
Pokemon: Legends of All

In the Region of Estral, all Pokemon have gathered in this massive region. This region contains every legendary, mythical, and even every normal Pokemon ever recorded. This is the largest known region to ever exist and because it is so large it is prone to have it's conflicts. The Legendary Pokemon have begun to lose control and no one knows why. It is up to the trainers who are up to the challenge to quell the anger of these Legendaries and return their region to peace. To do this, they must defeat the ones who are manipulating and controlling said Pokemon. Our protagonist, Atlas Lionhart, has a dream of becoming the best Pokemon Master as well has a dream of quelling and catching every Legendary and Mythical in the region. As he sets out on his journey he meets new friends, and Pokemon who will join him on his quest to being the very best.

Psycho_Books · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

New Rivals! Vs. Raven and Lilith!

Three days go by and I'm packed to head out along with Winter. We grab all of our belongings and head out. We met up with Raven and Lilith at the port.

Raven looked over at us and waved. "Hey! You caught up at the perfect time, we were getting ready to board the ship."

"Nice we made it in time." I said with a smile.

After exchanging greetings, we headed onto the ship and got our rooms situated. There were enough rooms for all of us to have our separate rooms, but Winter insisted that she booked it with me. I allowed it since we have spent the last few days together constantly. After that was situated we headed to the dock area.

"Atlas! Since we're up here and there's a Pokemon Battlefield here, we have to get a battle in!" Raven said and looked at me.

"Hey! I thought we agreed I get to battle him first!" Lilith said.

"Did we? I don't think we ever agreed to that." Raven said and crossed his arms.

"Hey, how about we have a Double Battle? You and Lilith against me and Winter. Winter even caught a new Pokemon she's been wanting to try out." I said.

"Alright that sounds pretty good actually. Alright a double battle it is!" Raven said then made his way to the other side of the battlefield.

Lilith made her way down to the other side with Raven then pulled out her pokeball. "I'm only using one Pokemon. Ruina! Let's crush them!" She bellowed and threw the pokeball then Absol emerged from it and landed on the battlefield and let out her cry.

"Me too. Pancham! Go!" Raven said and threw his Pokeball. A Pancham emerged from the pokeball then landed on the battlefield.

"Ravestar! Fly high!" Winter said and tossed her pokeball in the air. Her Staravia emerged from the pokeball and flew around in the air.

"Alright Victini go out there and show them what you're made of." I said and Victini nodded then flew to the battlefield.

"Staravia huh... Let's see what moves they have." Raven said and pulled out his phone.

[Pokemon: Staravia

Nickname: Ravestar

Gender: Male

Type: Normal/Flying

Ability: Intimidate

Morale: High (Increased Speed)

Bond Link: 27%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Acrobatics, Quick Attack, Feather Dance, Aerial Ace]

[Pokemon: Pancham

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Type: Fighting

Ability: Iron Fists

Morale: High (Increased Attack)

Bond Link: 60%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Coaching, Storm Throw, Quick Guard, Power Trip, Arm Thrust, Work Up]

[Pokemon: Mythic Absol

Nickname: Ruina

Gender: Female

Type: Dark/Fairy

Ability: Danger Intuition

Morale: High (Increased Attack)

Bond Link: 100%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Brutal Swing, Swords Dance, Shadow Claw, Psychic, Play Rough, Dark Pulse, Future Sight, Psycho Cut, Sandstorm, Hail, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Thunder, Stone Edge]

"What is Danger Intuition..?" I asked and looked at my phone.

[Danger Intuition: Allows the Pokemon to take no damage from Weather Effects, Shudders if a Pokemon has a super effective attack against the user and allies, user takes no damage from moves from allied pokemon.]

"Absol is absolutely broken." I said.

"Right?! I stole her from the Team Myth laboratory! Normally an Absol is an attack oriented pokemon, but this Absol is the TOP percentage of Absols. It has the Fairy typing and has the best Ability!" Lilith smirked.

