
The Viridian forest and Pikachu

Professor Oak: Um Chris I forgot to ask if you wanted to nickname your Charmander ? Chris: No I'm good, not good at all with nicknames. Professor Oak: Hahaha! You now your Charmander might need some healing from the Pokemon Center. Chris: Will do Professor. Chris leaves Pallet town and heads to Viridian city. Chris: Thanks for healing Charmander. Nurse: Your welcome. Hey before you leave you should now that the gym here is closed. Chris: Well thanks for letting me know. While Chris was walking there was an old man lying right in the middle of the road. Chris: Excuse me could you move out of the way? Old man: No one passes me, now get back. Chris: Jeez what's wrong that old man ? I guess I could by some item from the mart. When Chris walked into the Mart the Shopkeeper told him there was a parcel for Professor Oak. So Chris walked all the way back to Pallet town, gave the Professor the parcel and received a Pokedex and 5 pokeballs . Professor Oak also requested to fill out the Pokedex and Chris accepted the request. Chris arrived back to Viridian city. Chris: I hope that old guy isn't there again. Old man: Oh hey sorry about what I did, I just didn't have my coffee. Chris: You know I actually thought you were drunk. Old man: Hey about I show you how catch a Pokemon, like that Weedle. So first you get into a battle with it and then you toss your pokeball at it and then boom you got it. But it's not so simple sometimes you have to weaken it and you need have a good aim and also... Huh ? where did he go. So while the Old man was showing him how catch a Pokemon, Chris just walked away. Chris: There are so many bug here, it's the perfect place to train you Charmander. Will get strong in no time. While Chris was training there was something coming from the bushes. Chris: What's that noise ? (grass rustling) Pika Pika . Chris: Wow it's a Pikachu, I've always wanted one and now it's time to catch one. Go pokeball ! Pikachu dodges the ball. Chris: Darn it missed. Pikachu use thunder shock on Charmander. Chris: Charmander are you Ok. I'll try again. Go pokeball ! Pikachu hits it right back with it's tail. Chris: Maybe 2 balls at once .Go ! Pikachu dodges the 2 pokeball. Chris: Charmander try ember and slow it down. Charmander hits with a ember and Chris manages to catch it with the ball. Chris: Next time I should listen to the old man.