
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 4

After training constantly for 2 months Eevee finally evolved into a beautiful Sylveon and became the first Sylveon.

"System show me Sylveon's status"


Pokemon : Sylveon

Gender : ♀️

Type : Fairy

Level : Early Gym

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : 90%

Skills : Charm, Double kick, Sand attack, Sweet kiss, Growl, Tackle,Tail whip, Quick attack, Bite, copy, covet, Double edge, Helping hand, Take down, Swift, Light screen, Draining kiss ]

Evan also took a video and uploaded it on the website under his name which brought a huge sensation in the world after the discovery of the 8th Eevee evolutions.

Sylveon directly became very popular among the coordinator and female trainers.

Evan also didn't neglect Shelgon and trained him constantly alongside Sylveon although he concentrated mostly on Sylveon as he needed to prepare for his next project.

"System now show Shelgon's status"

[ Pokemon : Shelgon

Gender : ♂️

Type : Dragon

Level : Late Gym

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : 100%

Skills : Ember, Leer, Bite, Dragon breath, Dragon rush, Defence curl, headbutt, Scary face, crunch, Dragon claw,Zen headbutt, Focus energy, Flame thrower ]

"Alright just 1 level to go to become a salamence" Evan showed a satisfied smile after seeing his Pokemons status.

"Now it's time to work on my graduation ticket"

3 years later

A teenager can be seen lying on his table filled with messy papers.

He is our protagonist Evan Stone, he had been training and working on his project as to graduate this year.

"Sigh.. Finally it completed, now I just needed to publish it and I can be free from the academy",he muttured to himself as he woke up.

" Veonnn~~Syl~", oh Sylveon you woke up baby, Evan patted Sylveon who kept accompany whole time, as for Shelgon, he became a huge Salamence so he had been staying in his pokeball.

"Let's go wash up baby we have a lot to do today" Evan said as he went to the bathroom to wash up.

After taking a shower Evan and Sylveon went to the arena venue for morning exercise.

"Come out Salamence"


Evan used inspection on Salamence and Sylveon.

[ Pokemon : Salamence

Gender : ♂️

Type : Dragon, Flying

Level : Early Elite

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : 100%

Skills : Ember, Leer, Dragon breath, Dragon rush, Defence curl, Headbutt, Scary face, Crunch, Dragon claw, Zen headbutt, Focus energy, Flame thrower, Dragon tail, Dual wingbeat, Protect, Roost, Fly, Twister, Hyper beam, Dragon dance, Rockslide]

[ Pokemon : Sylveon

Gender : ♀️

Type : Fairy

Level : Late Gym

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : 100%

Skills : Charm, Double kick, Sand attack, Sweet kiss, Growl, Tackle, Tail whip, Quick attack, Bite, Copy, Covet, Double edge, Helping hand, Takedown, Swift, Lightscreen, Draining kiss, Fairy wind, Misty terrain, Skill swap, Pysch up, Moonblast, Last resort,Disarming voice, Dazzling gleam, Play rough, Shadow ball, Rest ,safeguard, flame thrower,fireblast]

Seeing Salamence and Sylveon's status Evan was satisfied, after exercising he published his work on new attribute which brought extreme sensation all over the world and also a nightmare for a single dragon attribute trainers.

Finally he was glad that with this he could graduate from the academy.

Life at the academy also got Evan a nickname "Lone Star", which Evan wasn't even have a clue of.He got his nickname as he ignored every students and concentrated only one his Pokemon and his project.

Students started gathering at the stadium.

" I heard Lone Star has published a new work again and achieved enough credits to graduate"

"Then he is going to become the youngest graduate of the academy who breaks the record"

"Ah after following his instructions from his last work my eevee finally evolve into Glaceon"

Every and each student were murmurring.

"Okay Students as you've heard our honorable student from special have accomplished a new achievements again which brought a huge sensation all over the world and he is graduating from our academy as of today let's congratulate,Evan Stone our honorable student which brought our academy a great achievements which no one could have ever accomplish " Everyone started applauding.

Evan went onto the stage excitedly with thought of graduation "Thank you everyone,I had a great time at the academy learning new things and accomplishing achievements, I wish you a great life at the academy learning new things and teaching each other, Thank you"

With that Evan's life at academy came to an end.

He doesn't have a thing called lingering feelings as he enrolled in the academy only for its distinguished institution, but Evan got more than that, he became a certified Researcher, certified Breeder, and a Certified Trainer.

He got his belongings into his space ring and decided to board to Hoenn region his birth place to meet his family and set out on a new journey.

~To Be Continued...