
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Predator crossover

Trigger Warning: Death, murder, stalking, gore. If you hate reading about any of these, steer clear! Steer Clear! Out in the final frontier the Rayquaza clan was furious and battling a group of unwanted visitors. They managed to chase away most of the spaceships but three smaller pods broke off from the main ship and entered the planet's atmosphere. The trainers were minding their own business and journeying through the regions with their Pokemon. Unfortunately for them a new player has entered the game. How will Ash and his friends deal with being stalked and hunted by alien hunters? I have seen very few crossovers based on Pokemon and Predators. Hope you all enjoy my rendition. XD

Ellora25 · Films
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15 Chs

Predator - Yautja Prime

Ash stared at the vast solar system, "Your home Galaxy is beautiful."

Lucario, -Can't deny it.-

Pikachu, "Pika pikapi."

Trevenant, "Nant."

Raai'kiel puffed up proudly, "Thank you, I promise you will not regret it."

Lucario muttered, -That's a big promise.-

A voice came through announcing their approach to the main planet and they would land in twenty four hours. It had taken a while but after memorizing and forcing himself to use the time instrument on the ship, Ash had learned to recognize the time in the Yautja language. Ash and Gary were very impressed by the large spaceship though, they have been traveling for two weeks doing what Urrr'kiel explained were space jumps. There were doors artificially made by Elder Yautja which helped their ships make jumps across empty spaces of the Universe.

Raai'kiel, "Come, we should go through the language again. You have become decently fluent in the common language. Soon enough I will help you learn the clan language."

Ash smiled at him, "Learning new languages is always fascinating. I learned ten different human dialects because I wanted to travel through different regions without attracting attention."

Raai'kiel nodded, "It is easier to blend in when you can speak common. I must confess to learning the different languages too after I watched you learn."

Ash sat next to Raai'kiel, something that bothered Lucario and made him always eye the Predator with suspicious eyes. Raai'kiel however focused completely on teaching Ash the common language and never touched him inappropriately. The only body parts that touched between them was their legs and the occasional touch between their hands. Ash, bless his innocent Meema, didn't notice the subtle flirting focusing completely on the lesson. Raai'kiel noticing the lack of reaction would re - focus on the lesson again dropping the flirting.

Pikachu grumbled under his breath about castrating any alien that approached their trainer sexually. Trevenant quietly agreed with the yellow mouse, being a ghost Pokemon allowed him to eaves drop without being noticed by anyone. He had over heard some gossip the last few days about how some of the other alien races were interested in his kind trainer. Trevenant remembers when Ash had first found him in Lavender town among the graves. He had just been born and Banette his sweet and kind Banette had fought against some poachers to protect him only to be destroyed.

Ash had dealt with that group, taken him in, nursed him and trained him till he became one of the most powerful Ghost Pokemon in all of Kanto and Jhoto. Trevenant spoke with Lucario about what he had over heard making the Aura Pokemon seethe in fury making his Aura feel like a sharp sword. Ash had felt the Aura snapping into place and put the tablet down asking what was wrong? Lucario could not bring himself to tell his Meema about how he was being looked at as a commodity instead of a human being. Instead Lucario asked Ash to allow them to accept challenges or challenge others to combat.

Ash had been surprised by the request but agreed to it making the three Pokemon relax a little bit. But Lucario was not done and had dragged Raai'kiel to the training area in the spaceship saying he wanted to train in hand to hand combat. What Ash didn't know was Lucario had confronted the Yautja about what and how the others were talking about his Meema being a commodity. Raai'kiel had watched the Aura Pokemon before patiently explaining Ash and even their own positions among the rest of the Universe. To say none of the Pokemon were amused was a big understatement.

Lucario sighed as he placed his head on his Meema's lap while Ash read the tablet out loud for the Pokemon to listen. Something Raai'kiel found to be very endeared though any other Yautja found it a little strange, most decided it was a human thing. Raai'kiel had wanted to correct them in the beginning, but after actually thinking about it, Raai'kiel decided not to. It was not just Ash who did it, there were many other trainers who learned the same way letting their Pokemon listen in.

Raai'kiel, "That is enough for now. I am pretty sure you have mastered the Grammar of the common tongue quite well."

Ash placed the tablet down, "Really?"

