

Chapter 326 - Even the Night Lost?

Although the hungry wolf's "flowing water rock broken fist" is integrated in strength and defense, it is not without flaws.

Yoruya held the knife in both hands, and his arms suddenly exerted force, throwing the whole knife out like a javelin.

The long knife flies extremely fast because of the blessing of the power of the night, and the blade also carries a layer of wind blade on the body.

The hungry wolf could not imagine that the other party, as a swordsman, would abandon the sword.

But the current situation did not allow him to hesitate, he must block this attack, otherwise he would lose half a tube of blood.

The hungry wolf put his hands forward, made a gesture of a ripper, and tore his hands apart, successfully resisting the long knife of Yeya.

"So heavy! But without the knife, see how you continue to fight. The

hungry wolf was about to look at Yeya playfully, but found that there was no Little Red Riding Hood on the opposite side.

At this time, in the night, the body had exploded in front of the hungry wolf, and taking advantage of the opportunity when the hungry wolf resisted the long knife and the chest was exposed, the little foot kicked it away, making its body completely take off.

And then this is not over, in the stunned eyes of the audience, Little Red Riding Hood, who was a kendo master before, seems to have become a battle-hardened martial artist at this time.

In the game, being beaten by the opponent into a soaring state, it is impossible to control the character, this is the game mechanic.

Then the hungry wolf who vacated directly faced a large set of combos from the murderous loli, and was stunned that there was no room to even land.

The hungry wolf did not expect that the other party was not only a kendo grandmaster, but also a martial arts master!

Isn't that completely counterintuitive? Martial arts masters like them are all specialized in one kind of martial arts.

A martial arts expert with a slight level, shouldn't a person like Yoya who cultivates both "martial arts" and "kendo" to the extreme?

Under Yeya's set of consecutive moves, the hungry wolf finally landed, but he only had a trace of blood left.

Just when the hungry wolf was about to show his real strength and make the little red riding hood on the other side look good, he saw the little red riding hood on the opposite side jump up and take the long knife that had just been picked up by him...

Taking the long knife that fell in the air, Ye Ya slashed out a sword qi and slashed towards the hungry wolf along the ground.

The hungry wolf got up to defend, but it was useless, he only had a trace of blood skin left, and after defending against this sword qi, the amount of blood was directly successfully polished.

And so far in the game, he hasn't even brought a little damage to Yeya, since he was carelessly sent flying, the opponent's set of stormy attacks has beaten him to no avail.

"The result came out, it was really surprising, I didn't expect that the victory was actually Little Red Riding Hood who defeated the big bad wolf!"

The host held the microphone and announced the results of the competition with a rather excited expression.

Unexpectedly, the popular "wolf players" and "dragon players" actually broke in the semifinals, and the final ones were actually koalas in swimsuits and Lori's Little Red Riding Hood, which was simply surprising.

"Well done night, we're just one step away from the prize."

The bald head saw Yeya enter the final, and his expression was a little excited, and he repeatedly encouraged Yeya to win the championship.

At the same time, he is constantly happy for the previous wise decision, and cooperating with Yeya is indeed a steady profit.

"You can also see that koala is not easy to deal with..."

Looking at the final avatar on the screen, Yeya didn't have a score in his heart.

To be honest, King's game level is almost the same as Saitama's strength level, and there is almost no upper limit.

In this video game, he Uchiha..., bah, he is willing to call it the strongest.

"Don't be timid before fighting, don't you also win the opponent without damage?

In my opinion, we still have a big chance to win! The

bald head constantly motivates the night, and the five million prize can make them eat and drink for a long time.

And the bald head still wants to complain, there are so many championship bonuses, but the final four and even the runner-up, there is actually nothing.

Dozens of minutes later...

Yoruya, Saitama, and Genos left the venue, and Saitama was completely in dejected mode.

The reason is simple, because of the match with King, in the end, Yoruya lost.

"I lost the game, how do you feel that you are sadder than me..."

Yoroya looked as if he had lost his life goal, and gradually salted his bald head and complained.

"Night, for the next week, I will ask you for more advice."

"What the hell is it to ask me to advise? Do you still want to eat and drink at my house for a weekend?

Yoruya looked at the bald head beside him, with his understanding of the bald head, this kind of thing was very likely.

"Yeya, you are really my confidant friend, you actually know what I think."

"You roll for Lao Tzu, every time you sell me something, why don't you think that we are confidant friends!"

