
Primogenitor in Marvel

A soul with knowledge about Marvel and different anime reincarnates in Marvel (MCU) some decades before the battle of New York with the abilities of a certain vampire. This is a cross between MCU x Strike the Blood. There will be chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, occasionally also on Sundays. ----- if you like you can support me on patreon.com/Fast_Reader There are 10 advanced chapters

Fast_Reader · Films
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280 Chs

Chapter 67

It had been almost three months since Damian arrived from the other timeline and things were business as usual.

Natasha had grown accustomed to her job. Although she always complained to Damian about the strange looks or was often asked if she was lost, she also complained about Fury, who took advantage of her youthful appearance to give her unusual assignments.

Three months is a very short time, so nothing really noteworthy has happened.

Like every morning Damian woke up with Carol and Ana by his side, Natasha occasionally slept with them but whenever Damian woke up Natasha was already having breakfast and ready to go out.

Damian carefully stood up before going downstairs to say goodbye to Natasha.

When Damian came downstairs, he found Natasha eating breakfast in her school uniform.

"Again?" asked Damian with a soft chuckle.

"Yes," Natasha said with a grimace of annoyance.

''Where's Mom?" asked Damian as he sat down next to Natasha and watched her eat with a smile.

''I'm not sure, I saw her when I went downstairs for breakfast, but then I saw her come upstairs," Natasha said.

''Hmm,'' Damian mused as he scanned the house and detected his mother in her room.

Natasha finished her breakfast before approaching Damian with a smile and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

''Sorry, I'm married,'' Damian said, stopping Natasha from giving him any more kisses.

"Come on, I promise not to tell your wife...or the police," Natasha said flirtatiously.

I don't know," Damian said hesitantly.

Natasha straddled Damian before hugging his neck with a smile.

''Only if you promise not to tell anyone'' said Damian hugging her around the waist and before giving Natasha a kiss.

Damian and Natasha kissed for a while, Damian didn't hesitate to reach down and caress Natasha's butt.

''You're under arrest for sexually harassing a schoolgirl," Natasha said, pulling out her FBI badge.

''I can explain,'' Damian said seriously without stopping kneading Natasha's butt.

''Save your explanations for court'' said Natasha releasing her butt from Damian's hands before getting off Damian's lap.

''The sexual tension between you guys is really big, you should get a room'' Sophia said looking at them from the entrance of the dining room.

Natasha merely pouted before looking away.

Natasha knew Sophia was right, there was great sexual tension between her and Damian, they had already been living together for about 5 months and their only limitation is her young looks.

Why were they limiting themselves? There was really no reason, although Natasha enjoyed the role-playing she did with Damian.

Damian merely smiled slightly as he looked at Natasha.

''I'm going to finish getting ready for work'' said Natasha winking at Damian before heading to her room.

Sophia walked over to Damian and sat down across from him.

"You know, I have a suspicion that..." Sophia's words were interrupted by the arrival of Carol and Ana.

Damian looked at them a bit confused by their arrival.

''Why are you up so early?'' Damian asked.

''I don't know, I'm hungry'' Said Carol sitting down at the table next to Damian.

''I'm very hungry too'' Said Ana hugging Damian from behind as her lips ran down Damian's neck.

At that moment two maids arrived bringing food to Carol, who had asked them to bring her food when she came down from her room.

Damian watched in confusion as Carol ate as if she hadn't eaten in a long time, just as he was about to ask Carol why she was so hungry he felt Ana's fangs digging into his neck and drinking blood intensely.

''Ana!'' Sofia said with annoyance, the smell of Damian's blood in the air was something really annoying for her, it was like having the best delicacy in front of you and not being able to taste it.

"Wow, am I interrupting something?" asked Natasha with a smile.


''This is what I wanted to talk to you about Damian, you probably didn't notice because you don't pay attention to that kind of insignificant stuff'' said Sophia.

''But since three months ago the amount of food consumed in this house has been progressively increasing, now twice as much food is consumed as a month ago, and you will know whose fault it is'' said Sophia looking at Carol who froze when she heard Sophia's words.

''On the other hand, the amount of blood that Ana has consumed has also increased considerably, and I am only referring to what I have seen, I don't know how much she drinks when you are together in your room'' said Sophia.

''If you weren't a progenitor you'd probably be a raisin by now'' said Sophia looking at Ana who was still drinking despite her words.

"What are you getting at?" asked Carol earnestly and nervously.

''You're probably pregnant," Sophia said hesitantly, not wanting to get their hopes up only to receive a negative.

''But couldn't they tell by the menstrual period?'' asked Natasha in confusion.

"Cough... you see, vampires don't have menstruation and because of my powers I don't either," Carol said somewhat uncomfortably as she had heard Natasha complain about such issues recently.

Natasha first made a surprised face before looking at the three women at the table with envy.

"How can they check if they are pregnant?" asked Natasha.

Just as Damian was about to say that he could scan Carol and Ana's bodies, Sophia took the floor.

''I'm already prepared for this situation, in an hour someone will come to do an ultrasound,'' Sophia said.

Ana stopped drinking Damian's blood even though she still wanted to continue, she made sure to lick it clean before sitting down next to Carol.

"Is three months enough time to see something?" asked Ana as she touched her stomach.

"Of course," said Sophia.

''I have to go'' said Natasha with annoyance, surely she was going to be thinking about the matter all day.

