

"I who, wanted to live my life to the fullest, in the embrace of my parents whom I never met in my Previous world but now I got a chance to re-live or so I thought. They Killed my brother mercilessly, pierced my heart. Turned me into a cripple. I heard my mother's sobbing, my father's numb crying. Only waiting to be a cripple for all my life with no strength to get brother's revenge. Lost all hope. " Follow Louis(Luke), As Louis become part of the 'VARER'S' Research department, he encountered truth of this reality as well as his Ancestral ground. Sent to Abyss Realm but unexpectedly through Void cracks found himself in the Asura Realm in the middle of Chaos created by Mystical Beast, Racial Conflict like always, no matter the World. As he learned about his Unique Tsuki Energy, as well curtain rises slowly about his connection with the "Curse of 100,000 Year's Crimson Flame Love Bloom Rose", and due to this Curse his Reincarnation of 99,999 Year's as A Mortal. As Louis is determined to find his Brothers murderer's, and unfold the mystery behind this PROJECT:- TSUKIYOMI.

VelRiose · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Heart flickered~Good News

++++++Several Minutes Later++++++

**Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!**

"Bravado Team Vel' I'm proud of you and extremely grateful of you two for helping me in my time of crisis. I know it was dangerous and terrifying experience, and you both must be exhausted by now so I'm not going to take much of your precious time. You may rest in your rooms. Thanks again though. Siona! Vineet!"

A man somewhere in his forties with red curved down from both sides moustache. Who have chubby face around 5'7 height, with pair of brown eyes flickering like light, Greek nose, brown plump dried lips like haven't taken a single sip of water under his throat for a long time. Pushed back long brown hair with red hair strings falling over his forehead, short neck with endomorph body.

He is wearing collared Grey shirt with faded black checks painted on it and crimson tie hanging above his extra wobbly belly when he moves. As for the lower part, black trouser with blue lines, part of his blazer set and matched shoes making him the superior of all the present. As the underground research facility echoing with the appraiser of the Couple as they successfully completed this nominative.

The couple opened their eyes slowly with the hearing cheers echoing that large hall room. Behind of the couple is the Space Transportation Gate and it's outlines built by Tungsten the hardest material on Earth, in reverse U shape and the middle part have some gloo sticky thing don't know why? The gate is immovable protected with ultrasonic laser waves. Well behind the Space Transportation Gate were some Men and women working on transparent computers screen while some are filling the files and others were gasping and relieved that the 2 months Mission is finally over. No matter where you look in this underground facility, everyone is working on something. So much hard work.

The Couples were in a deep underground research facility which is divided into sectors. Well on every floor there are variable changes in scenery. As whole campus is engulfed and disappear in some mystic shroud. The couple opened their eyes, a while ago, a few minutes have passed by, until they were able to fully grasp their surrounding. As they were getting used to their eye sights, a batch of 20 or so people entered from the upper floors, from the elevator, from the front corridor as both sides covered with transparent office glasses.

The inspection team headed straight to the center of attention, while carrying various equipment's, and first thing they do is, synthesized both of them to get rid of any alienate virus, insects should stuck to their space suits, or Alienate bacteria or to be on a safe side. Whole area is sealed off only the centre of the attention is the Couple and the Synthesizing team remains inside.

On the 3rd Floor, The entrance from left, straight take some 10 steps and on the right is the food counter whereas left has all the round to semi spherical to full square tables with chairs, neat and clean. Some are enjoying their Foods, Some are gossiping around, while others are watching the latest news broadcasting on the 40' inch LCD monitor on the left wall. It took some 7 hours as the Duo went through various procedures to make sure they're not carrying any 'Genocides' with them or have any infection.

Now on the 3rd floor, Vineet! and Siona! is in the 'Cafeteria', and having a full plate dinner. they are sitting at far right bottom corner, as to not get anymore attention and also not let others hear their Hungry sounds of merged soul's. As both staring at the food, which they missed all those deserty days. Whole round table for two packed up with including Rice!, Meat!, Green veggies, Boiled Eggs!, Curd!, Bread!, Small pack of Pepper Pickle!, pair of glasses with Orange Juices, adding two milk bottle.

The Pair fell upon the dinner table like hungry Hyena's. All this time no one utter a single sound as hungry as they got from earlier treatments, not an ounce of strength left in them. Just before the third serving Siona's face turned red, then blue, as she stood up and ran towards the washroom, not far from their table on their right hand side. She vomited out all of the things she have eaten out in the washbasin in women's washroom. It's been quite some time and Siona! doesn't come back. Vineet! who haven't finished his meal, headed in women's toilets direction and waited for sometime outside of the door, stood their and then shouted her name several times.

Vineet:- "Siona! Siona! Siona! Are you all right! Siona! Answer me damn it! Are you okay or not. Damn it! She is making me nuts. What shall I do. Shall I go inside or not. But if I won't go then who knows what kinda trouble she have gotten herself into? No! No! If someone sees me then it will bring lots of nonsense and I don't wanna feel guilty about. What shall I do!!!" As he was being a righteous person another embranglement feeling wingling inside him.

His answer is called as a women came straight, to the women's toilet and when she was about to enter inside, Vineet! lost his patience and vociferous to the lady in black attire top to bottom.

