large number of ninjas suddenly emerge from this world.

The next day, Sonic arrived at the Blowing Snow Group on time to report, because although the "Chakra" was extracted, Sonic had no idea how to use this power.

This is also the reason why Yoruya gave the scroll to Sonic so easily, "Chakra" alone is useless, and he also needs the matching "Ninjutsu".

In the stronghold of the blowing snow group, the blowing snow is wearing an overcoat, and it looks like a big sister.

For Sonic's joining, Blowing Snow, the boss of the "Blowing Snow Group", expressed his pleasure.

Although Sonic has only shown his skills twice in front of Blowing Snow, there is no doubt that if the other party is a hero, he should also be an S-class hero.

In this way, her "Blowing Snow Group" has become stronger, even if she fights her sister Tornado in the future, the odds of winning are one percent.

In fact, the overall strength of the "Blowing Snow Group" now has indeed surpassed the tornado individual.

But Yeya's younger brother can't be included, because once their sisters make trouble, Yeya's most likely is to hide far away, and then not help each other.

Blowing snow dreams of surpassing her sister Tornado, even with collective strength.

That's why she has been sparing no effort to try to pull the bald Saitama and Genos into the snowblowing group, and it is also for this reason that the two are disgusted with it.

Now Genos sees the blowing snow, almost all of them take a detour, if it weren't for the night, Genos wouldn't even want to take care of the blowing snow.

And Yoruya's next trip became quite simple, usually looking for the traces of hungry wolves everywhere, and occasionally teaching Sonic some ninjutsu knowledge.

Originally, Ye Ya could easily find the location of the hungry wolf through "qi", but the hungry wolf and these martial artists seemed to have a good grasp of their own qi.

Like the old man in Bungu, when he doesn't make a move, under the perception of Yeya, the other party is an ordinary old man.

And Sonic, as a genius of the Ninja Village, his comprehension is indeed extraordinary, and he can quickly grasp the essentials of the ninjutsu taught by Yaya.

And strangely, Yoruya found that in this world, Sonic was unable to learn all kinds of "tricks".

That is to say, those ninjutsu with attributes such as "fire, water, and thunder", Sonic he actually can't learn.

And Yoruya also found that although Sonic successfully extracted Chakra, Chakra was actually attributeless...

However, although he can't learn all kinds of tricks, the "ninja method" without attributes, Sonic is completely unhindered in learning.

Like "Doppelganger", "Avatar", "Instantaneous", and similar difficult "Shuriken Shadow Doppelganger", Sonic can successfully learn.

In the end, Yoruya concludes that although this world can accommodate the existence of "ninjutsu", it cannot learn the hidden arts with elements.

As for Yoruya, probably because he learned it in another world, but in this world he was completely unaffected...

However, Sonic is also quite satisfied, and these "ninjutsu" have made him feel that his strength has skyrocketed.

Especially "Instantaneous", which simply complements his name of "Sonic Sonic", and under the increase of "Instantaneous", he Sonic is already called the "fastest man".

And the matter of the hungry wolf is still fermenting rapidly, especially because the seventeenth vest Venerable of S, since he was also defeated by the hungry wolf, the entire hero association can be described as panicked. (Because of the night, I was squeezed out of one place, and I won't be reminded next time.)

Even the S-level heroes were broken, and the other low-level heroes began to worry about when the hungry wolf would come to the door.

At this time, UU reading books www.uukanshu.com those low-level heroes, the best way to face hungry wolves is to adopt a huddle to warm up.

Of course, there are also most heroes, because they can't withstand the pressure brought by hungry wolves, they directly submit their resignations to the Heroes Association.

The frequency of weirdos, coupled with the troubles of hungry wolves, low-level heroes walking, injuries, and injuries, the Heroes Association is now a mess.

As for the threat posed by hungry wolves, the Hero Association finally began to pay attention to it, because if this continues, there will be more heroes who die in the hands of hungry wolves than weirdos.

The hero association's response was also quite simple and rude, directly in the association, the hungry wolf was wanted, and a large bounty was offered.

Under the heavy reward, there will be a brave man. This sentence is common in any world, because the most wanted issuance, immediately a lot of A-level heroes will form a team, intending to huddle to solve the hungry wolf.

Of course, the end result of these people, at best, is to end in serious injury.

And the hungry wolf, as one of the "plug-in" personnel, is also in the process of hunting heroes again and again, like a rocket lifted into the air!