Saying that, the two scuffled in the street again, and it was not at all obvious that these two were the so-called "strong".

Not to mention the so-called "strong" painting style, there is no dignity of the strong at all ...

Genos, on the other hand, touched his chin as if thinking about something.

"Saitama-sensei, I think there is something incomprehensible about the final match between Yaya and Koala."

Genos's words made Yoruya stop scuffling with the bald head, and turned to look at Genos and analyze.

"I was going to win the game at night, but at the last minute, I lost the game because of something like skating.

Originally, this was nothing, after all, it was normal for a little accident in the game, but the object of slipping, but a martial arts master like Yeya, it was a bit bizarre. For

the body to the extreme, such a small thing as mastering the balance of the body is already a breeze for a person like Yoruya.

According to Genos' calculations, the chance of a martial arts expert like Yoroya falling flat is less than 0.001 percent.

And isn't it strange that such a small probability will occur at the most critical juncture?

"Genos, do you think that the guy who snatched our prize money in the end won the night by cheating?"

Bald head and eyes shine, UU reading books www.uukanshu.com he felt that the bonus had left them, as long as the evidence of the other party's cheating was confirmed, then the game producer would disqualify the other party, then the bonus was still theirs.

"Let's go investigate that guy, just prove that he cheats."

The bald head came back to life with blood on the spot, and excitedly patted Yoya and Genos on the shoulders to let them followAbove.

"Go by yourself, I don't think the other party won by cheating, maybe it's really luck..."

Bald Head and Genos don't know King, but Yoruya knows that this is a "chosen son".

Such a small probability of things happening to others, may really be cheating, but it is not surprising that it happened to King.

After all, King is a man with bad luck, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the godson of this world.

Ye Zai will make a mistake in the end, completely because of insufficient luck and cannot overshadow the edge of this "chosen son".


Chapter 327: The strongest on the surface was targeted?

(Today's third change, please subscribe to all the big guys, and wish that they can rise again (′▽')

The next day, Yeya was woken up by the bald head and Genos.

That's right, in order to prevent the bald head from pretending to visit him to stir the fragile nerves of the tornado, Yoruya stayed in Saitama's house again.

"What's the ghost shouting early in the morning? We don't have the money for breakfast, can you not wake me up so early? Yeya

got up full of anger and complained towards the bald head and Genos.

"Night, after my investigation with Genos, I finally know who the guy who received the award yesterday is.

He's one of the guys who asked us to pay attention to when we were there. Yesterday

, after learning that there was still hope for the prize, the bald head took Genos, cattled into the backstage, and saw the face of the winner.

Unlike the Water Dragon and Hungry Wolf, who used VR to compete, King used a joystick to compete, so he did not show up that day.

So Saitama and Genos successfully learned that the one who won the game yesterday was King of the S-class hero.

After learning the identity of the other party, Genos already felt that it was probably his own judgment mistake before.

Because he believes that S-class heroes should not use such despicable little means for a little money.

And the other party is still King, among the S-class heroes, King's fame and reputation among the masses are almost among the best.

But the bald head is not dead, I still think that observing this guy who robbed them of their bonus has real skills.

Because the timing of Yeya's wrestling is too delicate, if it weren't for Yozai's intention, this luck would have been too against the sky.

So now the bald head wakes up Yeya, just to let him go with King.

According to his and Genos' efforts yesterday, they now have the whereabouts of King.

Although he had no interest in following a big man, Yaya was dragged into the street by Yoya.

And they also managed to see this man with a face similar to a claw scar and a majestic face.

King, as a senior game nerd, naturally made a big purchase wave the moment he got the bonus.

Although he is an S-class hero, King's economic situation is actually not much better than Saitama. (After all, everyone knows how he became an S-class hero.) Every

time the Heroes Guild had a mission that required King's attendance, he refused for various reasons, so the bonus was naturally gone.

However, the salary of the S-class hero itself is enough for him to spend, but as a game house, it is not enough to buy new games.

"I'm leaning, he's holding the latest anniversary limited game, that's what I've always wanted!"

As we all know, although Yoya is a dish, it is a complete otaku enthusiast, and games are naturally an indispensable part of otaku culture.

"Actually, I don't think we can see any results when we track King like this.

I strongly recommend that Genos go up and knock King's stuffy stick, and if King is really a master, he will definitely be able to react. Yoroya

looked at the latest game in King's hand and was overwhelmed, and directly came up with a bad idea.

