
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime et bandes dessinées
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53 Chs

Chapter 28

Continuing to travel towards the Izabe Island,the nearest Gorgeous Pokémon Contest, Evan and his friends has arrived at the city of science and high technology, Drew's hometown, Larousse city.

Earlier in the morning after eating their breakfast, Evan and his friends got on the light rail train to Larousse city.

"By the way is there any good place for a Pokémon battle in Larousse city" Ash asked without thinking about anything as a battle maniac.

"Yes, the Battle Tower is very famous for a Pokémon battle, it is said that you can met every trainer from all over the world for a Pokémon battle" Max responded looking at his navigator.

"Alright Battle Tower wait for me" Ash fighting spirit lit up again.

Seeing Ash, Evan sighed.

Without waiting for too long,Evan and his friends finally arrived at the entrance of the Larousse City.

From the elevator down to the entrance of the city, several artificial intelligence robot in small squares came in front of Evan and his friends.

"Welcome to Larousse City!"

"This kind of robot is here to welcome us, why not let a beautiful sister do it" Brock said as he curled his lips.

Evan shook his head and explained about the City "Larousse city is known for it's high technology, 90% of the operations here rely on artificial intelligence."

"Smile please" When May and the others were still wondering, the camera had poked out of the robot.

May was taken aback, and immediately put on an idiotic smiling face.

Click! Clack!

After taking a picture of Evan and his friends their information was uploaded in the Central Intelligence station in Larousse city, then 5 passports pop up from the Robots.

"Please keep it safe, as long as you are in the city this will work as your passport where you can use this card to purchase items and access in the city."After explaining about the passport the robots flew away.

May looked at her passport with a dark face " I need a retake."

"I wonder where Battle Tower might be" Impatient Ash stepped on the moving road as he was thinking about Battle tower and the moving road was taking Ash in the opposite direction away from Evan and the others.

"Ash where are you going" May and the others looked at Ash helplessly who were drifting away with the moving pathway.

"Damn it," Stupid Ash was running on the retrograde walkway but it was a waste.

Several young trainers passing through Ash laughed.

"Hey, your retrograde path is wrong" The trainer wearing a headband reminded Ash.

"I guess he came from a countryside" Another handsome guy with one hand on his pocket said aggressively.

Ash was going crazy "even if you say that what should I do!"

Evan couldn't help but cover his face, if he could he wanted to act like he didn't know him. "Gallade help Ash."

Gallade turned around cooly and transported to Ash,Gallade carried Ash and transported back to Evan and others.

Immediately, everyone followed the trainers who were laughing at Ash and set put on the retrograding way to Battle Tower.

The trainers who kindly reminded Ash about the retrograding walk way happened to be on the same way to Battle tower.

"Are you guys here in the Larousse city for the first time" The trainers asked Ash and the others.

"Yes, I'm Ash from Pallet town, can you battle with me! " Ash requested a battle challenge as he stared at the handsome guy with one hand in his pocket.

"Are you sure Ash, our brother Ray is very strong, and his Blaziken too" The twins named, Audrey and Khataryn who looks like a younger sisters of Ray responded to Ash.

"The stronger, the better! " Ash replied with a confident expression.

"I accept you challenge Ash, but we'll battle at the Battle tower alright" The trainer named Ray accepted the challenge of Ash confidently with his one hand on his hip.

"Finally, you got a challenger" At this time a girl with a long purple hair said as she passed by with a laptop on her arms.

"Ahahaha... Is my dream getting fulfilled, here I come" Brock fell in love again, fortunately Max managed to grabbed his ears and pulled him back from doing something embarrassing.

"That trainer is called Rebecca, she uses her laptop and collect data of her opponents to fight against them and her Pokémon is a Metagross. By the way My name is Shouta and my partner is Blastoise." The kind trainer introduced himself to May abd others.

"I'm May, and he is my younger brother Max" May introduced themselves politely.

"Hmm..do you know you seems cute" Shouta held his chin and looked at May.

''You think she is cute?, it's because you haven't seen her other side'' Max responded to Shouta. On the other side Brock was rubbing his swollen ear pulled by Max.

