

"I who, wanted to live my life to the fullest, in the embrace of my parents whom I never met in my Previous world but now I got a chance to re-live or so I thought. They Killed my brother mercilessly, pierced my heart. Turned me into a cripple. I heard my mother's sobbing, my father's numb crying. Only waiting to be a cripple for all my life with no strength to get brother's revenge. Lost all hope. " Follow Louis(Luke), As Louis become part of the 'VARER'S' Research department, he encountered truth of this reality as well as his Ancestral ground. Sent to Abyss Realm but unexpectedly through Void cracks found himself in the Asura Realm in the middle of Chaos created by Mystical Beast, Racial Conflict like always, no matter the World. As he learned about his Unique Tsuki Energy, as well curtain rises slowly about his connection with the "Curse of 100,000 Year's Crimson Flame Love Bloom Rose", and due to this Curse his Reincarnation of 99,999 Year's as A Mortal. As Louis is determined to find his Brothers murderer's, and unfold the mystery behind this PROJECT:- TSUKIYOMI.

VelRiose · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

New Beginning 2

"Hush! Honey! Have you heard something?" A Young woman in her after 20s felt cold chill from behind on her back, like some invisible force touched her. She was startled earlier, while widened her eyes to look as far as she can see. Her soft Heart was beating so fast from earlier.

**Lub! Dub! Lub! Dub!**

It took several minutes before she could calmed her losing breath.

The woman Looked behind only to find dead chill silence, nor a spock of wind is there, not like she had seen any living beings in this Abyss Realm as this world's law make it differ from other worlds. It's not like the Abyss Realm is a deserted place, throughout the passage of time some beings came to exist that found a way to coexist in this harsh reality. But they rarely make contacts with outsiders, so finding them is like cutting your own legs by your axe.

The man who was just few steps away from the woman, heard her awkward voice with a little stutter, as she frowned on the place while looking behind her back.

Vineet:- "Siona! Are you okay! were you hurt somewhere? Show me!."

He put his right hand on her left shoulder, well that made her startled more as she was already frightened with the chill she felt some moments ago.

Siona:- "Woaah!, Y-You scared me. Huh! Huh! Huh! V-Vineeeet! Yo-You are tr-trying to...kill me? Hun! Hun! Hun! Phoooo! J-Just give ...me...a second. Let me take my breath." She pouted while complaints to Vineet! It's hard to see her blushed face with cute poute she made but nonetheless master Vineet! Is an expert when it comes to understand what's going on in this Airhead's Brain. Not because Vineet! is her partner in crime but also part of her family as the duo raised by Siona's parents despite, Vineet! being an orphan.

The Duo were wearing a Green Space Suit with Violet Gridlines all over it, as far as eyes can see. With Violet fabric made gloves and shoes. Their Helmet has transparent glass from which they can observe and do things they came here to do. They carried a heavy bag behind their back, which includes, water tank in the middle, secondary Oxygen tanks in both lower corners of the backpack, potable life support system on their bottom left but slightly above of Oxygen Tank, moter assembly on top left corner, warning computer on top right corner, primary Oxygen tanks besides water tank, battery slightly above the secondary Oxygen tank and below water tank, with lower torso assembly and hard upper torso. Their suites were well equipped with lights on the top right of the helmet, beside with Tv camera, in-suit drink bag and other some scientific amazements.

Siona! who was bent down on her kneels from last half an hour, finally sat down and calmed her breath after the sudden intrusion, when she was lost in her shock, by Vineet!. She looked above as her helmet moved simeltaneuosly, and with smirk on her face, which can't be seen, but understood by her behaviour, she broke the long time silence.

Siona:- "Hmmm! When I called you earlier, why didn't you responded? Give me a satisfactory answer, otherwise just wait for Mama's wrath." She chuckled slightly as she clicked her tongue in her mouth, and questioned Vineet!, who went back to gather the listed materials, for that purpose they have came here to do.

As usual Vineet! Heard her shouting for a while seeing her all energetic he couldn't help but laugh inwardly with smirk as he gathered 90% materials.

Siona:- "hummm! I'm pissed off on you! Why won't you answered me damn it? I know you heard me, but pretending to be not! So you wanna play this way! Fine! Fiine...!."

She shouted aloud at him, that even a red ape with dark blue wings covered with dark blue miasma, chasing after a female black Lagoon with long black gold tail, stood for a second scratched his left and right cheeks with his both Hands, might be thinking, "who is this ugly looking animal? Humm! I haven't seen them before! maybe but too ugly. Che! Che! My dear is much more cute and beautiful. Huh! Where did my maany! go? Darling! Darling! I promise I want do it hard this time! I won't disturb you when you're with kids. I promise darling! I will ask you before coming after you from behind. Darling! Darling!. So you wanna play hide n seek! Okay! For your reference I'm the undefeated king of this dalliance. So you better be prepare for the worst cuz once I find you I'm not gonna let you go till a month and you know I'm gonna use those stances.... hahahaha!" Then that Ape like creature ran after to search for his mate.

The moment Siona! Shouted at Vineet he burst into laughter as he weren't able to see her blushed reddened face in anger but seeing her like this he felt relieved that she isn't muddle anymore.