"We're heroes, isn't that right?"

"I see that you are fancy the game in the hands of others, you plan to rob it, hey, hey, you are a hero..."

Genos and Yoruya both complained at the same time, debunking the little Jiujiu in Yoya's heart.

But I have to say that Yeya is also right, they are tracking like fools, and they can't see King's true strength.

"If only a few weirdos could come out at this time..."

Otherwise, the bald mouth is simply open, just chanting the weirdo, and the weirdo really appeared.

Since the events of Poros, the probability of weirdos appearing in the city has obviously increased a lot compared to before.

Yoruya has always believed that in fact, the so-called "weirdo" is not really the so-called "evil".

The "will of God", which appears several times in the original work, has a clear purpose, that is, to eliminate the "human beings" who wantonly destroy the planet like pests.

After the Poros incident, this so-called "will of God" probably also understood that the threat to this planet is not only "humans", so it accelerated the speed of the strategy?

Of course, it is not excluded that most of the cosmic people brought by Poros fled at that time.

At this time, what appeared on the street was a lizard weirdo who eventually became a weirdo because he loved reptiles.

This weirdo was single for too long, so after becoming a weirdo, he was quite, and directly molested beautiful women on the street.

The long tongue rolled up, the young woman's little skirt on the street was flying, and the wet tongue licked people's thighs all over again...

And just when Genos, with a righteous and solemn face, was ready to carry out justice and knock down this wretched lizard weirdo, he was stopped by Yoruya and Saitama.

The two stopped Genos and said not to let them feast their eyes..., bah, now is a good time to see King's strength.

The "king engine" in the crowd sounded, and the strongest man on the surface was quickly discovered by the crowd.

Just when Saitama and Genos thought that the two sides were about to fight, they didn't expect the lizard weirdo to be so unkind, and when they saw that the other party was King, they actually bowed their heads directly.

In fact, it is not surprising that the lizard weirdo is mutated by ordinary humans, and naturally he has heard of the S-class hero of the "strongest man on the surface" before.

And just when the people around cheered, Saitama and Genos thought that there was no drama, everyone suddenly felt a wave of shaking, and a huge boar weirdo actually appeared with a steel fork in his hand.

"The strongest man on the surface? Then my Underworld King wants to learn how strong you really are?

This wild boar weirdo, who is nearly 100 meters tall, calls himself the "King of the Underworld", is a king series with the Deep Sea King and the Sky King, and the purpose of this appearance is naturally to conquer the world again.

And as soon as the king of the underworld appeared, UU read a book www.uukanshu.com heard someone boasting that "the surface is the strongest"!

It just so happened that if he wanted to conquer the world, he should open the knife by the man who was known as the "strongest on the surface".

As for the wretched lizard weirdo before, he had been trampled into small pieces by the Underworld King at this time.

With the appearance of the Underworld King, the sound of King's king engine became louder and louder, and the people around looked at the huge Underworld King, but they were not too alarmed, because they had a King with S-class heroes here!

And just when King himself panicked and didn't know what to do, SaitamaHe thought that they could finally see King make a move, and King's luck attribute against the sky broke out again.

A cool-shaped, quite high-tech robot flew from the sky to land, and the other party claimed to be a G4 robot of the mysterious organization, and the purpose of coming this time was also to collect King's data.

(Fight Street Diary: Today is another day without recommendations, the big guys take all kinds of recommended cut books, pounce on the street and insist hard, and ask for a recommendation but can't get it, it's too difficult to write on the street... )


Chapter 328: Ye Ya is going to pretend again!

(Originally, I wanted to add more today, but the National Day is approaching, and I am tired of overtime, so I can only maintain the status quo for the time being, and see if I can do more during the holiday (′▽')

And now the scene is interesting, the king of the underworld is a wild boar weirdo with stitch marks on the body, and it can be seen from the size alone that the strength of the other party should be the strongest of those kings.

And the G4 robot, although slightly smaller, but looking at the armor full of technology, it is already quite a platoon weapon, and it does not look idle.

The king engine was louder than ever, and the surrounding melon-eating masses became more excited.

Because according to the information revealed by the Heroes Association, the louder King's king engine, the stronger King's strength!

And at this time, the man who was known as the "strongest man on the surface" and abused his bald head with one finger also spoke.

"I only fight the strongest weirdo, you must first divide the winner and the winner, and the one who wins is qualified to fight me!"

