

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantasy
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New Challenger

Jewel and Joban pull out there weapons as groups of demons approaches them. Both of them are sweating yet they believe that they both can win if they all fought together.

Joban in his mind, "[[Even if Manager died, I can still take on these monsters if only i and Jewel fought together without fear. So come on, Joban, You can do this. I can do this. I can defeat these demons. It's not like we are fighting boss, We are fighting the minions. It should be no problem for us to win against these monsters.]]"

Jewel on the other hand, Thinks to herself, "[[That's right. If i and joban alongside other members fought these scums. Then we can win. We can win. We can win. WE CAN WIN!!]]"

As Jewel and Joban stands there, Preparing themselves for fight, Physically and Mentally. Other members and Demons rush at each other, Clanking sounds of Crowd emerges as both parties rushes at eachother.

Demons and Humans are seeing getting shredded apart by each other. Blood leaks everywhere as both oppositions attack each other and kill each other.

Seeing Blood splattering everywhere, Joban and Jewel finally felt what it's like to be in a battlefield. They could not believe there eyes and what they were hearing, was pure brutal.

Jewel and Joban were seeing beings getting teared apar by either pure hands of there opp or weapons of there opp. The fear, The Agony and face filled with pure hatred, Terror, Fear, Pain, Suffering and there scream filled with pure terror, hatred, Agony as all of them brutally get teared apar or die in pieces, Some of them getting there neck blown off, Some of them getting both of there arms blown off brutally and some of them getting there body multiply into small pieces of meat as they get closer to death.

There consciousness remains in body for few seconds even after there whole body is shredded apart into pieces. All who experienced there body getting teared by there opp are feeling extreme hatred for there enermy, However, The profound pain and suffering they feel overshadows there hatred as they cannot even scream from there mouth because there body is teared apart including there mouths. All they can do is feel immense pain, chattering in there mind and begging to just lose consciousness so they could get out of this hell, But for few seconds they can only observe there body parts and others die right before there eyes. 

The last few seconds they are alive even after getting there body teared and shredded apart into multiple pieces, They are feeling the level of pain they never felt. The level of pain is beyond what they could comprehend when they were alive and they still cannot imagine or comprehend the level of pain, All they can do i feel and hoping that this pain just ceases as they lose there consciousness. To Us, It's just few seconds, However, To them, It's a never ending, Forever lasting, Eternal time that seems to never end because of how much extreme pain is, That it takes seconds to ride to Infinity. 

Jewel and Joban could not believe the level of terror they are dealing with, The level of fear and suffering is so beyond there comprehension that it has Inifnity in it's palm.

Jewel and Joban are so traumatized that they are just frozen in one place, with no emotions. Flabbergasted and too speechless to even convey emotional reaction to the agony of everyone who is fighting.

Joban, In his mind, "[[These screaming... These facial expression... The way they are getting brutally killed... Blood splattering everywhere, Every second... Is just... Is just... Beyond what i thought. I knew, That battlefield would have alot of gore stuff into it. But, This is my first battlefield experience, And it's to this level of degree is just... Beyond me. I could not even fathom the impact family members of these brutally killed soilders would have, Most of them could not even accept it. This is Madness in it's purest form. This is beyond me that i don't even know... How should i even react to it.]]"

Jewel, On the other hand, Is even more speechless than Joban that she doesn't even have inner monolouge. She is in a condition of a living Corpse. A Corpse that is alive. 

Joban thinks to himself, "[[Well, I do not have any other option. I cannot even run away. Which means-]]" Joban holds his sword tightly before continuing, "[[I have to do this. This is so hard after seeing this much blood and torn apart corpses that it would make focusing more harder on demons. But i should do it, Right here, Right now.]]" 

Joban makes up his mind, Trying his best to focus on his target and not look at ground, Keeping his gaze upwards. Joban runs at one of the demons who is distracted and fighting other members.

Joban clenches his teeth and his sword with hand as he yells while sprinting at demon. 

Demon, Who is fighting one of the member, Tilts his head towards Joban, Slightly confused. While, Joban makes in time, and before demon could move a hand to kill him, Joban swings his sword on Demon, From Nose to Stomach, Slashing in-between. Blood starts to leak from Nose till Stomach where Joban swing.

Demon quickly clenches his fist and hits Joban. But, Demon falls dead on ground, Causing Joban to only get stumble backwards slightly.

Jewel comes to senses as she notices Joban is fighting demon. She doesn't want Joban to be dead so she builds up courage to fight with Joban, So that if they die, They die together. Love can build up courage to fight against worst of the worst, If it means to protect your loved ones.

Joban notices Jewel has joined the fight with him, He smirks, But he quicly gazes upwards as he doesn't want to be distracted by dead corpses.

They both together, Start fighting there opp demons. Killing few of them. With the help of other members also.

As Both, Jewel and Joban start to slay demons and even slowly become more focused on slaying demons, Going with Flow.

Although, They are surrounded by the blood and corpses of Humans and demons, As both of them delve deep into flow, They start to enjoy it. Beause they are not facing the traumatizing thoughts that would distract them.

Joban thinks to himself, "[[I thought Demons were suppose to have upperhand over Us, But I and Jewel are easily slaying them. This is strange, But i do not complain. Maybe, Lowest level of demons are equal on par with Normal humans. If that's so, Then i am in this bitch.]]"

Jewel thinks to herself as she is killing demons, "[[This is much easier than i thought. I believe, it requires more courage because of all dead horror, But that seems the only obstacle i can notice.]]"

