
Pokemon : The Fanfiction

When Lin Mo got up promptly toward the beginning of the day, Bi Diao thumped on the window and sent a confirmation notice? This is... the universe of mythical people! The development business has weird abilities, the logical exploration field has Xanadu, and the police canine watchmen are wind speed canines... You might ride and share Tuduli when you go out each day! ! Lin Mo, as a dark gold understudy of the "Brilliant Task", can pick the underlying mythical people for nothing! Right now, the brief situation is enacted. 【Ding! Recognize the enchanted egg before you! 】 Lin Mo definitively removed a charming excited egg. Staff: This egg is costly and dangerous. Miss shopping guide: How about you pick a semi sage in dark gold? Father Lin: What a misuse of chance to be demanding! after seven days. Your little dollface, the seal arises! 【Ding! It is recognized that the host mythical person needs to take part in preparing, and an ideal arrangement has been generated] The development plan is begun. Yaya, assault at rapid! !

VJTHOMAS567100 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


 The fact that Lin Mo was elected means that his achievements and potential are among the best in Longquan City, where he is located!


In addition to the most high-end "black gold,"


There are still many places in the Stars Program, and other benefits are readily available.


Only when selecting the initial sprite,


You can only enjoy the discount; you cannot get it for free.


It can be seen that this right is extraordinary.


And Lin Mo's hands trembled a little, really excited!


"After crossing, Tianhu will start!"


The initial elves are extremely important to any trainer!


In this world where love and bonds can turn into real power,


The Pokémon most trainers have the deepest affection for is always the first one!


And the spirit that binds the mighty


It can also unleash incredible power.


For example, by forcibly resisting the moves that cannot be resisted and breaking free from the abnormal state early, the power of the moves is even higher...


These elf potentials aroused by the fetters were clearly written as papers and published in alliance journals.


So unless you're lucky enough to explode,


being able to subdue existence far beyond the original elf's talent


Otherwise, the first elf is the trainer's trump card!


What's more, if the original elf is a quasi-god...


It must be more beneficial than subduing it later.


Therefore, the stronger the talent and race of the initial elves, the better!


This can even affect a trainer's final achievement.


Lin Mo's family background before and after time travel is quite ordinary, and if he wants to obtain the initial elves, he can only walk on grass, bobo, and the like at most.


Now, with the help of Project STARS,


For free,


Lin Mo can choose quasi-god elves worth tens of millions!


As long as the qualifications of the selected elves are not too bad, they are destined to take off!




Lin Mo hurriedly washed up,


I don't even bother to eat.


After bidding farewell to the parents, who were still busy preparing breakfast downstairs, they rushed out of the house.


The Star Project allows Lin Mo to choose elf eggs at will in the city's cultivation base.


He is ecstatic!


Lin Mo quickly walked to the edge of the community, scanned the QR code with his mobile phone, and received a poke ball.


This is a benefit launched by the alliance, sharing Duduli.


Within half an hour, you can ride for free.


When you arrive at the depository around the city, put the poke ball back, and that's it.


Soon, Lin Mo ran on the road with the big furry guy.


Not long after, he saw huge buildings appearing from the horizon in the distance.


Huge signs hang.


[Longquan Cultivation Center]


In front of the building, several speeding dogs patrolled majestically.


"Wind speed dog."


Lin Mo looked forward with longing in his eyes.


Who does not like,


a handsome and loyal big fluffy dog.


Not to mention the wind speed dog, whose own strength is quite high.




In this world, Wind Speed Dog is similar to Pokémon Anime.


an elf that can only be equipped by the official elite investigators and police officers of the alliance,


It is basically impossible for others to obtain it.


Of course, Lin Mo has the opportunity to take away a Katie dog with the free initial elfquota.


But how is it possible?


Such a good opportunity! At least one must choose a quasi-god elf.


But after staring at this group of majestic elves for a while,




A light curtain panel popped up in front of Lin Mo's eyes.


[Wind Speed ​​Dog (Fire)]


[Gender: ♂]


[Level: 51 (Elementary Gymnasium)]


Characteristic: intimidate (when a Pokémon with this characteristic appears on the stage, reduce the opponent's)


[Character: Stubborn]


Individual values: HP (22), attack (28), special attack (17), defence (24), special defence (10), speed (15).


[Skills: Super Speed (Proficient), Slamming (Proficient), Crushing (Proficient),... Burnout (Proficient), Flame Charge (Proficient)]


[Carrying item: Gem of Fire]


[Potential: Gym]


"This is the qualification and details of the wind speed dog."


He was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and then looked around in surprise.


Whenever you look at an elf, information pops up.


Panels popped up one by one.


[Wind Speed ​​Dog (Fire)]


[Gender: ♂]


[Level: 52 (Elementary Gymnasium)]


[Potential: Gym]




[Wind Speed ​​Dog (Fire)]


[Potential: Quasi-Uranus]




Immediately, two emotions arose in the young man's heart.


The wind speed at the training centre is so strong.


Basically, they all have gym-level strength, and even one has the potential to be a quasi-king!


at the same time


Sure enough, after crossing, there must be a golden finger, and...


This gold finger of mine seems to be too strong!


The potential and qualifications of elves are often difficult to judge.


It is necessary to use various data, such as the growth and development traits of Pokémon, the energy concentration of internal attributes, physical strength, etc., to make effective judgments.


Therefore, a very popular profession was born in the world of elves: elf appraiser.


An excellent elf appraiser is often regarded as a treasure by major families!


Moreover, the top appraisers may miss or read something wrongly.


But Lin Mo's golden finger made him the most authoritative and infallible elf appraiser!