
Pokemon: I'm a Farmer

After unexpectedly arriving in the world of Pokémon, Rex only wants to manage his own farm well, to be a leisurely farmer. When he's free, he fishes; in his leisure time, he challenges gyms. Unexpectedly, in the end, he becomes... --- Disclaimer: All the rights to the original author and their each every creators that's been used in this fanfiction. RAWs: https://book.qidian.com/info/1037516892/ Author: 风起于金 (Wind Rises from Gold) Let's Join; My patreon: RockyRoad891

RockyRoad891 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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205 Chs

Chapter 58: Lakeside Training

"Thank you, Professor Birch, for your hospitality. I'll take my leave now!"

"Welcome to come and come again next time. Goodbye!"

At this moment, it was already early morning on the second day. After bidding farewell to Professor Birch, Rex planned to head to Rustboro City, where the Rock-type Gym was located. Gym Leader Roxanne, who specialized in Rock-type Pokémon and awarded the Stone Badge, presided over the Gym.

After a night of rest, Swellow had fully recovered. It didn't even need Rex's command anymore; it had already begun to try flying using the high-altitude air currents on its own.

Perhaps it was during yesterday's battle with the Shiny Swellow, where it observed the opponent's use of Tailwind skill throughout the entire process.

Today, Swellow had made some progress in controlling the airflow. It could now control most of the airflow, making its flight more relaxed and faster with the assistance of these currents.

"Let's call it a day for now. Let's rest!" Rex patted Swellow and said.

They still had a few hours of flying time left to reach Rustboro City, but Swellow had already been flying for four hours today, expending a tremendous amount of energy. It needed proper rest.

So, Rex let it land by a huge lake. He planned to camp here for the day, rest overnight, and continue the journey to Rustboro City the next day.

Swellow didn't admit it, but it felt it could still fly. However, it agreed to stop and rest for the sake of its Trainer.

But after landing, with its wings trembling and its steps unsteady, Swellow seemed to tacitly agree with Rex's decision.

"Come on out, all of you!"

Rex released all the Pokémon he had with him. This time, he brought out all the Pokémon he could. After all, he didn't need to travel in the wilderness for a long time, so there was no pressure on logistics.

Even the Victreebel, which had been staying in the orchard, wasn't left out. Since capturing it, Rex had treated it as the team's Pokémon doctor.

Victreebel didn't mind this arrangement. However, Rex felt it needed to get out more often. So after being released, it seemed very happy in this unfamiliar environment, looking around happily.

As for Poliwhirl, as soon as it was released, it saw a big lake nearby and jumped straight into it, swimming happily. Sometimes it breast stroked, sometimes it butterfly stroked, its speed much faster than the swimming champion of the previous world.

Rex even saw Poliwhirl running on the water's surface for a short distance. Although it didn't last long, it did happen, reminding Rex of the Water Float technique from his past life.

Seeing it having so much fun, Rex didn't bother it and started setting up the camp.

"Heracross, you're always sensible!"

Seeing Rex setting up the camp alone while the other Pokémon were playing, only Heracross came over to help.

Oh, I forgot about Machop. It didn't play either; after being released, it found a vacant space and started doing push-ups, even trying out different variations, doing one-handed handstands.

Seeing this scene, Mareep and Gastly were fascinated and gathered around it, chattering away, but Machop ignored them.

Soon, with Heracross's help, Rex quickly set up the temporary camp. But he couldn't rest yet; he needed to prepare lunch.

The Pokémon's food was relatively simple, consisting of energy cubes and some fruits, ensuring their nutrition was sufficient without being too monotonous.

For himself, Rex started boiling water and planned to cook some noodles. But under favorable conditions, he wouldn't skimp on himself. With ingredients such as homegrown vegetables, beef, and eggs, the nutrition was quite rich.

It's worth mentioning that ordinary animals also existed in this world. However, due to natural selection, those without strength couldn't survive in the wild and could only be raised by humans.

"Phew, finally full!"

After drinking the last sip of soup, Rex patted his stomach.

Swellow next to him did the same. Yes, after finishing its energy cubes and fruits, it asked Rex for half a pot of noodles. During the meal, it even glanced at Rex with some disdain.

Rex almost exploded with anger. Whenever it pouted, he knew it needed to relieve itself. It was mocking him for making bad noodles, not as delicious as those made by Yuli.

But despite his contempt, it still finished the half pot of noodles and then went to nap under the shade of a tree.

"Swellow, you'll turn into a big pig sooner or later!"

Rex taunted.

Of course, he also knew that for creatures like Pokémon, who consumed so little energy, eating as much as they wanted wouldn't have much impact. At most, they would just feel full.

Swellow rolled its eyes and ignored its goofy Trainer, just focusing on getting some sleep.

Rex, seeing Swellow ignore him, had no choice. Mainly because he couldn't beat it, so he could only secretly plan to add more weight to Swellow's training, letting it experience the Trainer's love properly.

After lunch, Rex gathered Heracross and Machop. He had already figured out Machop's path forward, which was to become a One Punch Man.

Through the Pokédex, Rex learned that besides being able to use Brick Break, Machop could also use Low Kick. Coupled with its ability, No Guard, which allowed it to hit accurately, Machop could become even more precise in its attacks.

As for why he didn't let it train its legs, it was because Machop had lost an arm. Its upper body defense was compromised, and if it kicked often, it would easily expose itself to attacks.

The key point was to focus on one thing. Strengthening one point was better than dispersing energy. As long as Machop could continue to strengthen its left hand and work towards this goal, its future strength would be formidable.

"This afternoon, it's just you two training together. Machop, you can use Brick Break, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, or Thunder Punch to attack Heracross. Heracross, you can only use Brick Break to defend. Can you two do it?"

Rex asked the two Pokémon.

After exchanging glances, both Pokémon nodded, agreeing.

"And Machop, when you attack, don't be straightforward. You can adjust the angle of your attack through the movements of your legs. The trickier, the better."

Rex continued to instruct Machop.

This kind of training would benefit both sides. Heracross tended to be aggressive in battle, easily getting carried away with its attacks and neglecting its defense. This training would help it strengthen its defensive capabilities.

As for Machop, it would familiarize itself with its attacking skills, improve its skill proficiency, and search for Heracross's defensive loopholes, making its combat senses more acute.

Of course, this kind of training required persistence to be effective. The afternoon training was just to familiarize them

 with this method.

Seeing Heracross and Machop training together, the other Pokémon also began their training voluntarily.

Especially Poliwhirl, who used to spar with Heracross, now that it was the only one left, it had to come to Rex for an explanation.

"In that case, Poliwhirl, this afternoon, you go and battle with Mareep and Gastly. Do you have the confidence to teach them how to behave?"

Rex said with a smile.

Hearing that it would be battling against two unevolved little brothers, Poliwhirl's confidence soared. Having evolved once already, if it couldn't defeat two little brothers, it would huge humiliation!

The afternoon passed quickly amidst the Pokémon's training.

In the end, Heracross finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the beginning, Machop's attacks were straightforward, making it easy to defend against.

But gradually, Machop became more unscrupulous in its attacks, adjusting the angles, making Heracross put all its energy into defense, afraid of being hit by Machop's attacks accidentally.

Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that it couldn't counterattack, it would have knocked this guy flying long ago.

End of Chapter 58.