''It will be a surprise when you come back," Damian told her, encouraging her with a smile.

"Fine," Natasha pouted before kissing everyone on the cheek and running off.

''I don't know how I missed it,'' Carol said as she continued to eat.

''It's hard to say, as it was a gradual increase, I only realized it when I reviewed the accounts," said Sophia.

When Carol finished eating, they all went to the living room and stood silently waiting for the person Sophia had called to arrive.

Everyone was nervous, as a baby was something they had all been looking forward to for a long time.

After 50 minutes of waiting, the guards reported that someone had arrived, Sophia quickly went and made sure it was the person who had called before letting her in.


Sarah was the most talented doctor in the best hospital in New York, barely 30 years old but already the best doctor in the hospital.

Their time was worth a fortune and the line to see patients could encircle Central Park.

But here she was, on her way to give a rich woman an ultrasound.

Sarah couldn't help but curse her boss for sending her to do this kind of thing, what if the owner of the hospital asked her to? She's not an obstetrician, she's a freaking surgeon.

'Just because they called and asked for the best doctor doesn't mean they have to send me," Sarah thought, annoyed.

The car pulled up in front of an exaggeratedly large mansion, Sarah couldn't help but look disdainfully at the mansion.

'As expected of people who have nothing to spend their money on, thought Sarah as the guards kept her waiting.

Soon a beautiful blonde in her 30s came out and led Sarah inside the house.

Sarah followed Sophia into a room with two women and a man.

When she saw the man she couldn't stop her heart from leaping, Sarah is a virgin spinster who has no interest in a relationship, but seeing this man Sarah was delighted, she would have loved to enjoy the view but when she appeared the two women looked at her intently.

Sarah guessed that one of these women was going to undergo the procedure, they seemed very anxious and Sarah was a little scared by the looks on their faces, she just hoped the tests would go well.


Sophia saw Carol and Ana's glances at Sarah and could not help a slight smile, they were really anxious to know the result.

''You'll give these two ladies an ultrasound, but first let's go somewhere more suitable'' said Sophia, the living room is not the best place for this kind of thing.

''Let's go to her room,'' said Sophia, looking at Carol and Ana.

''Cough...it's not very suitable, let's go to a guest room'' said Carol somewhat embarrassed, the bed surely had traces of last night's battle and she wasn't sure if it had been cleaned yet.

''Well, let's go then,'' said Sophia, understanding the problem and looking at Carol mockingly.

Sophia went ahead of everyone and led them to a rather large guest room with a double bed.

Sarah was trailing behind them between looking at Damian and thinking why would he do an ultrasound on two women at the same time.

Although Sarah had a lot of thoughts in her head, when it came time to do her job she became serious.

''Please lift your blouse up over your stomach and lie down on the bed," Sarah said as she put on some gloves and prepared all the necessary equipment.

Although she was not an obstetrician, she learned the basics in college and reviewed some papers on the subject before coming here.

Carol and Ana lay on either side of the bed as they pulled their shirts up just below their breasts.

Damian couldn't help but stare seriously at Carol and Ana's sexy abdomen.

If he looked closely if they looked a little bulkier than normal, he hadn't scanned Carol and Ana's bodies yet, he wanted it to be a surprise for everyone.

Sarah couldn't help but look at the abs of the two women with envy, she wondered if she should start going to the gym, although she wasn't fat she didn't have a defined abdomen like Ana and definitely not like Carol who was even slightly showing off her abs.

Sarah poured the gel over Ana's abdomen before placing the instrument on her belly and beginning to search her uterus.

Ana looked at Carol trying to joke since she was going first.

Carol ignored Ana's stare and anxiously looked at the equipment in the hope that Ana was pregnant.

Ana seeing Carol more anxious than she was about the outcome couldn't help but soften her expression before taking Carol's hand.

Carol looked nervously at Ana as she squeezed her hand and nodded to her.

Sarah began to check Ana's uterus until she found a fetus that already had arms and legs.

''You're pregnant, congratulations, you should be about 5 months seeing how the baby has developed'' said Sarah with a slight smile.

Hearing Sarah's words couldn't stop four bright smiles from invading the room.

''Check me quickly,'' Carol said with sparkling eyes.

Sarah sketched a simple smile before nodding and beginning to search Carol's stomach.

After a few seconds, she found the fetus, just as she squeezed the instrument a little to see it more clearly the fetus lit up and the instrument gently exploded.

Sarah stood stunned with the glowing transducer in her hand.

''Uh... well, I saw a fetus, so I realized you're pregnant,'' Sarah said in a hesitant voice as she tried to analyze what happened.

Cough...thank you so much for coming, don't worry about what broke, I'll talk to your boss and reimburse them for the cost'' Sophia said cheerfully as she led her out of the room.

''I'm sure you remember the way, sorry I couldn't send you,'' Sophia said before closing the door and letting Sarah out.

Carol, still stunned by the news, woke up when she heard the door close.

Carol hugged Ana tightly as her eyes turned red and she began to sob.

Ana just hugged Carol and stroked her back with a smile.

Damian also came over and hugged them both while smiling happily.

Sophia pouted for leaving her behind before joining the group hug as well.

After hugging Ana looked at Damian.

''Damian, can you examine me? She told me I was 5 months, but it's impossible, my belly is too small for that, I guess she wasn't an obstetrician,'' said Ana.


Remember that you can support me and see 10 advanced chapters at patreon.com/Fast_Reader.