
Prince of the Blood Maiden

Auteur: SVickers
Martial Arts
Actuel · 1.2K Affichage
  • 2 Shc
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What is Prince of the Blood Maiden

Lisez le roman Prince of the Blood Maiden écrit par l'auteur SVickers publié sur WebNovel. In the world anew, where mana binds the old world into becoming fantastical and soon rules everything, called Ascended Earth. Defiance is barely surviving and always having betrayals due to his low ca...


In the world anew, where mana binds the old world into becoming fantastical and soon rules everything, called Ascended Earth. Defiance is barely surviving and always having betrayals due to his low capability to manipulate mana. But to compensate for what he lacks, he trains himself in practical skills and developed a diverse martial arts technique for himself to be an adventurer at least. Until, one day, after he was dumped by his sorceress partner early in the morning due to his weakness, he decided to set out to fulfill the guild request he claimed in the same morning. It was about to find the whereabouts of the party of silver-ranked adventurers that were said to be also on a quest in the same Acacia Forest two days ago, and they were declared missing by their families as the party hasn't come back yet, nor sent an electronic message to inform them what they are up to. After investigating a ruined church and coming crashing, surviving through the traps of the gallows of the said church, he was met with a life-threatening fate, being mercilessly decapitated by the devouring winds inside a room where an iron maiden lies. Luckily, after being pitied by God, or rather, after pleasing the woman inside the iron maiden with his grand, yet broken dreams, with the use of a spell without a chant, he was rescued from the jaws of solidarity and cold death. At first, as soon as he wakes up, he uses his stories to get permission to leave, even though the iron maiden wasn't the one who ordered the violent winds. The young man was not expected to return, but, he returns still, to tell her more stories, or rather, to accompany her each day, as the young man knows that it might ease the loneliness of the woman that is trapped inside the iron maiden for years. The days, became months, summer, autumn, winter, and spring, until a year has passed. And the tone of the woman inside the iron maiden sounds to be softened compared to the first time they spoken with each other. In those days that passed, their feelings steadily became attached, and even though he travels far for some of his quests and researches how to set her free, he never misses a day to be with her. Without her knowledge and without her telling him about the ancient enchantment that seals her inside the iron maiden, after discovering it with his mana pulse, he uses his mana pulse every day, ever since with peak focus to at least pry the magic enchantment formulation little by little. Until, a new day, a new morning came, and a foreign sensation welcomed his senses, his head was laid on something soft and squishy. And as soon as the curtains of his eyes were opened, finally, he was greeted by the beautiful grace of destiny, her. Becoming her bloodied prince, her prince that would soon write a gallant scarlet legacy in history, as the "Prince of the Blood Maiden".

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