Raai'kiel, "During the departure, there will be a questioning of sorts where you are to answer a few questions."

Ash, "Questioning of sorts?"

Raai'kiel nodded, "It will allow the Elders in charge decide whether or not you require the assistance of a translation chip."

Lucario, -I don't think you will need one. I am pretty sure you can talk using common very easily now.-

Pikachu nodded, "Pika pikapi."

Trevenant, "Nant trev."

Ash, "Would you two want a translation chip Pikachu, Trevenant? I don't mind getting you a pair of it."

Pikachu shook his head, "Pi pika pikachu pi."

Lucario hummed, -We Pokemon use aura to communicate with everyone and everything around us Meema. We don't require it.-

Raai'kiel, "Aura is a fascinating concept, it is said some of the old Yautja could use something similar. They are now considered Hunter Gods."

Ash paused remembering learning about Yautja who were worshipped as Gods by humans and other Predators. He remembers they were called De, the most popular being Centanu and Paya, and how they were highly respected. He does not remember any Yautja based temple back on his home planet. It's probably because of how territorial Rayquaza clan was and would never allow any strange space ship near any planet under their territory. Ash could only imagine the head aches and trouble the Yautja faced trying to get to the Pokemon world. Ash hid a smile behind his glass of water, though Raai'kiel noticed it and was curious but didn't push.

Raai'kiel, "We should get some sleep. We will dock tomorrow and it will be a busy day."

Ash, "Yes, I suppose it will. Since we don't know how things happen aroubd here yet, we will have to depend on you to take charge."

Raai'kiel snorted, "I have a feeling you will learn fast how things work."

Ash, "Till then I am depending on you, my mate."

Lucario coughed, 'No, just no.'

Pikachu whined, "Pikapi."

Trevenant sighed they were still unwilling to accept Raai'kiel but he seems to be able to make Meema happy. Trevenant has his own reservations about this whole fiasco, he understood why his Meema agreed to go with the Yautja. The weapons on their ship reeked of death, if their families had tried to fight them off, many would have died. His Meema did not notice but many of the Yautja looked at him with interest, what sort of interest it was however was up to debate. These beings were combat and battle happy maniacs just like Charizard and Infernape.

Ash, "Come on you three, time to sleep."

Pikachu, "Pikapi pika."

Lucario, -Good night Meema.-

Trevenant, "Nant trev ve nant."

Raai'kiel, "I will see you tomorrow then?"

Ash, "Or you could join us? I mean if we are going to be together we have to get used to sharing the bed. Don't think I did not notice the distrust between you and my Pokemon."

Raai'kiel honestly looked sheepish, "Should have known you would notice."

Ash pulled him inside, "Come on, I don't expect you to cuddle but you can sleep beside me on my left. My Pokemon can sleep on my right."

Raai'kiel nodded, 'It will keep others from thinking they have a chance.'

After Raai'kiel joined Ash there was a lot of gossip that night among the Yautja, about the two and their relationship. Urrr'kiel had taken to sleeping with Gary the moment he realized the green eyed human would not put his tablet down unless someone made him. His Pokemon had tried but he always managed to sneak in a tablet to read, Ash had warned Urrr'kiel about this habit of his. The red eyed man had once taken the siblings aside to tell them about Gary's habit and how to handle it or at least make sure he was not loosing his health. Urrr'kiel was grateful for the advice and told Ash if he ever needed anything in the future he would be happy to help.

Urrr'kiel, "Enough my dearest. It is late."

Gary whined trying to get the tablet, "Just a bit more Urrr'kiel. I'm almost done."

Urrr'kiel placed the tab away and picked him up, "You need rest. You or rather both of us will have a lot to deal with tomorrow. It is important to be at a hundred percent."

Gary pouted at him, "Fine but I expect cuddles you hear?"

Urrr'kiel, "Of course, my lou-dte kale, anything you desire. I will give it to you. In fact I'm sure your young ones would even help me give you whatever you want."

Gary grinned at him impishly, "Then I want access to the library and a large place to create my own library. It should be properly spaced and protected from outside elements."

Urrr'kiel snorted, "Easily done."

