
Everyone has their own happiness

Not felt if the day began nearing dusk, Kiriya was seen accompanying Wei Wei in her room without feeling bored.Even though the atmosphere was quiet but Kiriya was used to this if he was with Wei Wei and he also didn't want to disturb her . Until finally Wei Wei herself broke the silence.

" Kiriya.. can i ask you some quetions ? " she put the cold face .

" split it .. "

" I... I... I began to lose myself, I ... I ... I love someone ... " she said nervously. Kiriya didn't respond, only nodded, waiting for her to continue the sentence.

" Yesterday he ... he asked me ... but I ... but I ... I didn't ... I couldn't ... I ... I and he wasn't destined ... " her tone began to tremble and her face turned to look panic and sad at the same time, Kiriya took a deep breath trying to understand the feeling of the girl in front of her.

" You know, sometimes I think if I do I have to obey my passions but I ... I ... we ... we are not ... I know ... I have hurt him repeatedly ... but ... " she stopped her words, tears began to wet her little face, she began to choke from holding back her emotions.

" I... I... "

" Wei Wei dear, sometimes someone has to struggle to get his own happiness. No matter how much pain and hurt he must feel as long as he is sure if their love is sincere, then no matter how strong the storm is, they will survive. But some people ignore their own feelings so they don't feel hurt and depressed.Like you , You are afraid that one day people will say badly to you and you do not want to feel hurt by them so you choose to sacrifice your own feelings and without you knowing you are hurting the person you love ! Wei Wei , can you think again ? " Kiriya tried to convince Wei Wei if everyone had the right to get their respective love, he patted Wei Wei's head lightly and smiled gently .

" Kiriya , you don't know who he is? " Wei Wei still wants to deny.

" Yo ... princess, I am your best friend ... nobody can't understands you like me ... I know who he is? so don't try playing puzzles with me ! " Kiriya said, puffing his chest proudly.Hearing if Kiriya knew the person she is in love with, Wei Wei's face turned red and made Kiriya unable to hold back his laughter.

Try to open your heart a little and give him a chance, he loves you more than anything ... "

" I can't ! "

"Whyv? Because he's your Big brother? Wei Wei, is that your reason? What if you were in his place now, isn't he tortured like you ? " He patted Wei Wei's cheek while wiping her tears.

" I...I ... "

" Wei Wei baby , please consider again, I'm also a man if I can't get a certainty from the person I love so I will lose control and turn into someone who loses my mind and does whatever I can so that I can be with the person I love. Before he turns into someone like that, you must immediately think about your feelings! " Kiriya rubbed her forehead and lay on the sofa.Wei Wei was astonished to hear Kiriya's words, what he said was indeed true. But if he insists on being with Christian whether it is also true, however, she still his adopthed sister.

Lu Christian was shut himself in his office all day, he deliberately buried himself in work so he could forget his sadness.Then came his assistant with a sluggish face facing to report to him.

" Speak !!! " His tone was very creepy.

" Sir, today someone is following young Miss and he is trying to approach Young Miss!" The asistent tried to calm down but hid body could not show his calm .

" Anything else? " Lu Christian supported his face with both hands.

" Mmmm... Miss... Young Miss... " his body become tremble " Young Miss asking Young Master Kiriya to stay with her in the dorm. Right at ... i mean , she want him move in with her ..toget... "


i'm back.....

litlepanpawcreators' thoughts