
Chapter 97

"you are so dead Joseph"

He said as he continued to punch him.

The police men heard the painful groan coming from the room, they rushed towards the sound and saw Peter on the injured Joseph.

"Please Peter I am sorry"

Joseph managed to say and continued to wail in pain, but Peter was not ready to listen to him, as he was about to give him the next punch on the injured part that was already bleeding from all the punches given to him on his stomach, the police men held his hand that was raised high.

If they had not held it, that punch would have finished Joseph for good.

The other police man pulled Joseph out, he was already bleeding, he was also breathing really fast like he had ran a marathon.

Walter and some nurses walked inside and saw that Joseph's wound had opened again, it needs dressing. 

Walter immediately washed his hands and demanded for for gloves. Nurse prisca quickly brought the gloves which he wore almost immediately it landed on his hand

The gloves were sterile already so he didn't have any issue putting them on.

His eyes were fixated on the injured Joseph, he was almost turning on the floor, he was carefully carried back to the bed.

The police asked Peter out but he ended up hitting one of the police men on the face.

He was so angry that he wanted to get even with everyone and anyone preventing him from killing Joseph.

"Why are you trying to save him when he tried to kill my brother?

Some passers by who had initially been sitting at the reception hall heard the chaos and rushed to the scene.

Seeing an Anderson fighting fueled their interest.

They soon started taking pictures, their act annoyed Peter that he started fighting everybody that came his way.

Seeing an Anderson fighting was a great show that would make the papers the next day and would increase their likes and views on social media.

Sterile gauze was brought for him and he continued his work without paying much attention to the viewers

  He screamed at Nurse Joy who seems to be enjoying the view to bring surgical adhesive tape.

I also need Topical ointments or antibiotics


with all the things needed, Walter guarded joy on how to remove the old dressing made.

 Use saline water on the tape of the existing wound dressing.

He said and he ensure he was watching her do perfect job.

Use drops of either water or saline solution around the tape on his skin to loosen the tape..

Inspect the wound.

Once you remove the covering, check to see if there are any signs of infection, such as pus or a foul smell

. Clean the wound.

Wet a gauze with saline water and gently clean up any blood or other bodily fluids (a small amount of blood is ok. If it’s a substantial amount, the person needs medical attention). Once clean, let the wound fully air dry (placing new dressings while the wound is still wet fosters bacteria growth). Once dry, apply antibiotic 

. Place a new wound dressing. Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound, then apply a new non-stick pad to the wound and extra gauze . Once covered, gently secure with wound tape.

Walter watched and saw that a good job was done, he smiled at the now relaxed Joseph and sighed with relief saying.

"You still have to face the law.

He whispered as he saw how sad Joseph looked even while sleeping.

'What a waste, a bright fine man, throwing away every thing because of some crazy school life affair.

Nurse Joy didn't really understand what the commotion and quarrel had been about, she was sure of one thing, Joseph had done something wrong.

Her curiosity got the better part of her and she asked her senior.

"Is Joseph in some kind of trouble?

Walter didn't mince words, he went straight to the point and told her.

"Yes, Joseph is in great trouble.

"But God will help him right? Nurse prisca added, but doctor Walter answered.

God answered his prayers years ago, but he chose to sell his soul and take revenge.

Revenge is evil in itself.