Urrr'kiel placed Gary on the bed getting in behind him to hold him down, the only way to make sure he slept and didn't sneak away to study instead of sleeping. While Haxorus, Alakazam and Altaria still were reluctant to complete trust the alien, they could see he cared for their Meema and trainer. They let Urrr'kiel man handle Gary to bed and made sure that he ate and drank his food and liquids on time. Haxorus had come to respect the patience Urrr'kiel had when it came to Gary, they knew what a handful the green eyed man could be. Case in point the many times Ash used his Pokemon to make sure Gary slept rather forcefully.

The next time they woke up Gary had been sleepily guided to the wash room to freshen himself up. Meanwhile Ash's cheeks were flushed realizing he was cuddling with Raai'kiel. Ash had read many fanfics about Yautja and human relationships back in his original world. How the Yautja were either rough skinned or would follow a Spartan routine and not bother to wait for the human partner to wake up. Raai'kiel was watching him especially his cheeks and got closer to nuzzle him, something Ash learned Yautja did with those they trusted.

Ash marvelled at the trust he was being shown, "Let's clean up."

Raai'kiel, "Of course, you can go first."

Ash shook his head, "No, my Pokemon first, I always clean them first then myself."

Raai'kiel, "You are a fine nrak'ytara. They are very powerful too. As many Elites have come to learn the last few days."

Ash laughed, "I'm just glad they are learning to trust you all. It's a little slow going but they are beginning to trust you."

Raai'kiel, "I see. Would you like help in cleaning them?"

Ash, "Yes, they will appreciate it too, since you took the initiative this time."

Just as Ash had predicted after Raai'kiel helped Lucario, Pikachu and Trevenant clean up, the three had eased up around Raai'kiel's presence. Just in time too, it was time for them to unboard the ship as it docked in one of the many space stations. Ash and Gary looked at Yautja Prime that was in front of them in awe, they would be landing there in a few hours. The siblings escorted them to a facility where they were given a tab and told to answer as much questions as they can.

Gary twitched at the curious looks he had been receiving, it made him feel like some sort of specimen. The only thing that kept him from glaring back or sending a snarky remark was Ash who was beside him. Ash used his aura to soothe Gary and keep him calm as they started to answer the questions which were more about the Yautja language than anything else. Ash felt his eyebrow tempted to raise as the questions seemed to become more and more difficult with other words he was sure from clan languages put in. He and Gary recognized the languages that the siblings and their clan used and answered those easily.

Lucario, Haxorus and the rest of the Pokemon were waiting outside the room where Ash and Gary were. They could feel the curious stares from the other Yautja though no one had approached them, it was obvious they were a hot gossip topic. Soon enough Ash and Gary came out and apparently they didn't really need a translator device, thank Mew. The two were quick learners apparently and learning common was enough to communicate with others, no doubt the Ah'de'ni clan will teach them more. Raai'kiel and Urrr'kiel were both standing there looking smug when they saw how their mates had shocked everyone.

The Elder Yautja were murmuring among themselves about the two oomans from that one particular part of the galaxy. No one could learn their language that easily, the time spent in travel was just not enough to learn even the common back to back. It was very hard to access their planet and among the warriors sent there only half returned alive with tales of creatures that controlled and wielded nature itself. The creatures were called Pokemon by the oomans who seemed to be the intelligent life form that dominated the planet. The oomans seem to live in harmony with the creatures from what the Elders could decipher.

A very curious race indeed, one with potential and yet hard to access. One of the Elders thought of calling one of the younger blooded warriors over to ask them but they were under Too'kiet. They knew that cunning Elder very well, if they tried to summon one of his warriors he will demand something in return for the time. A dark green armoured Elder grumbled about Too'kiet but respected his tenacity and decided to drop the subject, they could always meet the new arrivals during the initiation. Soon enough the clan ship was leaving the docking station and heading towards the main planet.

Raai'kiel, "Come, you need to be clothed as my lou-dte kale."

Ash raised an eyebrow, "As long as it is not revealing."

Raai'kiel chuckled, "Of course not. You are wearing an armour fitting of a nrak'ytara and a lou-dte kale. Only those who you trust are allowed to see you bare."

Ash nodded, "Okay, I can work with that."

Raai'kiel, "As his cubs you will be wearing armour as well."

Lucario, -As long as it doesn't hinder movement.-

Trevenant, "Nant ve nant."

Pikachu grumbled, "Pi pika."