King said such a sentence with a scarred face and an air that could not be refused. Even Saitama and Genos, who were watching the play on the side, were stunned.

The bald head even said that the next time he meets a plural weirdo, he will also perform like this, which may help him increase a lot of fans...

At this time, King is trying to force the standard, just where he stands, it is enough to give the people present an incomparable sense of security.

The king of the underworld had huge pig eyes and stared at the G4 robot on the opposite side, and G4 also unfolded his weapons and turned his spearhead towards the huge boar weirdo.

Just when King rejoices that he escapes by luck and is about to wait for the two to fight, he is running away by the way, but a pig teammate appears.

Some people in the crowd looked at the G4 and the King of the Underworld who were ready to fight, and shouted that their King could easily kill them even if they were one enemy and two.

Obviously, this person is a die-hard fan of King, but at this time, King wants to kill this person.

And at this time, the king of the underworld also reacted, as long as he defeated the strongest man, he could prove that he was the strongest, why bother to fight with iron pimples in one fell swoop?

The G4 robot also turned to King, he was just to collect King's data, and there seemed to be no need to conflict with others...

At this time, King was panicking, he was just complaining, he had delayed so much time, why didn't the Heroes Guild send someone over?

In fact, the Hero Association has long known what happened here.

After all, the ability reaction of the "Underworld King" to appear, as well as the disaster that reached the "ghost level", this level of disaster is something they cannot ignore.

But when Siqi asked the staff to search for any heroes nearby, he found that there were actually three S-class heroes around this ghost-level disaster!

Heroes registered by the Hero Association have mobile phones with positioning functions, because this can be more convenient for the deployment of the Heroes Association.

At this time, around this "ghost-level" disaster, there was actually a signal reaction of three S-class heroes: "tyrannical cold wind", "the strongest man on the surface", and "devil transformation man".

There is already three S-class heroes nearby, and the Hero Association will naturally not send people over in one fell swoop.

At this time, the huge steel fork in the hands of the Underworld King also directly swept a building, and swept towards the King's body with an indomitable trend.

And the people who were fleeing around saw King standing still in place, and they couldn't help but admire it.

It is worthy of being known as the strongest man on the surface, facing such a terrifying attack, he can still stand in place without changing his face!

At this moment, the surrounding masses had more confidence in King and began to cheer for him.

In the distance, Ye Ya felt bad, and suddenly disappeared beside Genos and Saitama in an instant.

"Boom —————!"

A huge sound sounded, and the huge steel fork of the Underworld King bombarded the ground, directly smashing the ground into cracks and raising a large cloud of sand.

People raised their heads to see how their king could receive such a terrifying blow.

But when the dust cleared, they saw another unexpected face.

With dark green hair and a confident and hearty smile on his face, he was using one hand to lightly block the huge steel fork of the Underworld King.

This is a face that is different from King's majesty, but its confident and handsome appearance also gives everyone around him a complete sense of security.

Especially Yeya, with his body that was many times smaller than the steel fork, lightly blocked the attack of the Underworld King, which made people feel his strength.

"It's a tyrannical cold wind! My mother and I and my young sister are all his fans, so I must sign it for me later!

"Hey, what's so good about the little white face, I still think King is more handsome."

When Ye Ya appeared, a girl in the crowd immediately recognized him. Of course, not everyone likes him, and some men prefer King, thinking that Yozai is stopping King from pretending.

But for these, Yoruya said that he didn't care at all, and his justice did not need the approval of others.

"Another bug? What are your ways to stop me from killing the strongest man on the surface? The

Underworld King looked at the night that suddenly appeared, moved his huge pig's mouth, and said with slight disdain.

"Me? Let's be regarded as the third strongest man on the surface, if you want to fight the strongest man on the surface, should you kill me, the third strongest?

Like you, who calls yourself a 'king', like the Deep Sea King, the Sky King, etc., I can kill more than one..."

Saying that, Yeya slapped the blocked steel fork with his hand, and the king of the underworld was stunned to find that the steel fork in his hand actually swept to other places by force majeure!

And the force acting on the steel fork is actually uncontrollable even to him!

What a terrifying force is this? And the other party is still that bug size.

And just as Ye Ya flew the Underworld King Steel Fork, UU read a book www.uukanshu.com several missiles broke through the sound barrier and blasted towards Ye Zai.

