
Pokemon : The Fanfiction

When Lin Mo got up promptly toward the beginning of the day, Bi Diao thumped on the window and sent a confirmation notice? This is... the universe of mythical people! The development business has weird abilities, the logical exploration field has Xanadu, and the police canine watchmen are wind speed canines... You might ride and share Tuduli when you go out each day! ! Lin Mo, as a dark gold understudy of the "Brilliant Task", can pick the underlying mythical people for nothing! Right now, the brief situation is enacted. 【Ding! Recognize the enchanted egg before you! 】 Lin Mo definitively removed a charming excited egg. Staff: This egg is costly and dangerous. Miss shopping guide: How about you pick a semi sage in dark gold? Father Lin: What a misuse of chance to be demanding! after seven days. Your little dollface, the seal arises! 【Ding! It is recognized that the host mythical person needs to take part in preparing, and an ideal arrangement has been generated] The development plan is begun. Yaya, assault at rapid! !

VJTHOMAS567100 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs




Quasi God!


Champion Potential!


In an instant, Lin Mo was extremely moved.


It's even just a special defence that is not too important, and it hasn't reached the full V level of the individual.


"Take a look around again, and if there is no other better elf, let it go."


Lin Mo thought secretly.


After all, with the prompting ability, I have a chance to find the 6V quasi-god...




So far, only one miniature dragon has been seen in the entire breeding center.




Sure enough, after visiting the entire top floor,


Not to mention the 6V quasi-god, I didn't even see the shadow of the quasi-god.


Helpless, Lin Mo turned back in the direction of the mini dragon.


Suddenly, the system prompt came again.


[Ding! ! ]


[Ding! ! ]


On this floor, in the northwest corner, on the sandy ground, a god-level potential Yaya (elf egg) was discovered!




God's potential?




Lin Mo was stunned.




PS: Kneeling for flowers and evaluation


Chapter Three: The Lonely Dragon


God-level potential?


Can ordinary elves have such qualifications?


Other qualifications prompted by the previous system include


He is very clear.


You can know by matching the content that is prompted with the memory of this life.


The strength division of elves is—


Levels 1 to 10 are in the infant form, and levels 11 to 20 are the novice stage, which are levels that any elf can easily cross.


After that, levels 21–30 are the normal level, which is the most common level for Pokémon living with humans.


And elves can be regarded as powerful individuals with some strength when they reach levels 31–40.


This is professional level.


In the future, levels 41–50 will be compared to the elite trainers of the alliance.


Level 51–60 is the main level of the gym master.


Levels 61–70 are the quasi-kings.


Levels 71–80 are Heavenly Kings.


Going up further, 81–90 is the quasi-champion, and 91–100 is the symbol of the top trainer.




The aptitude of an elf is determined by its total individual value, which is the upper limit of the level it can reach through normal cultivation.


The full value is the so-called 6v——186 points, which is the championship qualification!


Every 20 points down is a gear, and the quasi-champion, the king of heaven...


One-to-one correspondence




Theoretically, the strength above the champion also exists!


That is the realm of beasts.


At the same time, only among the group of divine beasts will there be god-level potential that surpasses the six-V aptitude.


Only elves with such potential can leap to the realm of god's strength.


Level 100 and above!


And with the power of such Pokémon, it is no problem to move mountains and fill seas.


All of them are walking nuclear bombs!


But Lin Mo remembered it very clearly; it was clearly stated in the textbook of this life.


Ordinary elves have not been recorded as having god-level potential.


Therefore, it has always been considered that the god-level potential is the natural division of the descendants of mythical beasts and ordinary Pokémon!


But now, there is actually a Yaya elf egg with god-level potential that has appeared!


Naturally, Lin Mo would not suspect that Goldfinger made a mistake.


And that means,




Champion Potential Mini Dragon,


can't compare at all!


Yaya is also a dragon spirit, and his final form is a double-axe battle dragon, although his race is not as good as a quasi-god.


But its powerful physical attack output is not inferior to that of elves like Kuailong.


What's more, the god-level potential crushes everything!


Immediately, Lin Mo's selection of the initial elves had a spectrum.


He quickly walked in the direction indicated.


passed a sign.


[Produced in the Secret Realm]


Then, among the piles of elf eggs, he found one lying quietly on the sand.


There are markings on the sides.


[Produced in Kunlun's Secret Realm]


[Price: 10 million alliance coins]


"It turned out to be an egg produced in the Kunlun Secret Realm."


There was a flash of clarity in Lin Mo's eyes.


The so-called "secret realm" is the source that brought the elves into this world.


And Kunlun Secret Realm is the first secret realm to appear!


The birthplace of all fantasy and dreams


If Yaya's eggs were produced in that place, it would be really possible to break the existing humans' summary of the law of elves' qualifications.


As for the price tag,


Lin Mo didn't care at all; it was all prostitution anyway.


Then he picked up the elf egg.


The data panel appears again.


Yaya (the dragon) [the elf egg]


[Characteristic: Exception (When an elf with a characteristic launches an attack, it ignores the opponent's characteristics.)


[Character: Stubborn]


[Special: Flash talent: "Lonely Dragon"] The power of the dragon type is increased by 50%, and the combat power is stronger when fighting alone! (20% increase in all attributes)


[Potential: God]


Because it is an egg, the data is very simple.


But it didn't prevent Lin Mo's eyes from flashing with joy.