
Chapter 98

Doctor Walter continue to talk to nurse prisca and Joy who were eager to know what was going on.

"We need to help him!

Joy said, and looked at the relaxed Joseph.

"Only God can help him now"

"That Mr Anderson Peter said doctor Joseph killed his brother, is it true? Asked a confused looking Prisca, but it was Joy who answered him.

"He said tried to kill, I was here, though I still don't know what the problem is, all I know is that, the Anderson would not rest until they have gotten rid of Joseph.

"And he has no family to help him, added prisca!

"When girls were rushing at him, he was busy looking the other way, instead of him to marry, at least by now, he is supposed to have a kid or two"

Joseph could hear them, he wasn't sleeping at all, he was very much awake but he was too broken that he could not even look at his nurses.

Joy was right about one thing, he should have gotten married and move on, but he never even take a second look at the girls, he never took interested in any one, instead he had been busy chasing after his past and wanting to revenge youthful sins. If only he had known, he should have never dwell in the past.

By now he should have been with his family and allow karma to do it's work.

His parents must be turning in their grave right now, his father especially.

They must both be dissapointed.

Walter listened to the nurses confusion and sat down by the bed side, then he started.

"I am older than almost all of you here, even doctor Joseph is not my mate when it comes to age, but I guess there are things most young and even some old people do not understand.

Taking revenge on someone does more harm than goothe both nurse exchanged glances, they really couldn't tell what was going on, or what he was talking about and Walter wasn't even ready to explain all to them, but one can not deny the fact that, gradually, the news was moving and soon they will all find out, the world was going to find out.

"I have always believed that, taking revenge on someone is like poison you take, expecting the other to die"

He paused to see if they understood him, but he could still tell they were really confused.

So he continued, this time he used the Bible quotation to explain what the Lord himself thinks of revenge. But still his nurses seems to be too far from understanding him, so he asked a question instead.

"What is your advice to someone that is angry and wants to get revenge against someone?

It was Joy, who answered immediately, the question driooed, as if it was an examination.

"Well I would say, why take revenge when Karma itself is a bitch?

 They looked at her all shocked, Prisca even had to look away, because of her use of language infront of their doctor.

She didn't seem to be bothered by what they think of her use of her use of language but she was trying to be as plain as she could, and so she continued. 

"Honestly, I'm usually the one who says       go for it, fuck what other people think          or if in the case of advise, I always think one must have wronged the other and vise versa so I say two wrongs don't make a right. Go out there and get your peace of mind.


I have learned by acting/thinking this way myself, on more than enough occasions, that two wrongs DO not make a right and you will usually end up making the situation at hand even worse for yourself.

I am a firm believer in karma and that she always comes back around. 

It may not happen as fast as you would like but it WILL happen. Let karma work her magic.

Doctor Walter loved her answer so much that he had forgotten her vulgar language but then Prisca spoke up.

"I want revenge on people who hurt me in the past. When I see them happy it makes me sad and annoyed. Will taking revenge make me feel better? 

Doctor Walter looked at the both of them and got really comfortable, this was his chance to advise Prisca before she ends up like Joseph, whom he was sure was not sleeping.

Doctor Walter turned to Prisca and said.

"Go on, I want to know how you feel"


"I love to take out revenge on people who have wronged me or others. I have an obsession with paying people back for causing innocent people pain.

Doctor Walter was trying to find the right way to start his advise to Prisca and even Joy who may not have been truely open to them. 

It was rare to find someone so blunt and ready to hear, so he asked her.


Did getting revenge on someone make you feel better? 

Prisca didn't have an answer for his question because she kinda use to feel some sort of satisfaction whenever she repays evil for evil, but at the same time she feels bad, because her repayment might come in too strong.

Doctor Walter asked again, this time rephrasing his statement.


"If somebody wronged us, is it correct to take revenge or should we leave the punishment to God?

 Once again there was no answer, so he continued.


There’s a wonderful adage about revenge…Goes like this…

“Taking revenge on another, is like you taking poison and expecting the other to die!


The Bible is really quite radical. God’s prescription for relational ills is never in agreement with man’s impulses. The best advice comes from our Creator.

17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it[a] to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:17-21 English Standard Version (ESV)