
Prince of the Blood Maiden

In the world anew, where mana binds the old world into becoming fantastical and soon rules everything, called Ascended Earth. Defiance is barely surviving and always having betrayals due to his low capability to manipulate mana. But to compensate for what he lacks, he trains himself in practical skills and developed a diverse martial arts technique for himself to be an adventurer at least. Until, one day, after he was dumped by his sorceress partner early in the morning due to his weakness, he decided to set out to fulfill the guild request he claimed in the same morning. It was about to find the whereabouts of the party of silver-ranked adventurers that were said to be also on a quest in the same Acacia Forest two days ago, and they were declared missing by their families as the party hasn't come back yet, nor sent an electronic message to inform them what they are up to. After investigating a ruined church and coming crashing, surviving through the traps of the gallows of the said church, he was met with a life-threatening fate, being mercilessly decapitated by the devouring winds inside a room where an iron maiden lies. Luckily, after being pitied by God, or rather, after pleasing the woman inside the iron maiden with his grand, yet broken dreams, with the use of a spell without a chant, he was rescued from the jaws of solidarity and cold death. At first, as soon as he wakes up, he uses his stories to get permission to leave, even though the iron maiden wasn't the one who ordered the violent winds. The young man was not expected to return, but, he returns still, to tell her more stories, or rather, to accompany her each day, as the young man knows that it might ease the loneliness of the woman that is trapped inside the iron maiden for years. The days, became months, summer, autumn, winter, and spring, until a year has passed. And the tone of the woman inside the iron maiden sounds to be softened compared to the first time they spoken with each other. In those days that passed, their feelings steadily became attached, and even though he travels far for some of his quests and researches how to set her free, he never misses a day to be with her. Without her knowledge and without her telling him about the ancient enchantment that seals her inside the iron maiden, after discovering it with his mana pulse, he uses his mana pulse every day, ever since with peak focus to at least pry the magic enchantment formulation little by little. Until, a new day, a new morning came, and a foreign sensation welcomed his senses, his head was laid on something soft and squishy. And as soon as the curtains of his eyes were opened, finally, he was greeted by the beautiful grace of destiny, her. Becoming her bloodied prince, her prince that would soon write a gallant scarlet legacy in history, as the "Prince of the Blood Maiden".

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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Tale of Two Worlds

"Oh, would you?"





At first, he was calm as if he easily understood what the voice inside the iron maiden offered.

And his realization, suddenly flicked into a crazed surprise after knowing that there is indeed someone, or something inside the iron maiden, whereas, he quickly retreated away from the maiden at such a hilariously quick reaction time.

"I thought there is no one inside!"

He replied as his lips stuttered, with his eyes widened whilst yelling due to anxiety.

"Saving you from death is an easy chore, and you should not be surprised at how I kept myself alive for countless years."

The iron maiden told in such a calm tone, to not hint any hesitation, nor lie in her words.

"Oh really? You must be a monster then! Nope, you are not getting out of there! Not in a million years."

Being wary of the said capability of the existence inside the iron maiden, he was terrified and hilariously yelled at it.


"So, I should take back the life I gave you then?"

The iron maiden demanded coldly, sending chills down his spine.

"Of course, I'm just joking around, trying to make you laugh. Ha ha ha."

His features suddenly shifted, being stoic, as if he was not terrified a moment ago.

"Yes, if you want to hear some stories, I have some, many for you to count, not enough for your fingers-..."


"...Sorry for being rude to assume that you have many or no fingers to count. Let's just say I have many stories. He he."

He said as he becomes calmly seated with his legs crossed inwardly.

"I understand, you may now begin telling your stories."

The voice inside the iron maiden commanded.

"What kind of stories do you like to hear?"

He asked in a carefree manner, coloring the echoes of the enclosed room.

"I would like to know what the world outside looks like in this era."

The voice inside the iron maiden responded.

"I assume, it is been a long time since when you are locked up in that iron maiden."

He confirmed with conspicuous fingers rubbing his chin.

"Yes, it is been already a long time. I might have lost track of the time I have spent inside this sealed encasement but I am sure of it."

The voice inside the iron maiden replied.

"Oh, is that so? Okay, I'm gonna start then."

He shook off his unnecessary suspicion as he was going to begin his story, or rather, telling some information about the world outside.

"Ever since I was young, the nuns in the orphanage have this story about how Earth became magical."

"Earth used to have mana magic that only exists in stories and videogames, or movies."

"Until, one day, a comet called Arcana hit Earth, or rather, Earth absorbed it and everything started to change."

"Some of the people have their bodies become similar to the ones in the fantasy-adventure stories. And soon, everyone discovered they have supernatural abilities and can finally use mana magic."

"Sea monsters, Dragons, became real."

"Adventurers discovered labyrinths, dungeons, that used to be nonexistent."

"These new races appeared and soon claim domains of their own. Being capable of doing so, even the military in the world can't touch them."