Vineet:- "Hahaah....hahahaha! W-Wait. Slow...hahah...slow! I...huhuh! L-Let me take a br-breath. Huh! Huh! Huh! Hahah! Sorry! I don't have anything to state. And you look so damn cute, when you gets angry at me. Man! I can't help but laugh at your angry look. Sorry! if I made you uncomfortable, but you know dear I Love You." Although they can't step out of their costumes but Vineet who is with Siona for almost 26 years ever since Sir! And Mam! adopted him into their family, understood the vulnerability of his mate as he confessed in teasing manner.

Vineet! remembered those moments again, tilted his head in sides to let go of the personal feelings as they are on duty. Vineet! put his right hand on Siona's helmet as he patted. During all of this mess Siona! couldn't find words to counter as she shivered and felt so much aroused and blissful that she forgot why she was ready to hammering him before. She nodded her head in agreement which made Vineet puzzled why she nodded?' Of Course no one can guess what's going on inside a women's head.

Siona:- "Okay! Cut it out, will ya! I'm fine! I-I'm not irritated at you anymore. So, let's finish what we came here to do. And don't pat my head, I'm not a kid you know!." She pulled down his hand from her head and frowned for a moment, then moved here and there to search for the listed ingredients, but to her surprise, Vineet! had already found most of them.

Vineet:- "Seriously! I have found them all. Well most of all, should I say. While you were panting. I know this is your first time here and you are in an unfamiliar World with the most dashing, Charming and Handsome man, then something like that usually happens. Well don't fret as I have all of them and..." He calculated and counted the ingredients Siona! have found as well as his findings. She kept her mouth closed as Vineet's last few words still circles around inside her mind.

After confirming that they have collected most of the things on the list, on the small screen popped out of his chest, a confirmation switch was placed on both of their Space suites. He switched it off and then looked at Siona! and continued, "Looks like we only need to find 500 years old Purple cold grass and it's seeds. After collecting this we will head back. Siona! Time lock! looks like we only have 20 Minutes to search for it so get ready cuz this grassy thing only full fledged bloom near the poisonous soul sucking swamps. Don't leave my side okay Siona!." Vineet pondered at her and she nodded at him in exceptence as the Duo searched for the 'Purple Cold Grass' but no luck as time passed by, remains only 1 minute.

Siona:- "O-Only 1 minute remain Vineet! Hurry up open the portal, get the hell out of here. I-I'm sick of this place, nothing but trouble." Actually During the exploration Siona! got fooled by some giant ant eaters like on The Earth but they were different. As they made huge holes on every way the duo took, that's why it took them long and weren't able to find the last ingredient as they stumbled upon those 'Earth Holes.' Although not life threatening but well she is furious ever since.

Now in present, Vineet! Took out an ordinary metal lighter, as he light up, but instead of fire, a ray of transparent white light pierced through the open space between two

5 meters long and 4 inches wide thick stone inscription, and on their right hand sides Inscription stone engraved with a statue of a mermaid. She pointed her left hand towards the Left stone inscription, whereas her right hand on her bun. It seems she wore nothing in particular but some kind of jewels on her waist and neck. As she was in a dance pose. Face is so blurred like this statue have seen millions of years of humility by the nature.

Something was written in a language which The Earthing aren't aware off.

On the Left of Vineet and Siona, the second huge stone inscriptions on which something written in an unknown Language also but have a different portrait of a cloud underneath that a monkey with three eyes and two tails in an armour and holding an Axe equal to his body in size, A humanoid Fox with multiple tails and surrounded by 10 or more knives, and a man with a stick in hand engraved on it. The man's left hand have a stick and right hand is in 'Amitabha' pose, with circle 'Chakras' behind him.

The moment Vineet lighted the lighter, a ray of Transparent white light pierced in the middle space of both boulders, and within moments the Duo heard some familiar words of livings. They were halved heard as the disconnection due to space and time malfunction and disturbance of 'Two World's Law'. The duo can't jumped in the portal as they need to wait for the coordinates and route, otherwise they will forever be lost in the wilderness of time and space.

It's already have been 5 minutes but the duo haven't gotten any confirmation, regarding whether should they jump inside the portal or not. But patience is the root of profit, as at last on the starting of 6th minute the duo heard the words, "Bravado Team Vel! Jump in now! We have connected your suits with our ultra frequencies. Remember as you gets close to the eye blinding burning light, press the 'Lightcom' again and we will do the rest and be cautious. Don't touch your surroundings so not to be sucked in by the void. Understood Team Vel's."

The commanding voice pointed them out on rules of space transportation, as the duo already gone through various trials to get here in Abyss Realm. Both nodded in response, "Yes Sir!" "And Jump" otherworldly voice ordered and the Duo holding eachother in arms jumped inside the Space Transportation Portal.

Siona! shivering in fear as she doesn't want to face the complete darkness of Space's which connects two dimensions. She is holding Vineet! in her arms as he do the same to Siona!. No space for air to pass. Vineet! holds her tightly as every passing second his heart rate moved up a second, even though he is used to space jumping but this is first for Siona! so he was nervous. As he hold her in his tight grip. Vineet! saw the Darkness killing phenomenon as the duo gets closer, Vineet! switch on the lighter as the white ray of light pass and connected with the eye blinding dazzling light. Within a minute or short another portal appears and without making any mistake he pulled Siona! up and pushed her in the portal and follow-through.

Siona's eyes were still close as Vineet told her not to open them in the middle of journey so she did.