
Psycho Wish

“I feel cold , freezing but I like the feeling “. Witness the journey of a girl turning into a full fledged psychopath , a twisted being..an impeccable and meticulous killer who never leaves a trace behind...can she be stopped? Can she fall in love? Wait as the madness unleashes and soars through her mind ....get ready for a roller coaster ride through murders, death , torture, thrill , debauchery ...and a twisted love ....all through the eyes of a psychopath...

Arya5421 · Urbain
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13 Chs

In the Abyss of the Underworld

⚠️⚠️sensitive content ...read at ur own risk⚠️⚠️

I turned the doorknob...it was open ....I went in ....what I saw made me freeze ...the so called Zara was there naked struggling for breath as the collar in her throat was being pulled by a middle aged man from behind who was banging her quite roughly....she on the other hand was gobbling a dick in front of her face....and to my surprise there was Hades....seated at a distance on a sofa definitely enjoying the show as well as my face.....He smirked and looked at me ...as if waiting to see what I do ....

"That's enough....stop..."

"But sir ..."

"I asked u to stop ..."

The girl was left alone...she looked at him ...With lustful eyes...he smiled

" do u want me to ride u there? "

" not really...a better show is waiting..." he eyed me and motioned towards her....

This man , I smirked internally....I went towards her ....I turned her towards me ...

"Are u joining in??" This bitch really just wanna get laid...,"not really.."..I brought out my dagger....she looked at it and turned to Hades who was smirking...she got the hint she tried to get out of the bed but alas the two men pulled her by her so called collar...she fell down on the bed ....she screamed...it was loud ...I just wanted to end her so I took steps forward...," her father, u k loves her so does her mom....she is loved by her brothers too..."

, Hades said quite indifferently...but that sentence had a very different effect on me...," what did u say?",I asked him while the girl kept on screaming..so I gave her lips a cut ," shut ur trap...", I said ...Hades narrowed his eyes while pouring himself a drink...the girl started whimpering from the pain...he drank his wine and said," well, she does this just to make them hate her...she wants to break free of her fancy family and find freedom ..she feels that true freedom lies in breaking such superficial bonds..",....my face darkened....I looked at her ,"I am gonna ask u one question...if ur not honest ur dead ...what he just said ,is it true?", my voice choked a bit ....Hades observed me closely....she looked at me but didn't answer out of fear ...she just went on shrieking...I stabbed her hand ...," I want an answer and it better be honest..",..she ,while screaming but unable to do it freely cause of her lips wounds...made a hilarious face and just nodded....

I got down from the bed , I looked at Hades...who was still smirking...I looked at the girl ...she had everything...why did she get everything yet she threw it all away ....while I get nothing if I don't struggle...she gets everything....everything why ....why .....what has she ever done to deserve that ....her parents, siblings love her ...then why ...does she push them away...yet I tried so hard ...,'monster'...I quietly placed my dagger inside my bag ....she doesn't deserve it ...I looked around....a flower vase...hmm good ," get me the vase..", I said ...Hades motioned and one of the men brought it ...," do u have a knife?"...

They handed me one ...the girl was still scared to death as she should be ...good ," sit up." , I said in a calm voice ....she complied violently shaking out of fear ...I looked at her face ....quite pretty but reeking of men's stuff....I put the knife quite near her eyes ...she screamed in fear forgetting about her lips ...I smiled ....I slowly put it on the surface of her left eye ...slowly shoved it in ..u know..subtly to make her feel the pain....she screamed at her top of her lungs....blood started to come out ....now her screams felt harmonious ...,"scream more ..." , I just said ....

She complied....I kept on shoving it and she kept on screaming at last when I met the cavity...I poked it out ...she screamed so sweetly....now her so called eye was on the knife ....she kept on screaming and asking for mercy ...I just smiled ....soon I uprooted all her nails one by one ....to enjoy her scream...her expression was soo good ...i then broke the vase on her head.....blood came out ...I again felt euphoric....I started peeling her skin off ...I tell u that's no easy task while she went on screaming and I was a noob....I cut her tongue off ...first ...to lessen her screaming....Then I peeled her alive ...oh the feeling...I can't just write it down ...it was beyond euphoric...she still made noise but not so sharply as she was tired of fighting...almost dead...good ...by the time I peeled it off ...she stopped moving...she was dead ...I looked at her and smiled ," now u r free." I said ....to myself..it was as if I was in a trance...that just broke ...I looked around myself...Hades had his eyes fixated on me...his eyes were glowing....like a kid ...he had enjoyed the show very much ....

" did something happen to ur parents?"

I said calmly ," u of all people...u k it all don't u....that's why u did it deliberately...."

" u acted perfectly...so that really was ur trigger..."

" what the heck ....who gave u the right to manipulate me...", i was pissed , I jumped at him with the knife...I guess my eyes had gone dead...I was about to be stopped by the two men but he motioned them to stop ....I got him ..I was about to stab him ...but I felt a grip on my hand ...he had gripped me...," when u are angry , u take the worst decisions...interesting..",....I looked at him," try and stop me..", he smirked," look around u girl, u r already dead...", now I looked around me a small gun , he was pointing under my face...Shit...I hadn't noticed he had gripped me and put the gun under my chin...,he said quite mockingly," u have to work way harder than that to kill me girl...", my anger came down ...the knife fell from my hand...I sat down on the floor...my clothes were drenched in blood...he knelt in front of me...," I'm sorry...", he motioned the others to clean it up ....," u did a good job ",said Hades ..freshen up ...I have an outfit ready in the bathroom...

I went in the bathroom...the water was perfect ...I stripped and dipped myself in the bathtub...it's been a while ...since I used a bathtub...feels refreshing but....

MUM!!what r u doing...let me out ...I can't breathe...PLEASE I won't do it again ...I promise....mum....I swear.....

My eyes shot open...,a dream? ...no that actually happened...I shut the memory out...for so long ...I cuddled up in myself....my hands were still blood red...I gently rinsed it ...all that happened cause I tried to hug her on my birthday...she said she would give me a bath ...but she kept me pinned down in the tub for almost over a minute...I was almost dead when she left me ....my dad chided her ...did nothing serious and my bros were disappointed that I didn't die....still I tried to look past the incident....why ? I don't know myself...I suddenly felt something...is it fear ?....her voice ....she's here?!!...I got out of the water and ....I went towards the door ...I felt my hand shaking...what is happening....suddenly I heard a tap on the door ...,"what happened?u okay?", it was Hades," yes", I said shakily," come out soon bitch ...gotta take a piss."I heard his footsteps going away...I felt scared ....I opened the door and slid my hand to catch his T-shirt..he looked around...I looked down and I said ," stay here...",he sighed ...he glanced over his shoulder ," okay "...was all he said ...I closed the door ....I sat with my back on the door and I could feel him sitting likewise on the others side...," what's ur deal?u feel remorse.."

"Not really....I feel scared.."

" of whome?"

"Someone I killed without a problem....who tortured me first..."...

" was it ur family?.."

" voila" , I laughed....

" come out..." surprisingly I was not mad anymore....I dressed and went out ....and collapsed on the bed ....Hades went in ...the sheets were changed again it was like nothing happened here....I dozed off ....I don't know for how long ....when my eyes opened...it was already night ...it was a full moon and Hades was there too ....sleeping...not so intimidating...is he ...He opened his eyes ...