But Yoruya raised one hand, a blue fluorescent light emerged, and after struggling in place for a while, the missile flew back to the same place.

The G4 robot also launched several missiles again, colliding with the missiles controlled by Yoruya in the air, almost causing a huge explosion.

"King, how about giving these two guys to me?

Recently, I just wanted to buy something, but I lacked a little money, and just now the Heroes Guild just issued instructions to my mobile phone. Yeya

turned his head to look at King, whose face did not change color, and the king engine was still loud at this time.

But it seems that because of the intervention of Yoya, the rookie chicken, King said that the two scumbags on the opposite side have made him less interested in fighting.

"That... It's up to you. "It is not a loss to be called the "strongest man on the surface", after withstanding the attack just now, Asaya, who can still not change his face at this time, nodded his head, and then slowly left the crowd...


Chapter 329: The Night of Wrestling with the Underworld King

Although the people around were a little sorry that they didn't see King make a move, they still did not continue to pester King, but stayed to watch the night fight.

The King of the Underworld finally broke back the steel fork that had sunk deep in the ground due to the huge force, and roared and rushed towards Yeya.

The G4 robot also crossed Yoruya directly, intending to leave Yoruya behind and go directly to King behind Yoruya.

Yoruya did not stop the other party's action, because not long after the G4 robot flew, it was kicked out of the air by another figure in the sky, and smashed a deep pit on the ground.

Funding warrior Genos says he doesn't allow anyone to look better than him, so the G4 robot must die!

And Genos said that he has run out of money to charge recently, and the update of equipment is a bit slow.

Since the way to charge money does not work, then you can only fight wild monsters yourself!

Genos felt that the other party's skin bag was good, and it should allow him to upgrade a lot...

The surrounding crowd became even more emotional after Genos appeared, S-class heroes are usually rare to meet one, today they actually met three, and two more shot at the same time.

The king of the underworld launched a wild boar to rush, and its huge size gave it terrifying power, coupled with the huge fangs at the side of his mouth, it was full of deterrence at this time.

As the wild boar of the Underworld King trampled, the city under his feet was also in ruins in an instant.

In order not to let the other party cause further damage, Yeya's body slowly floated into the air, and then a white aura was aroused on his body, which exploded towards the rushing Underworld King.

"Want to block me head-on? It's really out of your own hands! The

Underworld King looked at the night that flew towards him, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He admits that Yoruya's strength is very strong, but now he can help to run, and with his size advantage, the Underworld King has absolute certainty and uses his fangs to penetrate Yoruya.

But the next scene directly stunned everyone around.

I saw Ye Ya, who exploded towards the Underworld King, pressed the two fangs of the Underworld King with his hand in the air, and the aura on his body suddenly burst out, and a huge reaction force instantly acted on the Underworld King.

And the king of the underworld was also stunned to find that the speed of his forward rush was slowing down at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was not his intention, but the other party was really able to wrestle with him!

No, this is no longer a matter of wrestling, but completely suppressing him, because after rushing forward for a distance, the Underworld King can no longer move.

Yeya's arm exerted strength, and the Underworld King suddenly felt a sharp pain, followed by his two precious big fangs, which were actually broken by the other party with violence!

Then this terrifying human also looked at his body with a little playfulness, and shook his head with a little pity.

"It's a pity that it's a human-type wild boar, and the meat looks smelly, it really can't be eaten, how good it would be if it landed on all fours."

Hearing Ye Ya's chanting, in addition to the previous battle, where did the Underworld King not know the strength gap between the two sides?

At this time, he still had the idea of conquering the world, and now living is the most important thing.

After staring at Yeya for a while, the king of the underworld turned back immediately, and the girl ran wildly, making Yeya also look confused.

"Hey, hey, where is your royal dignity? Did he run away like this without even leaving a cruel word? King

of the Underworld: What is dignity? The old pig has a stupid head and doesn't know what it is!

But the night is miserable and the Underworld King's task reward obviously won't let the Underworld King leave just like that.

When the Underworld King ran hundreds of meters away, Ye Ya slowly pulled out Muramasa in the air, and the white aura on his body also burst out.

A blue slash erupted from the scabbard, and it rose in the wind, and the body of the king of the underworld that had been advancing and fleeing for his life was suddenly split in two from the middle without warning, and the scene could be described as shocking.

In order not to let the body of the Underworld King fall, bringing secondary damage to the city, Ye Ya casually took an ice escape and froze the two halves of the Underworld King's body.

