
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

Sykocyrus · Films
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78 Chs

Chapter 55: Warlocks Resolved

Hearing Jaime's question, Dacey stated what Aiden told her, "Apparently Aiden and Ser Barristan had set some things in motion, your sister Queen Cersei had apparently had three bastard children, Joffrey and his siblings aren't Roberts. Aiden and Ser Barristan informed the King after Aiden rescued Myrcella and Tommen from the castle. Robert plans to annul his marriage and wed Princess Arianne Martell instead, your father isn't too happy about it."

Jaime's face sank at this news, although he didn't approve of his father's tactics, he did love his sister.

"This may work out for the better, Jaime, how do you feel about going undercover?" Gerold stated as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"What do you mean?" Jaime asked as he pushed his worries to the back of his mind, he wondered what Gerold was thinking.

"Now that your father is against the Usurper, you could return to your family, assist them in winning back the throne. I here that Joffrey is a bit of a cunt, no offense, I know, bastard or not, he is your nephew, but he is a unstable factor. Once you join you can back up Ser Barristan and work against them from the shadows. With your help, you can help in attacking Stannis and Renly making it easier for Aegon to take the throne. Plus we can easily know what they plan since you would be privy to what your father plans." Gerold explained.

"If I do that he will ensure to strip me of my Kingsguard status." Jaime stated knowing that his father wasn't happy about him joining the Kingsguard.

"Aye, but only your true king can do that, you can play along, but you will be one of us. You can also find those that are still loyal to the Targaryens within the south. We can't always rely on Aiden for our information. If your not comfortable with it..." Gerold went on to explain but was interrupted by Ned slamming the papers down onto his desk in anger after he read the documents.

"I'm going to kill that slimy piece of shit!" Neds outburst surprised all in the room except Dacey she knew what was contained in those letters. Although it was only one sided, they were Petyr's letters to Lysa Arryn that she had kept, it was very incriminatory and painted a detailed picture.

"Who Lord Stark?" Arthur asked curiously, he was surprised the most since he knew Ned the most.

"Littlefinger. Petyr Baelish. He murdered Jon Arryn and apparently has usurped the Arryn house. He had a bastard with Lysa and passed it off as Jon's, so now Jon's line is gone, I may not have approved of how Jon did things towards attacking the throne but he was a good man when I was fostering under him. Now that little cunt is setting his sights on the Riverlands." Ned explained angrily.

Gerold scrunched his brow trying to think what Petyr was planning, he didn't care too much about Jon Arryn, he was sided with Robert so it worked in their favor, but now he was moving on one of their allies so he tried to think what was Petyr planning.

"So who is he backing? The Lannisters? He's obviously against the Baratheons, killing the Hand of the King would be a big blow to Robert." Rodrik stated as he tried to think of the motivations.

Seeing their confusion, Dacey explained what Aiden had told her, "He is for himself, he is backing no one but himself for the throne, he has been working against Robert this whole time. He is the reason the throne is so far into debt. He has absconded with much of the gold from the crown and is trying to weaken all other forces but his own, Robert sent him to the Vale with the intention of having the Vale brought back under the Iron Throne."

"Damn, what a sneaky bastard, with that gold he could buy the loyalty of many of the houses in the Vale along with the pirates living on the Three Sisters. Those pirates will be more than happy to sell their services for some gold." Arthur stated in surprise.

Ned looked to Jaime, "I have to agree with Ser Gerold, sending you to the south could prove invaluable. You could have your father know of Littlefinger's plans, although he may not be able to outright attack the Vale, he could help us in keeping him distracted. Although Aegon is still young we only need to drag things out, you can do that for us while under your fathers banner. That way once we are ready we would have as few enemies as possible. However if you don't feel comfortable with such a task, I understand, but it would also work in your favor if you so choose to do it."

"No offense Lord Stark but I don't see how secretly working against my own family could be beneficial." Jaime stated back a little angrily.