Walking on the retrograde, a modern high tech tower appeared in front of everyone.

"Look at that Battle tower is in front of us, I can't wait anymore" Impatient Ash said excitedly and Evan rolled his eyes looking at him.

Evan and his friends entered the famous Battle tower in Larousse city, it turns out that it's a high tower integrating commercial Street, battle and entertainment.

As a result they decided to divide into to groups "then Ash and I will go to the battle arena" Evan told Brock and the siblings.

"Alright we'll go to the auditorium to cheer you guys" Max nodded and everyone separated temporarily.

"Let's go, I can't wait anymore" As soon as they separated Ash ran out like an Arcanine.

Rebecca who was holding a laptop on her arms glanced at Evan and asked suspiciously "Isn't it your first time in the city, does your friend knows the way?"

"I don't know" Evan shrugged "but his character is definitely irresistible"

"And what about your strength" Rebecca stared at Evan.

"You can check about my data on your laptop, I should be somewhat famous" Evan responded.

"My laptop collects only the database of top trainers" Rebecca complained about Evan while checking his information.

"I see" Evan wasn't bothered.

After a few seconds

"You do you have a partner! " Rebecca stared at Evan with burning eyes, 'The man in front of him is actually a certified Researcher who discovered eevee evolutions and new attribute, also is a certified breeder' Rebecca thought to herself after checking Evan's data.

"Isn't my battle partner staring in front of me?"

Evan replied with a smile on his face.

"That's right, deal! " Rebecca grabbed Evan's hand.

"Ahem let's not get excited too much, can you take me to the Challenger ring now?" Evan pulled his hand back awkwardly.

"Right, let's go I'll bring you there!" Rebecca happily led Evan through the passage of the battle tower.

Evan and Rebecca passed through the commercial Street and took the elevator, Evan was worried about the twists and turns can Ash fid his say to the Arena?

But Evan's worry was futile not only Ash foud the way to the Arena but also got a new friend, a young boy with gray blue hair, According to the plot he should be Professor Rondo's son.

When Evan and Rebecca got out of the elevator, but they couldn't go to a battle ring.

"Currently there are trainers on the battle ring, please wait " The electronic voice reminded Evan and Rebecca.

"Ahh! " Rebecca stomped with unwillingness.

"It's okay, let's wait, it won't take that long" Evan said to Rebecca.

"Evan are you participating in the Hoenn league?" Rebecca asked Evan curiously.

"Well yes if nothing goes wrong, I've already won seven badges just need one more to go" Evan nodded in response.

"Shall I cheer for you then?" Rebecca winked at Evan.

"Haha.. There's no need for that more importantantly aren't you participating in the Hoenn league?" Evan asked curiously.

"I don't have the self confidence to travel yet, when I feel like Metagross and I got stronger, I'll go on a trip" Rebecca replied seriously.

(Note: this is for the people who were talking about logic, saying going on a journey at the age of 10 doesn't make sense,its the trainer's choice whether they want to travel at the age of 10 or above)

"You can't just defend on your data if you don't experience it yourself you know, you shouldn't rely to much on data and should get experience yourself by going on a trip" Evan gave his honest suggestion to Rebecca.

"Alright, I'll think about it" Rebecca responded as she lowered her head pondering, it's a common problem for an academics like her who doesn't want to step out to go on a journey because of the comfortable feeling in a safe zone. If she could go out and experience the world, she could have become a great trainer.

On the other side Ash and Prof. Lund's son was being brutally beaten by Ray's Blaziken and Shouta's Blastoise in the doubles tact team match.

Tory who fell off from the cliff and fell between the frightened Walrein aand it's pre evolution forms, left a trauma on him ever since he was afraid of Pokémon.

Eventually Ash was defeated by Ray and Shouta.

In less than 10 minutes Ash and Tory's battle came to an end.

On Evan's side the tunnel eventually opened its entrance and automatically registered Evan and Rebecca for a battle.

As their information was registered, the platform they were standing on rose up, the two then arrive at the stage full of cheerings.

"The trainers in both set are in position" The host of the battle who is acting as a referee standing on a small aircraft announced the information about the two sides in a loud voice.

