
Pokemon: Humans And Monsters Alike

Welcome to the world of pokemon! But unlike the Pokemon you know well, this story is much different. Some Pokemon take on traits of humans and we call them Pokemen. Follow the journey of a group of Pokemen on their quest to be the very best like no one ever was. (Cover by Jegssart)

YellowKarato · Fantaisie
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78 Chs

Episode 23: Atrocious

Rai: What are you even trying to get back?

Eve: A couple of evolution stones and like 30 rare candies.

Rai: 30!? I haven't even seen 1, how did you manage to find 30!?

Eve: Quiet down you idiot! I got sponsors from other regions to fund my research and I bought them to see what'll happen to an Eevee using different stones and leveling up.

Rai: Wow, how could you let all of that get stolen?

Eve: None of your business you rat. Your job right now is to help me get them back.

Rai: Fine, but if I help you I want rare candies for me and my team.

Eve: Fine lets just go.

Eve and Rai manage to find the room with the stole goods and a group of Magikarp Pokémen. They stay outside of the room to listen in to the conversation between the 3 men.

Magikarp 1: This is a high quality haul, when the ship returns back to Vermilion I'll leave you guys here while I get the money.

Magikarp 2: The client is in Johto though, why can't we meet them there and drop it off then?

Magikarp 1: I don't know nor do I care. We do the job and get our money. Gyar, you and Rado will stay here and protect it.

Eve: Magikarps? I got robs by Magikarps?

Rai: Ha, loser. Your bad at everything aren't you?

Eve: Shut up, let's just walk in there, knock them out, and get my stuff back.

Eve and Rai bust down the door, scaring the Magikarps.

Eve: Let's make this easy, I get my stuff back, and you guys don't get hurt.

Gyar: Dos, what are we gonna do?

Dos: We fight back of course.

The magikarps reach into the container of goods and put out rare candies, eating them and the 3 of them evolving into Gyarados.

Eve: Well, looks like your going to actually battle them. Thankfully I have this so we won't destroy the ship.

Eve puts down a device and it releases a field of energy, protecting the room from any damage.

Eve: You're an electric type and I can turn into an electric type so this'll be eas-

Just then, Dos, the leader Gyrados, slaps Eve away, breaking her evolution device. Now it's up to Rai to take on 3 powerful Pokemen all on his own.

Episode End.