"You aren't that foolish, but perhaps your letting your emotions cloud your judgement. Lord Stark is correct in what he is saying, by doing so you can protect some of your family members. Although your father and Joffrey will definitely have to die, think about your sister and brother as well as your cousins who are still in Westerlands. You can save them by keeping them out of the war, you know your father better than anyone here. You always said your youngest brother Tyrion was smart, if you can convince him and others to work with you, I am positive Aegon will pardon them, you would be able to save your house from falling." Gerold said as he explained further.

Jaime, after hearing what Gerold stated, took a few deep breaths to calm his mind. Now that it was said he truly did realize the truth of the matter. He was letting his emotions cloud his judgement, he realized he was a wrong in his thinking, he wasn't going against his house, he was going against his father.

This he didn't mind at all, he didn't have much love for his father, Tywin used everyone as if they were pawns, even his own children. His treatment of Tyrion as well as his uncle Gerion's bastard daughter Joy Hill was proof of that.

"I'll do it. I'll head south and say that I learned of Robert's actions and left my post, that we had a falling out. I'll get rid of the Baratheons armies to make that King Aegon's ascension is that much easier." Jaime stated after he put thought into their words.

He didn't want to see his house fall, just his father. If by doing this he could save his house, he would do it, he knew his father had many enemies that would take the first chance they could at tearing his house apart if given the chance.

As they discussed further on what to do, Aiden and Flamebird neared the location where the Warlocks were performing their ritual sacrifices. He didn't rush since the men they were sacrificing weren't innocent, had they been he would've put a stop to it.

Giving these Warlocks a false sense of security far outweighed saving some bandits who did hurt the innocent. Landing a few miles away from their location, Aiden and Flamebird made their way on foot towards where they were performing the ritual.

He observerved how they were using the Heart Tree as a medium to absorb the magic of the land and channel it into a few dragon bones.

"Flamebird, I want you to put on an act. The magic they are using is dangerous to the dragons of this world. I hadn't realized just how dangerous these Warlocks are until now. They have the ability to steal the bond of dragons to their riders if the bond isn't strong or if the dragon is young, that is too dangerous to leave alone, we may need to take a trip to Qarth to completely rid this world of the House of Undying." Aiden said to her.

Seeing her nod her head, Aiden gave her a pat on the head, "If you want I can send you and your husband Nightwing to take care of them together. He has yet to leave the fortress, I don't want him to get overly comfortable and get rusty."

Hearing this Flamebird excitedly began to fly around showing her approval of that plan, she and Nightwing together were a force to be reckoned with. Individually they wouldn't be a match for Kal-El, but together was a different story. Although they weren't as strong as Kal-El, their teamwork and powers, though opposite, could give him a very tough fight.

As they got closer, the two Warlocks began to finish up there sacrifice, they detected Aiden approaching and the man had began preparing the magic circle needed.

They were excited, they felt this was the optimal location to confront Aiden and his dragon since they had not only the stored magical energy from the sacrifice, they could use the Heart Tree as a conduit to add to the strength of the spell.

Using the Heart Tree as the main source of power, their spell would have a higher chance at success, so using the tree as the center of the spell circle the male warlock began to lay out a white powder made from dragon bone to draw the spell circle.

The House of Undying never let the dragons they killed go to waste, they fashioned weapons and artifacts using alchemy to create powerful protections and weapons to be used by them. Dragon bones had a lot of uses in alchemy, it held a lot of residual magic within them long after the dragons death.

It could amplify magic circles as well as being used to increase a spell cast by them by two fold temporarily if held within their hand while they cast the magic.

The woman began to remove her cloak to try to entice Aiden as a distraction, she didn't want him knowing that she had a partner, this way they could have the element of surprise when the spell initiated.

She felt the presence of the dragon as well, the magical energy was intoxicating. She licked her lips in anticipation for gaining a dragon herself. It was planned that she would get Aiden's dragon, while her partner would get the youngest Targaryens dragon.

