
Pokemon : The Fanfiction

When Lin Mo got up promptly toward the beginning of the day, Bi Diao thumped on the window and sent a confirmation notice? This is... the universe of mythical people! The development business has weird abilities, the logical exploration field has Xanadu, and the police canine watchmen are wind speed canines... You might ride and share Tuduli when you go out each day! ! Lin Mo, as a dark gold understudy of the "Brilliant Task", can pick the underlying mythical people for nothing! Right now, the brief situation is enacted. 【Ding! Recognize the enchanted egg before you! 】 Lin Mo definitively removed a charming excited egg. Staff: This egg is costly and dangerous. Miss shopping guide: How about you pick a semi sage in dark gold? Father Lin: What a misuse of chance to be demanding! after seven days. Your little dollface, the seal arises! 【Ding! It is recognized that the host mythical person needs to take part in preparing, and an ideal arrangement has been generated] The development plan is begun. Yaya, assault at rapid! !

VJTHOMAS567100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs




Of course, at the current stage,


Lin Mo didn't intend to reveal his ability,


He is too weak.


showing a near-perfect elf identification level,


I am afraid that he will only be directly kidnapped and imprisoned by some terrorist organisations or even famous families.




Lin Mo can at least rely on the Golden Finger and the preferential treatment of the Fanxing Project to choose the most perfect initial elf.


Woohoo, take off!


6V quasi-god, here I come!




PS: Beg for flowers and comments! Spend 1,000 comments and 100 reviews, and immediately 10 chapters will be updated!


Chapter Two: God-Level Potential: Yaya


Soon, Lin Mo swiped the card of Project Fanxing and successfully entered the cultivation center.




He found an embarrassing problem.


As a novice trainer, you can choose arbitrarily from the elf eggs and newborn elves in the cultivation center.


And even if it is tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, of quasi-gods, it will be reimbursed by the alliance.




Frog Seed (Grass or Poison)


[Gender: ♂]


[Level: 5 (Children Intermediate)]


[Characteristic: chlorophyll (speed under a sunny day, a substantial increase?)]


[Character: naughty]


Individual values: HP (25), attack (25), special attack (20), defence (21), special defence (15), speed (10)


[Skills: impact (beginner), staring (beginner)]


[carry items: none]


[Potential: Gym]


Although it is Yusanjia, the wonderful frog seed is still a very important dream characteristic.


But the qualifications are too low!


Gym-level potential,


Even if he didn't have a golden finger, Lin Mo wouldn't choose it!


Otherwise, it would be a waste of the free selection quota for the initial elves given by the alliance.


But the problem is that he has been looking for such a barely passable elf for a long time!


He had to pay attention to the elves around him one by one to get a hint.


Fortunately, Lin Mo was just worried.


[Prompt mode has been converted.]




"How to convert?"


Lin Mo was taken aback.


Then he noticed a continuous sound coming from his ear.


[Ding! Go forward 5 meters, take two steps to the left, and find a potential Charmander in the gym.


[Ding! Go upstairs at the back, turn right by the door, and find a potential Tutu dog elf egg.]


[Ding! ...]




"So sweet?"


Lin Mo suddenly showed surprise.


In this way, the detection time is greatly reduced!


However, he was still a little dissatisfied and murmured silently in his heart, reminding himself that elves with potentials above the Heavenly King level would do.


It's rare for me to pick an initial elf for nothing, so I must choose the best one.


After that, the prompting ability also changed again.


[Ding! Sixty metres ahead, turn right into the flower pot and find a walking grass with the potential of the King of Heaven!




Lin Mo was slightly overjoyed, and then he nodded towards the shopping guide, who had already started walking towards him.


"Don't bother you; I'll just take a look myself."


Then walk towards the prompt.


Sure enough, a grasshopper in the flowerpot was sleeping late,


the grass stalks on it,


Obviously stronger and tougher than the same kind.




Then Lin Mo followed Goldfinger all the way to find it.


A very cold croaking bubble frog,


I practised the blisters silently.


Seeing someone coming, he didn't look back.


The skills it releases are extraordinary.


King potential!




A ghost suddenly jumped out from behind the door.


It seems that he wants to scare Lin Mo.


The airflow around him is extremely solid, even giving people a feeling of tulle.


Quasi-Champion Potential!




A lazy man who was practising boxing inexplicably seemed to be full of energy.


And a broken rock pierced through the floor of the cultivation center.


Uranus potential.




Later, Lin Mo discovered that...


I followed the prompts all the way to the higher floors of the cultivation center,


The higher you go, the more you cherish the elves, and the more excellent your potential is.


Finally, the top floor


In a small pool right in front, there is actually a miniature dragon!


Mini Dragon (Dragon)


[Gender: ♀]


[Level: 5 (Children Intermediate)]


[Characteristic: Moulting (with a certain chance, the abnormal state will be removed automatically)]


[Character: Gentle]


Individual values: HP (31), attack (31), special attack (31), defence (31), special defence (28), speed (31)


[Skills: Tight Beam (Proficient), Stare (Proficient), Tornado (Proficient), Electromagnetic Wave (Beginner), Dragon Tail (Beginner)]


[carry items: none]


[Potential: Champion]