"So many moves. Any combination is possible with her and Absol." Winter said.

"And when Ruina Mega Evolves, she gains the Ruinous Energy Ability. That's where we really shine." Lilith smirked and her eyes shined red.

"Ruinous Energy?" I asked then looked up the ability on my phone.

[Ruinous Energy: Absol Exclusive Ability. Absol exerts a Ruinous Aura which boosts all Dark and Ghost Type moves, halves damage from all moves against it, and becomes immune to Super Effective moves and weather effects. If Absol is hit by a Dark Type move, instead of taking damage she gains a boost in all stats. Absol gains two moves called Ruination Strike and Disastrous Wave if Absol knows the moves Brutal Swing and Dark Pulse]

[Ruination Strike: A powerful Dark Type move that hits the opponent with a dark bladed strike using Absol's horn and gives the target the Ruined Condition.]

[Ruined Condition: All stats of Pokemon are halved, the Pokemon will take continuous damage overtime, and all moves become Dark Type.]

[Disastrous Wave: A Powerful dark beam attack that hits all opposing Pokemon and lowers Absol's offensive stats temporarily. May give target(s) Ruined Condition or instantly defeat the target.]

"This is why Lilith's ONLY Pokemon is practically Absol. She doesn't need any other Pokemon. Ruina and her are Undefeatable." Raven said with a smile.

"Undefeatable huh? Well me and Winter believe otherwise! Now let's get this started!" I said and turned my hat backwards. "Victini! Rush Ruina with Thunder Punches!"

"Coming after me?! That is your worst mistake!" Lilith said with a wide smile. "Ruina destroy them with a Brutal Swing!"

"Not this shit again!" Raven said and looked at Pancham. "Use Quick Guard to protect yourself!"

Pancham set up a magic screen and blocked the Brutal Swing. Absol's horn glowed red and she dashed to Victini and slashed with her horn. Victini dodged Absol's horn and uppercut her with a powerful Thunder Punch. Absol cried out and slid backwards.

"Ravestar! Use Acrobatics on Pancham!" Winter commanded.

"Pancham! Dodge it!" Raven said.

Pancham dodged the first strike then looked surprised to see Staravia swoop around a second time at top speed, leaving behind two afterimages. Staravia began striking Pancham multiple times then hit her with a finishing tackle, causing Pancham to crash into Absol.

"Pancham!" Raven called out and grunted.

"Ruina! Get this weakling off you!" Lilith bellowed.

Absol let out a battle cry and used her dark aura to push Pancham off her then stood up. Pancham pointed at Absol and spoke angrily to Absol. Absol rolled her eyes and focused on the battle. Pancham sighed and focused on the battle as well.

"We have to work together, Sis." Raven said.

"...." Lilith didn't speak then closed her eyes. "Fine."

"Pancham! Use Coaching!" Raven said.

Pancham looked at Absol and began coaching her and Absol let out a cry as her offensive and defensive abilities increased.

"Ruina! Swords Dance!" Lilith commanded.

Absol closed her eyes and two blue glowing swords appeared around her. They began spinning around her then crossed together. Absol's body glowed red and she let out a cry as her attack was boosted even higher.

"Ravestar! Sunny Day!" Winter called out.

Staravia spread his wings wide open and let out a scream. His body shined brightly and a pillar of gold energy was shot into the sky which caused the sun to shine brightly. Victini looked at the sky and their eyes shined brightly.

"Ruina! Take this chance to strike Victini with a Shadow Claw!" Lilith bellowed.

"Ravestar! Quick Attack Ruina!" Winter commanded.

"Pancham! Quick Guard!"

Absol dashed toward Victini, but Staravia appeared in front of Absol at near invisible speeds and attempted to strike her, but had already made it to Absol and blocked the Quick Attack. Pancham repelled Staravia then grabbed him and threw him to the ground.

"Nice Storm Throw!" Raven cheered.

Absol continued to make her way to Victini and her claws were covered in black aura. Victini looked over at Absol and dodged her slashing. A ray of sunlight hit Victini and their ears began shining.