When the frozen Underworld King's body just touched the ground, it immediately shattered into a ground of ice slag.

After solving the Underworld King, the battle on Genos' side is also nearing its end.

The mighty metal armor that G4 robot started with is no longer there, and now it is a small robot that fights Genos.

But the opponent's laser attack was also quite troublesome, but Genos finally defeated the other party with water vapor.

But compared to Yeya's unharmed, Genos's appearance is a little miserable, his face has been broken in half, and one arm is missing.

"Genos, in fact, you can call me for help, you don't need to lack an arm and a broken leg every time, your reward is not enough for maintenance..."

Counting the budget warrior Genos, in addition to having "invincible legends", every dry fight is almost missing arms and legs.

This time it was good, only one arm was missing, and Yoruya understood why he and Saitama had been mixing on the food and clothing line.

"You can't rely on the teacher to solve things every time, and this time I have other loot.

I might be able to get the Doctor to help me update my equipment. Saying

that, Genos was still carrying a small robot, intending to update his equipment when he went back.

Ye Ya also looked at the robot in Genos's hand, which was still braving Mars, and couldn't help sighing: "It's a pity that the two guys can't eat this time, so they won't be able to add food tonight."


solving the Underworld King and the G4 robot, the people around him suddenly rushed up and surrounded Yeya and Genos.

Most of the women are around the night, some want to sign, want to leave a phone, and have a little story with the night.

Both of them are type men, but it's a pity that Genos is already a metal pimple, and it's hard to say whether he has the ability or not, and Yeya, a popular type man, is obviously more sought after.

"Yoruya, where did Saitama-sensei run? UU reading book www.uukanshu.com"

In the end, it is the wife protection mad demon Genos, even if he is in the group of girls, he still does not forget a bright bald head.

"Follow King and leave, the bald head is probably not dead yet..."

When Ye Ya fought with the Underworld King, the afterglow of his eyes seemed to see the bald head leave with the King.

"Then I'll go to the teacher, and I'll leave it to you here."

Genos said, leaving the night directly, escaping from the enthusiastic crowd, and flying in one direction in the air.

And Yeya looked at the youthful girls around her, the sexy young women, in fact, she really wanted to leave a phone call and communicate with them "deeply".

But the two sisters are not easy to mess with, if they know that they have made a move on female fans, I am afraid that they will not be torn alive by Nian Power... < b1106>

Reasonably, if it were in any other world, the night might be on. But now Yeya can only endure the bitter refusal of the girls' in-depth communication, and say that he is a "gentleman".


Chapter 330 - Blowing Snow Was Kidnapped by Sonic?

(Ask for a vote, all readers read the book and vote, Xiao Pujie is grateful (′▽')

Because of the killing of the Underworld King, after the people of the Hero Association were confirmed, Yeya's mobile phone immediately received a large reward.

Needless to say, the collector's edition game that King just bought must also be set.

Then, in order not to gnaw bean sprouts with the bald head at night, I went to the supermarket again at night, and I had a long-lost luxury.

And by the evening, the bald head and Genos finally returned, almost stepping on the meal...

The bald head looked at the hot pot billowing on the table, as well as the high-grade meat on the side, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and if no one next to him directly did the opposite side of the night, he was ready to open it directly.

"King didn't leave you down for dinner?"

For the thick skin of the bald head, Yeya has long been accustomed to it, even if the corners of his eyes have been twitching now, the bald head should not see it.

"Because he lives alone, he only prepares his own meals..."

The bald head said as he quickly wiped out the meat in the hot pot and used other topics to distract Yoruya.

"I think King can win the game on his own."

The bald head said such a sentence, but Yoruya was not surprised at all.

Obviously, in King's home, the bald head was probably abused by someone with a finger, and he doubted his life.

"Yoya, you probably know that too, right? That's why you chose to strike at that time, and I remember that you are not a nosy person. Halfway

through the topic, Saitama suddenly stared at Yoruya and said something that made Genos next to him unclear.

"Who knows? At least I don't think there's anything wrong with that, and I get paid a lot of money. Yoruya

knew that the bald head was talking about King's strength, but in line with the bald head's thoughts, he did not intend to debunk King.

He is not a nosy person per se, and King is indeed "the strongest man on the surface", at least not when he bouts his bald head with one finger.

The bald head was relieved to hear the meaning of Yoruya's words, because he also expected King to teach him the skills of playing games, and he didn't want to break up the relationship he had just established.

