
Pokemon : The Fanfiction

When Lin Mo got up promptly toward the beginning of the day, Bi Diao thumped on the window and sent a confirmation notice? This is... the universe of mythical people! The development business has weird abilities, the logical exploration field has Xanadu, and the police canine watchmen are wind speed canines... You might ride and share Tuduli when you go out each day! ! Lin Mo, as a dark gold understudy of the "Brilliant Task", can pick the underlying mythical people for nothing! Right now, the brief situation is enacted. 【Ding! Recognize the enchanted egg before you! 】 Lin Mo definitively removed a charming excited egg. Staff: This egg is costly and dangerous. Miss shopping guide: How about you pick a semi sage in dark gold? Father Lin: What a misuse of chance to be demanding! after seven days. Your little dollface, the seal arises! 【Ding! It is recognized that the host mythical person needs to take part in preparing, and an ideal arrangement has been generated] The development plan is begun. Yaya, assault at rapid! !

VJTHOMAS567100 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

1. Crossing

When Lin Mo woke up early in the morning, Bi Diao knocked on the window and sent an admission notice. 


This is... the world of elves!


The construction industry has strange powers, the scientific research field has Xanadu, and the police dog guards are wind speed dogs...


Even when you go out every day, you can ride a shared Tuduli! 


Lin Mo, as a black-gold student of the "Starry Project," can choose the initial elves for free! 


At this time, the prompt system is activated.


[Ding! Detect the magic egg in front of you! 


Lin Mo decisively took away a cute, toothy egg. 


Staff: This egg is expensive and risky.


Miss Shopping Guide: Why don't you choose a quasi-sage in black gold?


Father Lin: What a waste of an opportunity to be picky! 


a week later.


Your little cutie, the hatchling, emerges! [Ding! It is detected that the host elf needs to participate in training, and a perfect plan has been generated.] 


The training programme starts.


Yaya, attack at high speed! 




Chapter 1: The World of Elves? 


Tuk, duk, duk!


Tuk, duk, duk!


"Who is it?" "Early in the morning." 


Lin Mo muttered,


Get up from the bed and look in the direction of the sound.




 he fell silent. 


I live on the 6th floor, but there is something knocking outside the window...


If the morning sun is not bright,


 it is estimated that Lin Mo can be scared to jump up. 




 he took a step closer and found that it was not some terrible ghost knocking on the window, but a——Bidiao? 


Lin Mo was a little confused. 


"I... have time-traveled?" 


He felt as if a switch had been turned on in his mind, and memories flooded in. 


crossed by myself...


It can also be considered unworn. 


The family, residence, relatives, and friends are all exactly the same as in the previous life. 


But the world has changed a bit, from an ordinary world to a wonderful place that merges with elves.


More than 100 years ago,


 creatures such as elves emerged in large numbers. At first,


 people were terrified of this kind of miraculous existence that could ride clouds and control fire. 


But the natural friendliness of the elves was quickly noticed,


 and natural civilizations began to merge. 


Humans and elves live together...


Today, more than 100 years later,


 elves have long since become an integral part of society. 


The construction industry is full of strange forces and porters, and the postal industry has a very high rate of entry into the workforce...


Even in the field of scientific research, there is no shortage of elves like Xanadu and Hu Di participating.


And the trainer has become the most respected position in society.


And Lin Mo even recalled that he had just finished the elf college entrance examination,


 and the grades should be good. 


I am waiting for the acceptance letter at home. 


"That's right! Admission notice!"


Lin Mo woke up suddenly.


At this time, Bi Diao outside the window was obviously a little impatient.


Lin Mo quickly invited it in.


"Sorry to keep you waiting." 


he opened the window,


 picking up a blue tangerine from the desk and handing it to Bi Diao,


 then taking the envelope. 


But Bi Diao, who got the fruit, nodded in satisfaction.


He held his head high and showed off the sign in front of him, "Shunfeng Express, Everywhere." 


Lin Mo knows that this "shunfeng" refers to the skill "shunfeng," which means that the speed is doubled... 


But Bi Diao raised his head, swallowed the food, then flapped his wings and flew away. 


Lin Mo didn't care about the courier's departure, and she opened the envelope excitedly. 


Just like before time travel, a good university in this world is extremely important for future development!


really, "An admission letter from Kunlun University!" 


Inside the envelope is a certificate in gold letters on a red background.


Lin Mo's voice rose a few degrees with a smile on his face. 


According to my previous memory, the best elf university in China is Kunlun! 


Later, Lin Mo even discovered that there was a small card attached to the notice.


[Student Lin Mo, congratulations on being selected as the black gold block of the Starry Project.] 


"The previous application was also approved!"




Memories emerged in Lin Mo's mind. 


The so-called "Star Project" is a student aid opportunity given by the Elven Alliance to students from ordinary families. 


Its benefits include waived tuition and other fees upon entering the university. 


provide additional nurturing resources,


a series of preferential conditions, such as business loans after graduation. 


And, most importantly, pick an initial elf issued by the alliance for free. 


This is the exclusive power of the highest-grade black gold card of the Fanxing Project in Lin Mo's hand!


Generally speaking, you can get to up to 10 places in a city!