"The red side is the combination of Ray and Shouta who just got their win, and the blue side is Evan Stone from Rustboro city and Rebecca from our own city! Both side please send out you Pokémon"

"Go Blastoise"

"You too, Blaziken"

Ray and Shouta use the combination of Blastoise and Blaziken again, with a balanced offense and defense.

"I'm counting on you Metagross" Rebecca also sent out her Pokémon.

"Then let's do a quasi legend combination today, Go Salamence!" Evan decided to let Salamence battle this match.

"Let the match begin! " With the referee's whistle both sides reacted almost instantly.

"Salamence use dragon pulse" Evan was not polite and shot Blaziken with a dragon pulse directly at the beginning.

"Metagross Levitate, and attack with meteor smash" Rebecca responded to Evan's instigation almost immediately, Metagross levitated and then supressed Blastoise with a melee attack.

"Blaziken jump up and use Blaze kick" Facing Salamence's dragon pulse, Ray commanded immediately.

"You sure you wanna jump?, how could you escape now?" Evan chuckled lightly "Salamence rock slide" "Roarr~"

Suddenly several rocks started falling off from mid air hitting Blaziken hard in the air who just jumped.

"Now quick, use earthquake" Evan didn't show any mercy and ordered his next move immediately.

"Blastoise help Blaziken! " Shouta was also in a hurry, Blastoise couldn't care less about Metagross staring at him and ran towards Blaziken desperately.

"Metagross stop Blastoise, use arm hammer" Rebecca wouldn't just let Blastoise do whatever it wants either, She knows exactly what she needs to do.

With a ferocious punch from Metagross, Blastoise was sent flying.

On the other side, Salamence slammed the ground, and the violent vibration directly shook Blaziken.

"Don't give up Blaziken, overheat!"

"Blastoise, hydro canon!"

Perhaps because they lost confidence in melee attack, they both chose to attack with long range attack.

"Huh where's salamence?" In a blink of an eye, Ray and Shouta lost sight of Salamence who was still on the ground.

"Above!!" Ray was the one to react firstfirst, it turned out that Salamence already flew up.

"Wrap it up with dragon claw, Salamence!!" Evan waved his hand domineeringly.

Salamence's dragon claw hit Blaziken hard, directly pushing in to the ground.

"Rebecca now!!" Evan ordered.

"I know, Metagross flash canon" Rebecca hesitated abit but decided to trust Evan's judgement.

Boom!! The white light hit both Blastoise and Blaziken knocking them both directly loosing the ability to fight.

"And we have our winner!! Continuous fast command and reaction without giving their opponent a chance, Evan and Rebecca won this match successfully!!" The referee announced the result inconceivably.

"You are really strong, let's fight again next time!" Ray said to Evan as their platform dropped down.

Next, the two played three more matches. After Evan felt hungry, the two gave up the match and the two went downstairs disbanding their doubles team.

Rebecca went to sort out the materials,Evan and Ash accepted the invitation of Professor Ronda's and his assistant Yuko to have an afternoon tea.

In the meantime Yuko expressed an apology to Ash, as Tory ruined his match in a Battle Tower.

Everyone learned that Tory experienced a horrible thing when he was a child that caused him to be afraid of Pokémon after a brief explanation of Yuko.

Evan raised his eyebrows slightly, 'In that case he wouldn't mind if I catch Deoxys will he' Evan thought to himself.

Knowing Tory's past, Ash understood it was a bit difficult of him to asks Tory to fight in a Battle tower.

"Okay I understand! Let me help him" Ash's symphaty bursts out again "As long as he become friends with me and Pikachu, he will be fine."

"Pi~pikachu~" Pikachu patted his chest agreeing to it's trainer Ash.

"Evan what do you think" May looked at Evan cautiously.

"There are some things only Ash can do, let's wait and see what happens" Evan encouraged Ash in affirmation.

"Okay then let's go find Tory first" After making a decision,Ash, May and Max went to find Tory first, while Evan and Brock were also preparing delicious food.

Will they be able to become Tory's friend and help him overcome his trauma...

~To Be Continued...