"Aristocracy of Masque, Royal Vampires, claimed some parts of Russia as their own."

"A nation has finally risen in the Arctic and Antarctica, the Kingdom of Glacies, where the ice queen wields unrivaled ice magic."

"Atlantis is no longer a lost kingdom, it resurfaces in the Pacific Ocean, and fish people live in there, ruled by king Leviathan."

"Egypt is now ruled by a very powerful person that claims himself to be the reincarnation of Osiris, and his power proves it."

"And some more."

"As expected, the new world powers can stir up some chaos. But before it can even begin, 7 powerful heroes suppress any attempts at war to maintain order in this new world, as almost everyone from the old world, doesn't want to ruin this "fair chance"."

"As everyone sees the world restored its green and fresh state from the origin of times."

"World trees have sprouted in each major city in the world, places that are dense with life force."

"Unknown names rose in history, even a beggar could become king if he luckily stumbles on an ancient artifact inside a dungeon or a labyrinth."

"Or, if he/she turned out to have talent in manipulating mana-magic and trained him/herself vigorously."

"Then, if he managed to dominate the Central Arena, Heaven's Arena in a certain country, he can challenge the Queen/King to have the throne for himself, to defeat if he is skilled and powerful to do so."

He told his story with enthusiasm, and he was carefree as he was lost in telling the story.

"As I expected."

The voice inside the iron maiden announced.

"What do you mean?"

He was dumbfounded by her comment, with eyebrows curled in confusion.

"It sounds like my world, Arcana, has merged with your own. I'm certain that it could be the last straw of the grand wizard that I know."

"From my old world, the demon lord and his kingdom have managed to deceive all the opposing kingdoms and lead everything into war and chaos."

"He even has the grand heroes caught in it. Some are executed by the people they protect, and the others that cannot be eliminated, are sealed away like me."

"And as I expected, it would only lead to destruction, and before the world is fully destroyed, the Grand Magician might've used his last breath to save the remnants of my old world."

"That comet, the Arcana Comet you have mentioned, as you said appears to be absorbed by your old world, is the soul of my old world."

"And your old world and I have merged."

"That explains how your old world, now has mana finally existing."


"And it also sounded that your world or our world is not chaotic as it used to be compared to mine."

Her relief can be felt in her words, he heard it, and he somewhat smiled as the feeling resonated with him.

"The people in my world are quite wise and clever, so, no demon lord can deceive them, as some people are already demons themselves even before the demon lord could exist."

He was stoic in his reply and sighs.

"Oh, that's new?"

The voice inside the iron maiden sounded to be wondering about his claim.

"Well... I have a couple of questions to ask. Your voice sounds feminine and I do wonder how we can understand each other even though it is obvious that we are from different worlds that possibly have different languages."

"Are you a female human? And, does our language the same in the first place? Or did you use some translator magic on us so we can understand each other?"

He asked with intense curiosity that can be seen in his eyes and in the way he speaks.

"Yes, I am a female by mortal means, but I am not entirely human. But worry not, my body is not reliant on mortal nourishment."

"And about how we communicate, no, our languages are far different. So, I have to use a certain magic to make us able to understand each other."

She answered in a firm tone.

"Ahhh, that explains it."

He rubs his chin as he speaks, acting all-wise, but inside, he is only interested because his speculation that he could've been a woman just from her voice was confirmed.



The brief silence was disturbed by his stomach growling, having the woman inside the iron maiden sounding to be surprised, as embarrassment can be seen on his features.

"I apologize for my rude stomach. I just remembered that I haven't eaten lunch or even ate dinner yesterday."

He apologized to inform as he holds the back of his head and his stomach in a gesture, being quite embarrassed as he states the reason why his stomach grumbled in being empty.

"No need to apologize, I know such a thing is natural for humans."

The woman inside the iron maiden reconciled.

"Well, it reminds me..."

"May I ask? Are you the one who controls those flesh-eating winds from before?"

Any trace of embarrassment is gone from his features, as he was determined to ask such a question.

"I'm not capable of such a thing and I won't be wasting the effort to revive you and restore your dismembered body if I want you to be dead in the first place."

She answered as she convinces her logically.

"Really? I'm glad to hear that if that's true. And, do you know where those devouring winds come from and who created, put them in here?"

He asked once more.

"As far as I know, those winds would appear and hunt down any intruders who are new to this place, but if they managed to touch this encasement where I was sealed, as you do, the winds would cease their hunt and would be gone."

She informed, and little that the woman inside the iron maiden did know, he is quite mesmerized as she speaks.

And soon after, the woman inside the iron maiden starts to wonder why he isn't responding.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She asked for confirmation of his will, as it appears that he is in a daze after appreciating her sounding to be a beautiful voice.

"Your voice is beautiful-..!"

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, maybe I'm just out of focus because I don't have eaten anything yet."

He is embarrassed once again.

"You are free to go now."

The woman inside the iron maiden announced.

"Eh? Ehem... Why?"

