
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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114 Chs

Pewter City!


All of the Team Rocket grunts were gathered in the Meeting room, Captain Lisa had summoned all of us here, I wasn't happy about this as it coincidentally conflicted with my date with Jenny today.

"You must wonder why I summoned all of you here, Well, Boss Giovanni has contacted me to send all of you on a trip to the Hoenn region with him!" Lisa said.

The grunts were silent, Why would Boss Giovanni want us to go on a trip to the Hoenn region with HIM.

Lisa stammered before adding this last statement.

"But...One of our grunts will no longer be with us, He has been requested in Pewter city," Lisa said. Now, That left all of us pondering who that grunt was?, "Grunt Jordan, Please pack your bags and head straight to Pewter city as soon as possible, New missions await you there."

My heart skipped a beat as I heard Rick chuckle, Why did it have to be me? I wasn't ready to leave Viridian Branch, at least, A Head's up would have been nice.

"Boss Giovanni has high expectations for you, That was why he sent you to the Pewter city branch." Lisa said, It was clear that she was unhappy.

I nodded and then turned to Rick with a sad smile before climbing upstairs to my room, I packed everything to my crossbag and pulled off my Team Rocket uniform. I stuffed it into my crossbag as well.

My Pokéballs were put in a separate zip and I went to her office, By the time I was done, She had finished her meeting.

"Is there going to be some sort of separate transport for me?" I asked.

"No, You'll have to walk to Pewter city on foot." She replied with a frown. I turned around and headed for the door, As I turned the knob...

"Please don't die," She said, "Pewter city branch is one of the most dangerous branches in the Kanto region, ever since Flint became the gym leader."

"I won't and mind if you give me your number?" I asked. She gave me my number and I left.


I was walking through the forest with the only intention of reaching Pewter city at once so I can begin my training. During my time in Team Rocket, I learned Team Rocket had different grades of Missions and it all depended on your branch and your rank as a team rocket member.

A-rank missions are done by Executives.

B-rank missions are done by Admins.

C-rank missions are done by Admins and Commanders.

D-rank missions are done by Captains and Commanders.

E-rank missions are done by Grunts.

F-rank missions are done by Grunts.

Right now, I was only limited to F-rank missions but once I got to Pewter city, The missions went up to E-rank.

The Viridian Forest was filled with Pokémon but I wasn't interested in them, I just hoped that my team would be able to stand up to Flint. Flint was a very strong Pokémon trainer and the Pokémon I knew he had was Golem and Rhydon.

I arrived in Pewter city after an hour. The Underground bases were located in the hotels that Giovanni owned but recently, The Pewter city police force received a tip that Grunts were hiding in Giovanni's hotel.

After thorough searching, Three grunts were found out and they were arrested but were broken out by the comrades, The base was moved to Route 4 at the side of Mount Moon.

How did I learn all of this? This was all sent to me by my new Captain, Captain Leroy who strangely had my Phone number.

I went straight to Mount moon, The base was located at the side of the entrance, There were large rocks blocking the side entrance. One of these rocks had a panel which got revealed when you knocked on it, I tapped the left rock and a numeral and alphabet panel opened.

I typed in the Passcode: Team Rocket Rules and the rocks shifted aside. I entered the opening and the rocks returned back to their original positions. Team Rocket had really invested a lot in the technology we are using.

I saw many doors leading to different rooms and went to the Captain's office. I met Captain Leroy.

He was a tall man with long blond hair reaching to his neck and in his Captain uniform.

"Sir, Where's the squad?" I asked.

"They...They died, You're the last one." Leroy replied, "Give me your Team Rocket uniform,"

I did as he told and gave him my uniform, He brought out a chip and dropped it on my uniform, It vanished.

"Once you press the R insignia on your uniform, It has the ability to teleport anything that you are looking at except for humans and Pokémon." Leroy said, "Pick a room and drop all of your things, This night, You are going to raid the Pewter city department store and get the items that I'll send to you."

I picked one of the rooms and entered, I assumed that it belonged to one of the Team Rocket grunts of before. The bed was clean and everything was just in order.

I dropped my things in the empty closet and began planning my heist.

The reaction time of the Police would be faster than the Viridian City police department since they have an entire police force on their hands and then they also have the Gym leader. I turned to the TV and found the remote before turning it on.

Today's news featured how Flint murdered all of the other Team Rocket grunts. Damn that guy, He just killed everyone and their Pokémon with a simple Stone Edge.

I found a training room and sent out all of my Pokémon, They started training.


A man in Team Rocket uniform could be seen slinking through the shadows, heading towards the Pewter city Department store. The list included: Potions, TMs and other necessities to be transported to Cinnabar Island research center.

I would have written this chapter earlier today but I was busy throughout the morning and even in the Afternoon, Hell I just got home!

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