As Aiden came from the woods and entered the small clearing the woman shivered in pleasure as she looked upon the golden red dragon the size of a large dog that was flying next to Aiden.

"My, you are a handsome one. What a beautiful dragon as well. You must be Aiden Sand. I am Myrra." She said as she walked seductively over towards Aiden.

She was casting a confusion and charm spell while using a small portion of her own dragon bone dust, she was wanting to buy time for her partner to finish the spell.

Aiden played along, though it was difficult due to being able to see past the glamour to see her true form, he could definitely see that she was hidious, almost alien even. Her skin was a light blueish-purple and her nails a dark purple color, while her lips were a dark blue, had he not seen her beating heart he would've thought she was dead.

Aiden had his face go blank, and he quickened his breathing, Flamebird squawked at him as if she was concerned for her rider.

"Oh don't worry my pet, we won't hurt him, he has a use for us, as do you." Myrra said with excitement evident in her voice.

Flamebird let out a roar in protest as Myrra began to chant the spell as she felt the spell circle being completed. Flamebird began to ready a fire breath and launch it toward the woman. That was when the other warlock came from the side, holding some bone dust in his hands he manipulated the flames to pass by his partner so she could continue the chant.

He grabbed the two artifacts off the tree and tossed them in position to activate the disruption to the bond. He then cast a binding spell on both Aiden and Flamebird, making sure if the charm broke Aiden wouldn't be able to move.

From the shadows of the trees long shadow tenticles began to wrap around Aiden and Flamebird, which pulled her to the ground. Flamebird began to struggle against the shadows, acting as if she was having a hard time. However she scoffed at the pathetic magic they were using on her.

She looked to Aiden with displeasure at having to pretend. Aiden picked up on this but stayed in place, sending over the plan that he wanted her to move towards the woman when she calls, but he wanted her to turn on the man to make him think the woman was betraying him.

Aiden knew the Warlocks, though they were of the same house, they fought amongst each other more than anything. The reason for this was greed, they always coveted more power. So they hardly trusted one another, only pairing up when necessary.

The woman completed her chant and began to speak in High Valyrian, "Calm down my pet, everything is fine, I will release you from your bindings."

Flamebird was annoyed by the woman calling her a pet, she let out a growl but complied and stopped struggling.

"Yes, that's right, calm." Myrra then cast a spell to remove the bindings on Flamebird and beckoned her to come.

"Come to your new rider, you and I will have so many fun adventures." Myrra coaxed with a wide grin.

As Flamebird began to slowly walk over, Myrra scrunched her brows. She felt something was off, she felt the spell activate, but she didn't feel a bond connecting. But obviously the dragon was no longer fighting so she thought maybe the bond needed to be improved before it would take effect.

"Excellent, we have the dragon. Now to put this Aiden into a slumber." The man said as he pulled out a vial of purple liquid and began to walk forward.

"So how is your mana pool now that you have a dragon bonded to you?" He asked her as he made his way to Aiden to have him drink the potion.

"I am not sure, I ca..." Just as she was answering him, Flamebird let out a deep roar and grew to the size of a large bus.

She let out a large full powered flame breath which instantly engulfed the man, he let out a pained scream as he tried to redirect the flame but it was too hot and way to powerful for him to have any chance.

"You bitch...." Was all he could say before the flame engulfed both him and Aiden.

"NO NO NO... What are you doing you stupid beast!?" Myrra said in a panic as she watched in horror as both her partner and Aiden were engulfed in the flame.

She was shocked to see the dragon suddenly grow so large and tried to cast a charm, but in the middle if her chant a hand grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air.

"You sicken me. You and your whole house. Don't worry, all your other breathren will be joining you both in death. The House of the Undying has no place in this world." Aiden said thru gritted teeth.

"I..Imp..oss..ible.." Myrra said as she struggled to breath. She couldn't understand how he broke her spells.

Aidens eyes glowed red, "Nothing is impossible." He then let the heat vision fry her brain, killing her instantly.