Raai'kiel took out pieces of armour that could be connected to each other and Ash wondered how long Raai'kiel had been working on it. The two helped Trevenant put on the armour first, Ash was damn sure Raai'kiel worked long and hard on these armour. It fitted Trevenant as if, it was made just for the ghost type Pokemon, Raai'kiel explained it it was made from a malleable metal making it easier to fit. Lucario was very fascinated and eager to try it out the new armour while Pikachu grumbled about it but soon enough every Pokemon had their own armour.

Ash pat Pikachu comfortingly, "Isn't this your clan's symbol?"

Raai'kiel, "Yes, it will keep others from trying to steal them away."

Ash, "I see, my turn now."

Raai'kiel nodded and started to help Ash put on the armour. Raai'kiel ran his hand over Ash's arms and legs making sure the armour clicked in place with no loose ends. Ash was watching as his soft clothes disappeared behind the armour completely. The armour was body fitting but it was not tight nor was it constricting him. Raai'kiel stood looking at his mate up and down dressed in his clan armour meant for future spouses. The tall Yautja purred seeing Ash was pleased with how he looked and finally passed the head wear.

Ash, "How do I look?"

Lucario, -Not bad Meema.-

Pikachu, "Pikapi."

Trevenant, "Ven."

Ash, 'I'm just glad it's not as revealing or scandalous as the fanarts. The armour is actually covering the whole body.'

Raai'kiel, "Come it's time."

Ash linked their hands together and joined the others ready to land on the planet. Ash saw Gary and noticed he was wearing a similar armour with slight differences. Gary grinned at him joking about looking good in anything even in alien clothing making him laugh and shake his head. The two walked with the brothers towards the departure gate where the other Yautja eyed them and then nodded in satisfaction? Ash was not sure but Elder Too'kiet looked very pleased so that must be it, Yautja expressions were a little confusing sometimes. The large air lock opened as everyone got ready to depart.

Gary blinked at the loud roar and cheers coming from outside, "Woah! And here I thought the stadiums were loud."

Urrr'kiel, "We had a successful mission, they are here to celebrate their success."

Ash looked around, "They are so tall."

Raai'kiel, "You are perfect as you are."

Ash, "I was not expecting everyone to be tall."

Raai'kiel chuckled, "Well, aside from that, they are here to welcome us. Your galaxy is very notorious for it's large protectors."

Lucario, -You mean the Rayquaza clan?-

Urrr'kiel, "They are a clan?"

Alakazam, -Yes, they are a clan. Not just any clan too but a dragon clan.-

Lucario eyed them, -I'm amazed you all kept going to their territory over and over again despite the fact they killed many of you.-

Raai'kiel, "What can I say, they are a fine target and very powerful."

Ash shook his head, "There's enthusiasm then there's plain suicide. Please do not challenge them unless you have a dragon type Pokemon to fight alongside you. Facing them otherwise is equal to insulting them."

Raai'kiel, "I'll keep that in mind. Now, we should go, greet them. My family unit is here too, I'll introduce you."

Ash nodded and let Raai'kiel pull him along with their arms linked, something that the group of Yautja they were heading towards kept eyeing. Raai'kiel greeted the oldest male and female Yautja and brought Ash forward who bowed respectfully in greeting. The Elder Yautja nodded in satisfaction and Raai'kiel ushered Ash after Gary and Urrr'kiel who were greeting the other Elites. Through the meet and greet, Ash and Gary kept a polite smile trying to suppress their curiousity and desire to go poking around.

Raai'kiel noticed and bent down whispering, "Patience my mate. I will show you this world and everything it has to offer."

Ash looked at him with eyes filled with interest, "I will hold you to that promise, husband."

Raai'kiel rumbled in his chest feeling happy, he knew what the word meant and was very pleased Ash thought of him that way. Raai'kiel could feel the curiosity and interest coming from his older and younger family members, they no doubt heard their exchange. The next few weeks till the initiation when Ash will become part of the clan and completely his will be interesting. He and his brother had heard about the interest the other clans had shown in their mates, his little mate was anything but weak. Yes, it will be interesting few weeks till their final bonding.

[A. N. : Happy Halloween and Happy Puja to those who celebrate it.

Hope you all enjoy your holidays.

See you next month.]