Vineet:- "Excuse me! Miss! Sorry! to intrude in your privacy but my Girlfriend has gone inside for a long time and hasn't returned. Please if you see her then tell her to come out. Please miss!" Half of his body is bowing down to the estranged lady. And the lady was in a hurry obviously didn't heard much but as she entered she saw unconscious body of a woman lying on the floor and creeped out as she shout aloud "Someone is lying on the floor. Someone has fallen here. Help! Help! Somebody help!" The Lady in Black continuously screamed as she was scared out of the scene.

Vineet! didn't loose a second and rushed in to saw Siona's unconscious figure and hold her in his arm "Hey! Hey! Hey! Siona! Siona! Don't Play with me dear! Okay! Get up. Open your eyes dear! See I'm here. Open up! Dear!!!" He started sweating alot as he touched Siona's forehead and then get closed to her chest to hear her heart beat which is still beeping like no care in the world. A faint smile appears on his lips then he looked towards the Lady in black, who seems to calmed down a little, like she understood and called an 'Ambulance.'

Several hours later at GIS Institute and Health centre. It's a 8th storey building with the Name of the Place in Red on white board statues at the top of the building which can be seen from a far. Inside the building on 2nd Floor, Block D, Room no. 45. Inside the room is a gynecology and obstetrics Dr., has checked and now standing next to the unconscious woman who is laying on the patients bed, talking to a nurse.

After a while the door of the room is half opened and Dr. Avik! came out and sighed inwardly and gestured the two gentlemen to follow him. No discussion happened up until, Dr. Avik! moved right in the corridor and after taking another right turn, at the end of the corridor, he pushes open the door of his cabin. On the left gate wall in middle, a nameplate with occupation engraved on a white board with Black letters.

Dr. Gestured both gentlemen to sit down on the chair so they did. The cabin contains three chairs two in front of the round table and the other behind the table on which Dr. Avik is currently sat down, is made of polyester with 5 smooth running safety castors with grey synthetic leather seat. Behind at the right corner is a closed window then all over the wall have Pregnant woman's images and Pregnancy instructions.

Dr. Avik:- "Hmm! So who is related to the patient?" He nonchalantly asked while looking something behind in his file shelf.

Vineet:- "It's me Sir! Vineet! Vineet Vell! is my full name. I'm Siona's Fiancee. We...we were having dinner and then she...she suddenly...!" With gloomy face he sounded heartsick. Moments later he continued,

*Snort! Snort!*

"Huh! I found her unconscious and tried to wake her up and splashed water on her face but she doesn't responded. Then with Edi's help we brought her here. Please Dr. t-tell me what happened to her? Is something d-dangerous...!" before Vineet! could have finishes, Dr. Avik! shifted his gaze to Vineet! from his files. Well he was reading something though.

Dr. Avik:- "Arghh! So Mr. Edi!, if you don't mind, can you wait outside?" he stared at Edi! with a half dead eye as it looks he was about to fall asleep. Edi! looks, Vineet! and Vineet! gave him a nod to do as the Dr. Avik! asked to do. So Edi! did and went back and closed the door slowly to give the people inside some privacy.

Now Vineet! is going through various controversy's in his mind about Siona's condition. Dr. Avik! also vibed his losing desperation, and just he was about to start the conversation, the plastic white door flashed open and a silhouette in white attire of nurse appeared inside. "Oh! Nurse Jey! Come in! Have you got all her check-ups and details." Dr. Avik glanced at the Nurse with a wink under the glasses.

Seeing his wink, a smile appears on Nurse Jay's face but then she saw Vineet! sitting there as well. So she closed her opened mouth, she was about to reply from and while blushing she leaves Siona's medical check-up file on top of his black hard brown plastic desk, and sprinted out as the door closes slowly again.

It's been 10 minutes since Dr. Avik reading Siona's medical report. He finished now and stared at Vineet now the silence of despair is finally over.

Dr. Avik:- "Mr. Vineet! You previously said that you and the patient are fiance am I right."

"Yes Sir! You have heard right we both are engaged. Why Sir! Is something the matter? Is there some complications in her body or something?" Seeing Dr. Avik's seriousness, Vineet's heart beats vibrantly as sweat dropped from his forehead in this AC room.

"No! No! No! She is absolutely perfect. I mean to say is, She is fine. Nothing is wrong with her. Well here only one thing I will say, is that she is weak and her Hemoglobin is abnormal. Well now that she is carrying a life in her womb, she needs to eat double or triple of her daily meals. Otherwise in upcoming months there are chances of arduousness in her pregnancy. You understood Mr. Vineet!."

The moment Dr. Avik clarified Vineet's Desperate build up doubts, this Arrow of realisation pierced through his heart, as his heart's beeping skyrocketed. His facial expressions changes as widened eyes more widened showing the white red corners of his sclera. It felt as his whole body is plunging in. Like whole world suddenly went sober. He could hear his own heart beeping superfast. His hands shaking nervously. Legs creeped out. It felt like he is falling in an endless void as limbs left him until only his eyes gouged out and remembered the last deep hidden memory of his cruel past. Then came a little hand, a small one, reached out to him in his never ending dream of depravity, as those small hands joined together with their ruined faces and blurred clothes, clapped simeltaneuosly an spoke nonchalantly,

*Daida! Daida! Daida!*

Within moments Vineet's blood vessels screamed rushing all around his body while being panic gave him a realisation of an unseen future, a blinking smile appeared on his face then turned to big one and he stood up and rushed back to his "love of Life, one in a Universe, his Own, One in a Millenium Soul Mate."