

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

Infant vs Adult

Micheal stares down at all of them while standing on top of building. Morgrathun speaks first by saying, "A Kid? This is interesting to even witness that a human kid, out of all, Have came here to defeat us. But it seems your not in physical body?"

Micheal smirks, saying, "That's right. This is not my physical body but a subtle body." 

Morgrathun in his inner monolouge, "[[So, This kid can access through his Subtle body that is crafted out of pure Hermetical Point (Energy), Huh?]]"

Micheal jumps down and lands on ground with ease. He says, "So, Are you all gonna jump me or come in a one on one?"

Nixi grins as she responds in mocking tone, "Kid, You cannot be serious. You truly think you can take even one of us, Let alone all?"

Micheal responds with a smile, "I never said, I will win. All i asked was, would it be a 1 on 1 or you all would just brutally go all out?"

Nixi turns her head around towards Morgrathun, Asking, "Lord, If you do not mind. Then can i fight this kid solo or not?"

Morgrathun replies, "Yea, You can fight him solo. If you need help, Then tell us. We would attack together."

Nixi bows to Morgrathun, Saying, "Thank you, Lord." Before starting to approach Micheal.

Micheal's smile fades away as he notices Nixi apporaching him. 

Morgrathun, Zargo and Malefic just observes as the battle between Nixi and Micheal is about to begin. 

Nixi immediately lunges forward at Micheal and swings punch at him. Micheal can react and tries to block it, But the impact of punch is too much for him to handle, sending him flying backwards for few meters.

Micheal quickly recovers by standing up, Thinking to himself, "[[I can react to her. So, That means, I should be able to hurt her.]]} With that, He lunges at Nixi, Clenching his teeth as he tries to hit her.

However, Nixi easily dodges swing but realizes something is wrong.

Micheal tries to follow up with kick, oly for it to be easily blocked by Nixi. 

Micheal notices and quickly jumps backwards, Maintaining space between two.

Micheal thinks to himself, "[[This is intresting. Do i need to try even harder to hit her.]]" 

Nixi immediately covers up distance between two, And kicks Micheal straight in face, sending him stumbling backwards.

Micheal quickly recovers and tries to hit her with a punch, Only for it to be dodged easily by Nixi.

Micheal teleports behind Nixi and swinging punch at her in the attempt to catch her off guard. Nixi easily blocks punch and hurls him to the other side.

Micheal narrows his eyes down as he slides on road and promptly teleport behind her and swinging punch at her once.

Nixi once again grabs Micheal fist, with a smirk, She tries to hurl him to the other side, However her smile fades away as Micheal teleports away and grabs on one of the traffic signal pole.

Nixi tilts her head upwards towards Micheal with a smirk. While Micheal just gazes at her.

Micheal clenches his fist and readies his fist, swining at air only to teleport at point range infront of Nixi and successfully landing a punch on her face. This catches her off guard.

Nixi stumbles backwards after getting punched by Micheal in the face for enough time that allows Micheal to hit her in a stomach, Sending her sliding bakwards on road few meters.

Micheal quickly catches upto Nixi, Giving her no time to recover, As nixi tilts her head upwards, Micheal is staring right in her eyes before launching two punches at her simultaneously.

Nixi easily blocks one punch while gets hit by another one in the face, But this time, She quickly recovers and pulls Micheal closer only to knee him in the stomach, Causing Micheal to spill out liquid substance from his mouth. 

Nixi spins Micheal 1 time before hurling him on the ground backwards and bouncing on ground for few moments before coming to halt.

Micheal stares at Nixi for few moments before standing up. 

Micheal thinks to himself, "[[How in the hell is this even happening? I can react to her speed yet i can barley hit her.]]"

Micheal fully stands up and gazes at Nixi for few moments. While, Nixi says, "What's wrong? Is that all you have got?"

Micheal just stares at her with a serious expression before replying to her, "God damn. Fantasy like you should have stayed Fantasy. I used to believe that you all were nothing but a made-up imaginary nonsense, But i guess here i am."

Nixi asks Micheal, "Why are you even trying to save Humanity in the first place? I know, Your human. But i am curious to know what your actual motivation is?"

Micheal narrows his eyes as his face expression morphs from serious to sad real quick, "Well, If you talk about that. My main motivation are two. The first one was just out of nowhere i wanted to be with my friend in any situation and he was there for me. But the second, Which was late motivation but it is considered more important to me because it was by none other than my own family member who had passed away."

Nixi asks Micheal, "Family member? Who was it and how did he or she died?"

Micheal's eye start to slowly drop a tear as his heart starts to break down causing him to stutter, "I-It was... My B-Bro."

Nixi countinues by saying, "Your brother?" Micheal says in response, "Y-Yes."

Nixi then asks once again, "So, How did he died? Micheal says in response, "I don't know the name, However that day, A sudden and strange explosion happen that made almost whole city into wasteland, But the worst part is, My bro had came to meet me and without even meeting me... He died in that explosion."

Micheal countinues by saying, "I do not know the name of someone who caused that explosion, However... I am for certain that he/she is from your race. Thus for my bro, I shall cut you down."

Morgrathun, Nixi and Zargo immediately realizes who Micheal is talking about.

Nixi says, "Oh, I see now. So your talking about him. So unfortunate that your brother died in that explosion, But does it really matter?"

Micheal becomes furious at what Nixi says and immediately lunges and launches kick in her face.

Nixi grabs Micheal by leg and smashes him down on ground before hurling him backwards. 

Micheal groans in pain before he gets hurled backward. Micheal is able to quickly recover from damage and immediately rushes at her once again with furious.

Nixi leaps backwards only to notice that Micheal has caught upto him. Micheal swing his arm Nixi, Only for him to get grabbed by his arm and get smashes right inside building through window.

Micheal grabs on sofa to make him stand up, With a fury in his eyes, He clenches his teeth and leaps out of building and tries to kick but Nixi grabs him by his legs, ONCE AGAIN hurls him at ground. 

Micheal groans in pain yet again, But he quickly recovers and leaps in the sky and stares at Nixi for few moments.

After few moments, Nixi starts to float around buildings while Micheal follows her by floating.

Nixi thinks to herself, "[[Intresting. This Kid can keep up with me in speed right now. This kid truly is something special.]]"

Micheal tries to attac nixi only for all of them to get weaved by Nixi with ease. 

Nixi grabs Micheal's arm and hurl him into ground, But this time, Smoke appears as Micheal collides with ground.

Nixi stares down at smoke while thinking to herself, "[[So, He can keep up with my current speed. But the only reason he is able to perform bad is bacause he cannot control his subtle body fully due to the lack of experience, that makes it hard for him to hit me while for me it's easy to dodge or counter it.]]"

I don't even know, What i am writing anymore. Anyway, I don't care if someone is reading or not (Wait, Nah. No one is reading. Which gives me perfect chance to yap around) Well if someone is reading, Then congrats Impossible materialized in here, lol. Regardless, I am going to sleep.

Auth_GTcreators' thoughts