
Prohibition Lineage

In a martial arts school specialized in combating curses, two rival clans, the Fujin and the Raijin, vie for control and prestige. The protagonist, Ren, is an exceptional student born from a forbidden union between the leaders of the enemy clans. Ren is raised by his grandfather, who is the leader of the Fujin, after the mysterious death of his parents.

Jair_Fortes · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


Long ago, in an era where the spiritual and physical worlds were intertwined in an eternal dance of balance and chaos, the Fujin and Raijin clans were the guardians of ancestral secrets that shaped the destiny of humanity.

The Fujin, descendants of the wild and free winds, were masters in the art of agility and adaptability. Their leader, a man of deep wisdom and piercing eyes, ruled with a firm hand, holding tradition and clan honor in high regard.

Meanwhile, the Raijin, descendants of the thunderous and powerful thunder, were known for their unwavering strength and unyielding determination. Their leader, a woman of fierce heart and sharp mind, was a respected leader, whose mastery over spiritual energies was unmatched.

For generations, the clans coexisted in a fragile balance, sharing mutual respect but also maintaining a fierce rivalry. Their lives were intertwined by destiny, each step carefully watched by ancestral spirits who guarded their paths.

However, not everything was destined to remain in harmony. At the heart of this web of intertwined destinies, a forbidden passion blossomed between the leaders of the rival clans, a union that defied traditions and threatened the fragile balance of the world.

From the forbidden love between the leaders of the Fujin and Raijin clans, a child destined to change the course of history was born. Ren, a young man of fearless spirit and mixed heritage, was the living symbol of the union between the rival clans, a constant reminder of the lines that were crossed and the sacrifices that were made.

As he grew under the care of his grandfather, the leader of the Fujin, Ren faced challenges that tested his courage and loyalty. He knew that his destiny was intertwined with the destinies of the clans, and that his journey would lead him through dangerous and unknown paths.

However, Ren was determined to find his own path, to forge his own destiny, away from the shadows of the past and the expectations of the future. With the heritage of his parents running through his veins and the strength of his friends by his side, Ren was ready to face any challenge that awaited him.

Thus begins the story of Ren, a young man destined to unravel the secrets of the Fujin and Raijin clans, to master the elemental energies that shape the world, and to protect those he loves. His journey will be one of adventure and danger, of friendship and betrayal, and of discovering his true inner power.

With the winds of destiny blowing in his sails, Ren is ready to embark on an epic journey that will take him beyond the limits of what he ever imagined. His destiny is intertwined with the destiny of the clans, and only time will tell if he will be able to shape his own destiny or succumb to the forces that surround him.