As we all know, Saitama and Yoruya have the same level of game, and it is said that they are evenly matched, but in fact, rookie chickens peck each other.

Their game record has also gone from 49 wins, 49 losses and 2 draws, to the current 198 wins and 198 losses and 4 draws, and the two sides can be described as equal.

But the bald head felt that he would be able to crush the night immediately, because he found a big guy today, and this big guy also promised to teach him some unique skills.

On the other hand, the "Hero Association" has led to an embarrassing situation of insufficient number of heroes due to the frequent occurrence of weirdos recently.

The directors of several hero associations are holding meetings, and some people have proposed lowering the standards for hero assessment so that more people can register as heroes.

However, some directors objected, claiming that this was not important, not only could not solve those weirdos, but also caused most people to die for no reason.

In the end, the directors unanimously decided that the expropriation of the criminals, as long as they can solve the weirdos, in addition to helping them bleach, can also get a lot of money.

And this matter, the above was still handed over to the Siqi cadres to handle.

In order to be able to suppress these criminals, the Xiqi cadres also specially transferred three A-class heroes to the town field.

Unfortunately, Chuixue, who was promoted to an A-class hero some time ago, is also one of the three A-class heroes in this town.

Because of Yeya's outstanding performance in recent times, the fame of the "Blowing Snow Group" has recently soared.

Coupled with Fuyuki as the younger sister of Tornado, Yoruya's sister, plus the recent surge in her own strength, she was entrusted with this mission.

If it is usual, when Blowing Snow is out on a mission, he will often leave a text message to Yeya, because this is specially instructed by Yeya.

Yeya didn't want something like the "Deep Sea King" to happen, so he specially instructed Blowing Snow that if he wanted to deal with the weirdos above the "ghost level", he had to talk to him.

But because this time is not to deal with weirdos, but to deter criminals, and it is difficult to say whether it will even fight, so Blowing Snow did not leave a message for Yeya.

In fact, if all the people who come are ordinary criminals, the three A-level heroes can indeed calm the scene.

Especially the current blowing snow, if it were not for the goalkeeper of "Sweetheart Kamen", he would have touched the S class now.

But this time the hero association, among the criminals summoned, two were not ordinary people at all.

Among them, Sonic is okay, he just came to find the bald head and Yoruya to take revenge, but learned that the two were not here, so he left directly.

And the hungry wolves came to smash the field, at least from the beginning.

After the hungry wolf arrived, he first taunted a wave of hero associations, and then directly killed and declared war on all the heroes of the entire hero association.

The A-class heroes "Magician" and "Blue Flame" who were called by Siqi to watch the scene were also directly killed by the hungry wolf in three or two strokes.

And because of the skyrocketing strength, Blowing Snow was actually able to fight with the hungry wolf at the beginning, but because of the limitations of the environment and the exhaustion of Nian power, Blowing Snow was eventually defeated by the hungry wolf.

But when the hungry wolf with blood at the corner of his mouth was about to mend the knife and dry up the blowing snow, an afterimage saved the exhausted blowing snow from the flowing water rock crushed fist of the hungry wolf.

And this person who saved the blowing snow is Sonic who went and returned!

Just now Sonic has been watching a good show on it, as for stopping the hungry wolf? Don't be silly, that's what a hero should do, and he Sonic is not a so-called hero.

Sonic also doesn't want to conflict with the hungry wolf, he is a ninja, and he will only kill if he takes money, so he doesn't need to fight the hungry wolf to death.

As for why Sonic saved Blowing Snow, the reason is also very simple, because he knows that this woman is Yoruya's sister.

It doesn't matter if he can't find Yoya, as long as the woman is in his hands, Sonic is not afraid that Yeya won't come to the door.

"You should be a friend of Yeya, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was also saved by you last time, and now you have saved me again."

Blowing Snow looked at Sonic and mistook him for Yoya's friend, the last Deep Sea King incident, the other party also asked himself to help deliver a letter to Yoza...

"No kidding, who's friends with that guy, you should be able to contact that guy."

Call him immediately and tell him to come to this forest before the sun goes down, or let him collect your body! He

Sonic has been practicing hard in this deep mountain for months since he was defeated by Yaya, and now he is finally going to wash away his shame!

And when Yeya received the call, the whole person was dumbfounded, and Blowing Snow was actually kidnapped by Sonic?