"What was that?" Winter asked.

"I don't know, but all I know is we will win this! Victini! Flame Charge!" I commanded.

Victini cried out and their body became outlined with red flames then flew to Absol. Victini tackled Absol then began to grow faster, striking her again and again until they began to quickly strike Absol from all angles at high speeds.

Lilith grunted as Absol was getting hit then hugged herself and panted. "Ruina...I won't lose...I won't lose this battle! Ruina respond to my stone!"

Lilith flipped her hair and revealed her key stone that was on her earring. She gave a sinister smirk and flicked her earring. The Keystone and the Absolite shined brightly. Absol cried out as her body shined brightly and she mega evolved into Mega Absol.

"This is it...we are not losing anymore." Lilith laughed and her eyes shined red.

Absol began exerting powerful ruinous aura and looked at Victini and Staravia. Her eye shined red and she let out a battle cry.

"Ruina...Show them your Ruination Strike." Lilith chuckled darkly.

Absol's horn began to form black aura with a red outline around it. She dashed toward Victini and slashed with her horn. Victini dodged it and flew around then looked surprised as Absol began firing black cutting waves at Victini. Victini dodged the cutting waves and and zipped around the air. Staravia flew up to Victini and took one of the cutting waves for Victini and cried out.

"Ravestar!" Winter yelled.

Staravia fell to the ground and grunted as the dark energy around him began damaging him slowly. Victini landed next to Staravia and checked to see if he was okay.

"This is it! Finish them off with a Disastrous Wave!" Lilith bellowed.

Absol bellowed and raised her head forming a ball of purple energy in her mouth. She stood on her hind legs then stomped down and fired the massive spiralling purple and red beam at Victini and Staravia. The beam hit them both, causing a massive explosion. Absol fell tired and her offensive abilities lowered a bit.

The smoke cleared, and Lilith and Raven were surprised to see a large silver force field around Victini and Staravia. Victini's eyes were glowing a light blue color. My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

[Victini remembered the moves Safeguard, Psych Up, and Flare Blitz!]

"Alright! Nice job, Victini!" I said and smiled.

"It's slowly gaining back its Legendary Power." Raven said. "We need to end this quickly!"

"Ruina! Disastrous Wave again!" Lilith bellowed.

"Victini Safeguard then use Psych Up!" I commanded.

Absol charged up and fired a massive purple and red beam only to have it blocked by Victini's Safeguard. Victini then used Psych Up and copied Absol's stat changes.

"Pancham! Power Trip the Victini!" Raven bellowed.

"Ravestar! Acrobatics!" Winter commanded.

"Victini! Flare Blitz!" I commanded.

"Ruina! Destroy them with a Ruination Strike!" Lilith bellowed.

All four Pokemon cried out and dashed toward each other. Staravia glided toward Pancham and tackled him, pushing him away. Victini and Absol cried out and struck each other then a gigantic explosion happened. The trainers who were watching looked surprised. The smoke cleared and Absol fell on her side then turned normal. Victini's body was glowing, exerting high amounts of energy.

"Victory Star.." I said and smiled happily.

Pancham was on the ground, fainted as well and Staravia let out a scream of victory.

"We won!" Winter said in excitement. "We beat Raven and Lilith!"

Lilith growled then turned away. "Tch...how could we lose..?"

Raven smiled and placed his hands in his pockets. "What a battle. Can't say I'm not upset at the fact we lost."

Victini flew to me and hugged me happily. I laughed and hugged Victini back. Staravia flew to Winter and landed on her head.

Hideo was watching as well and looked at his Grovyle. "They've grown stronger. Now isn't the time to battle him though. We'll get our chance at New Locasa City." He said and walked away.

"That was pretty interesting...Now let's see how much further he can go with that strange power of his." A male said and smirked. He looked at his Gengar. Gengar snickered and scared off some of the other pokemon. "Enough Gengar, let's head off."

They walked away and went to their rooms.