
The Rock Hard Gym

Chris successfully exit the Viridian forest and made it to Pewter city, the home of the first gym and the first gym badge. Chris walks up to the gym and there he saw Blake raising his hand with the Pewter city gym badge. Chris: Wow is that a gym badge ? Blake: Yep, totally easy for me and Squirtle, but you might have some problem with Charmander. Charmander is weak against Rock types and this is a rock type gym. Chris: Not a problem, whatever type it is we'll beat it. Blake: Ok then, don't come crying to me when you lose. See ya later. Chris: That little bastard. Well then it's time to beat my first gym. Chris approaches the gym leader, standing tall and bold. Chris: My name is Chris and I challenge you to a gym battle ! Brock: My name is Brock, leader of the Pewter city gym and I accept your challenge. I will be using two pokemon and here's my first one. Go Geodude ! Chris: Go Charmander ! Use scratch ! Brock: Scratch isn't going to do anything to Geodude. Use Rock throw ! Geodude throws a rock at Charmander, then Geodude throws both a rock and Charmander at the same time. Chris: Return Charmander. Go Pikachu. Brock: This is gonna be easier than I thought. Chris: Use Tail whip continuously ! Brock: I wonder what he's planning ? Now Pikachu use quick attack. Pikachu hits Geodude with a speedy quick attack and knocks Geodude out. Brock: How's that possible ? Well then here's my next Pokemon, go Onix ! Chris: That's huge ! Pikachu just use Tail whip ! Brock use Rock tomb ! Pikachu got squashed by the Rock tomb. Chris: Return Pikachu. Go Charmander ! Brock: This is your last Pokemon, you must have some kind of strategy. Chris: Well I do have on trick up my sleeve. Charmander use metal claw. Charmander metal was so strong that it left Onix with half health remaining. One more and he wins. Brock: Use Bind ! Onix wraps his body around Charmander, squeezing so tight Charmander couldn't breathe. Brock: How are you gonna get out this ? Chris: Come on think, think. gasp. Charmander use ember in his eyes. Now use Metal claw ! Charmander landed the final blow and Chris won the battle. Brock: Well you won so here's the Boulder badge. Chris: Yes I got my first badge.

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