He was surprised by such an announcement and was dumbfounded.

"You need to leave and nourish yourself, as I am capable of holding you captive, nor wanting to."

"And we already have both taken the ends of our deal."

"As you have been already imprinted by the seal, as I can recall from my memories, the people that once sealed me here also leave by the way they would enter this room."

"Goodbye and thank you for telling me your stories."

He can hear that as she speaks, her tone faintly lightens as if he can sense the loneliness in her voice but he is quite unsure of it.

"Well, if you insist."

He replied and stood up, he tapped his jeans and tended to his clothes.

"I must be on my way then. Goodbye." He announced, turning away from the face of the iron maiden as he begins to head out.

"I know you are looking for a group of people who came down here a couple of days ago, unfortunately, they were fully devoured by those violent winds, not even leaving even a speck of blood."

He has stopped from heading out as he listens to her.

"Well, I don't care. Those people are rude to me and the request is already been that much troublesome. Excuse me."

He replied without facing the iron maiden, as his head was only partly turned as he replies.

And he continued moving away, leaving the room until the shadows absorbs his departing silhouette in the same doors that he have come through.

"Now, I am all alone, being sealed away in this steel encasement, in this room that is deprived of life and warmth. Already abandoning all hope of being set free, expecting eternity to embrace me."

She told herself, realizing that he is surely not coming back, after what happened to him in such a place.

Not visible under the encasement, a lonely smile is written on the maiden's lips.

"Thank you for your stories, I'll treasure them forever."






The chirping of birds and crickets can be hearwhichat greets the senses, and the rays of the morning sunlight manage to reach the closed eyes of the maiden that is sleeping inside the encasement.



The loud banging noise of the dropped steel pans echoed throughout the wide, stone room.

"Hey, what is that commotion-!?

She was disturbed in her sleep and as soon as she opens her eyes, it widens into bewilderment or surprise.

"I'm such a klutz, sorry."

She was surprised to see that same apologetic face once again, that same apologetic face of the guy who have told her stories, who is now somewhat bringing some things inside the room and arranging everything as if he was moving in.

Well, he appears to be indeed, moving in.

And as the same she was glad to see her again, she suddenly becomes infuriated after realizing what he is doing.


The woman inside the iron maiden inquired with such an irate tone.

"Well, as you can see, I am moving in. As this place is rent free and peaceful. And it looks like you would be sad if such a handsome guy like me left you to be alone in such a boring place. So, I guess, I would stay in here to accompany you. Ha ha!"

He comically announced as he organizes things in a humble room, and starts to remove all the hanging vines, grasses, moss, and wild plants that are growing inside the room.

"And who said I am lonely to be left alone in this room? Well, I'm used to it, and I don't need such an annoying guy to stay in here with me. Hmmph!"

The woman inside the iron maiden infuriated contradicted, as if her pouting can be imagined inside the encasement can be imagined in her tone.

"As if you can do anything about it? Well, I'll clean this room for you and accompany you, as I would search for a way to set you free from that sealed encasement."

"...As I do want my wishes to come true."

He added part of his statement as if he is whispering.

Then, he started sweeping the floor and running along the walls like a ninja to sweep the cobwebs from the ceiling of the wide room.

"Yes, you are right. I can't prevent you to stay here even if I want to, I'm not capable of that. Well, if it comes to setting me from this seal, do as you wish, everything is rusty and all. Therefore, if you managed to set me free, a deal is a deal, I'll happily fulfill my end."

She can be heard sighing before laying her reply as she gives up on contradicting him.

"Okay, leave it to me."

Without further ado, he approached the iron maiden and laid his hand upon it.

"Wha-?! You're going for it already!?"

The woman inside the iron maiden sounds off guard as she expects him to inspect the appearance of the iron maiden encasement first at least.

"Yes, as I am not into hesitations."

The looks in his eyes shifted into becoming stoic and starts to shine in a ray of faint blue, with his words becoming seriously cold and true.

"And as my mana meets this ancient sealing enchantment embedded deep in this encasement for the first time, I, that comes with the name of Defiance, binds himself with the contract of working upon breaking the seal of the ancestors cast upon this encasement."

As he spoke, waves of faint blue light starts to flow from his hands and coursed into the iron maiden, pulsing, as if it was similar to a sonar as it crawls all over the frame of the iron maiden.

"Just, what are you-?"

The woman inside the iron can't help but be wary as she has no idea what is happening.

"Until the seal would be finally dispelled, I would be free as I have fulfilled thy contract. Locus Sigili."

And as he finishes his chant, a faint blue-colored magic circle imprint progressively appeared on one of his wrists.

"And it appears, that I can't set you free after all. Guess I'll be stuck in this contract with you forever."

He pulled his hands from the iron maiden and sighs before pulling out a poker face.

"E-eh? Are you serious?"

She confirmed.

"Yes, I am serious."

He answered stoically.


And she was utterly surprised.

-End of Chapter-