Both, Jewel and Joban, Notices a demon sprinting towards them. They nod to each other as if they have plan.

Demon swings his hand at Joban, But Joban swings his sword from chin to chest, while Jewel swings her sword on the side area of Stomach Horizontally, Causing Blood to leak from both slashes that stumbles demon backwards. 

Joban cuts left arm off while, Jewel cuts off Right arm, Leaving Demon armless and defenseless.

Joban finishes demon off by thrusting his sword straight into the heart of demon, and promptly pulling it out after few moments of thrust.

Demon falls dead on ground with blood leaking around his body on ground. 

Joban and Jewel start to run towards other remaining demons and killing them all.

As Joban and Jewel think they have killed all demons, They notice the last member getting killed by the last demon from the groups standing.

Demon notices these two and hurls the dead body of last member on battlefield away like a paper and starts to approach Jewel and Joban slowly.

Joban and Jewel narrow there eyes as they take a stance with there swords.

Demon comes to halt and start staring at Joban and Jewel while they stare at it back.

Demon points his finger at Joban and says, "KOKOKOKO... Affterr, I amm donee withh youu booth, I willl Killl alll who aree hiding insideee LIKEE a COWARDD!!" And growls after saying.

Demon start sprining at Joban and Jewel and swings his sword at Joban's chest, Causing a wound to occur.

Jewel yells, "JOBAAAN!!" And gets angry as she charges at Demon and trying to penetrate through his chest, However with a smile, Demon easily blocks swing with his owb sword.

Joban with a serious expression, Slowly stands up from his knee and start to apporach Demon.

Jewel still tries to push her sword in hopes to injure or end Demon once for all, But demon propels her back with it's sword.

Jewel and Joban both rushes at demon, synchronizing there movements and swinging there swords at Demon simultaneously. 

Demon gets slashes on his face, But he tilts his head at both of them with a smile and grabs Joban by throat, squeeze it and then hurling him backwards.

Joban moans in agnoy as he hits ground multiple times. But he slowly stands on his knees, Having difficulty breathing. Joban's face is covered in blood because the ground he was hurled to was filled with blood of all corpses.

As soon as Joban start having less difficulty with breathing, His eyes widens as he notices.

Demon smiles as he grabs Jewel by her throat, dangling her in air as she tries to escape but fails. Demon penetrates through her whole chest from front to back with it's sword, and sticking the sword in her chest for few moments before pulling it out aggressively.

Demon let's her throat go. As she falls on her knees, Demon charges his swing while Joban yells, "NOOOOOO! PLEASE NO!! LET HER GO. I WILL GIVE UP IF YOU LET HER GO BUT PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!" 

Demon slices her head off completely from her body, Blood erupts from her Headless Corpse for few moments that falls on both Demon and Joban even more. Her head bounces on ground like a ball.

Joban yells, "NOOOOOOOOO!! H-H-HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME? HOOOW?" Demon just grins and licking some of the blood away from his tounge.

Joban stops yelling as if he is motionless. He was freezed and he couldn't even breathe because of what he saw.

Demon starts to apporach towards Joban, While Joban is freezed.

Joban thinks to himself, "[[This-This... This is Nightmare. A Nightmare that feels just like reality. Because, It's too... too... too cruel to be reality. First all those corpses and now this. What will i do now? That's right, Kill this trash and then possibly penetrate my throat and end myself.]]"

Joban stands up, Grabbing his sword. As he grabs his sword, He realizes his whole body is shaking by the horror he just saw. But even after all of this, His will gets extremely weakned to the point where he falls on his knees again. His will to not just be alive has weakened, But he now wishes that there is no after life and no nothing only non-existence.

Demon eclipses infront of joban, Blocking nothing but it's shadow tower infront of Joban. 

Joban raises his gaze and says, "So... What are you going to do now? Kill me? Finish me? Or what?"

Demon looks down at Joban saying, "Aree Youu NOtt going tooo Fight Backk and takee revengee from mee fore what Iii Did?" 

Joban says in response, "Revenge? Am i even strong enough to take revenge? You stood and killed of us on battlefield. The only thing that is stopping you from being victor in this battlefield is nothing but a worthless like me. So, Go ahead and kill me already."

Demon smiles, saying in reply, "Gladlyy." and slice Joban's body from middle in two seprate pieces, From Head to Legs. 

Joban is still conscious for few seconds and realizes all that pain he thought those people who faced in his situation was nothing but a grain of salt before becoming unconscious.

Blood and all organs leak out on ground as his body gets sliced up into two pieces.

Demon looks down at Joban's Organs and blood, Says with a smile, "Youu seem too bee deliciouss. I fouund fooood tooo eaat. I am going to ennjoy it."

[Meanwhile in Netherlands, Amsterdam]

Everything in Amsterdam is set on fire with alot of dead bodies but the section where Morgrathun, Zargo, Nixi and Malefic are standing is clear with no corpse but still on fire. 

Morgrathun countinues to stare at city on fire while standing on of the roads, He says, "This place is done. Now time to make it happen on other parts of this planet." To which others respond with, "Yes, My Lord."

All of them start to walk off, With the intention of detsroying other parts of Earth and then in the end, Erase earth from existence.

"Yoo Edgers. Where do you think you all are going?"

Morgrathun, Zargo, Nixi and Malefic turn around and gazes up on one of the buildings with fire that has figure looking down on them.

That Figure on top of building is none other than 'Micheal' who is in sort of ghostly body, Thus remaining unfazed, uneffected by fire.