
Chapter 9: The So-Called Breeder

Author's note: if you guys like this novel please give some powerstones


Sheng Zong is an experienced breeder who became a top breeder at a young age and now holds a high position even at the headquarters of breeders. He is also Joey Chun's teacher. Joey comes from the Joey family and has been extremely intelligent since childhood, especially in the profession of breeding, demonstrating high talent.

"I remember the best record in the breeder headquarters, should be passing the primary breeder assessment at the age of ten, right?" Master Sheng Zong smiled slightly, looking at Terrance and Joey Chun beside him, looking forward to their assessment.

As a top breeder, he naturally knows how difficult it is for a child who is only ten years old to become a primary breeder. But it is precise because of this that Terrance and Joey's amazing talents can be demonstrated.

Take the Joey family as an example. Every nurse Joey who can stay in the Pokémon centre is at least an intermediate breeder, and often their average age for passing the primary breeder assessment is around fourteen or fifteen years old, and this is under the premise of formal education within the Joey family.

So far, the youngest primary assessment passer recorded by the breeder headquarters is ten years old. This is the highest record since the formalization of the breeder profession. Those who apply for the breeder assessment at the age of only ten are as rare as legendary Pokémon.

Joey Chun is a normal child with a good background. After showing her talent, her family also hired a teacher for her. It can be considered acceptable that she has the level of a primary breeder at the age of ten.

But Terrance, this little devil, is a bit terrifying. Master Sheng Zong is experienced and can tell from Terrance's growth situation, clothing, and habits that his background is not very good. But it is precise because of this that he has to admire Terrance's talent.

Having a famous teacher to teach you and self-study are two completely different concepts. There are talented people in every generation, and as he watched Terrance, Master Sheng Zong was somewhat appreciative and had a love of talent.

If possible, he would like to take Terrance as his disciple and pass on his knowledge to him. The difference between Terrance and Joey Chun is that Terrance is an ordinary person, while Joey Chun has the entire family behind her. Master Sheng Zong is only invited to teach her basic knowledge, and they are only teachers and students.

As for passing on his secret techniques as a master, it is naturally impossible without a formal master-disciple relationship. Master Sheng Zong is a very traditional old man.

Of course, Terrance is just his accidental discovery. How to choose depends on Terrance's character, background, and investigation. So far, he just sees potential in Terrance.

"Teacher?" Master Sheng Zong, who was absent-minded, was slightly called by Joey Chun. She noticed that the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward now.

"Oh, nothing, I'm getting old and my mind is a bit slow, hehe." ShengZong Master stretched lazily, showing a somewhat lazy demeanour, without the aura of a top master.

"Terrance, did you come here alone? Do you want to join us? Since we are all going to participate in the assessment, we can also take care of each other." "It is my honour to walk alongside Master Shengzong," Terrance said.

Upon hearing Terrance's response, Shengzong smiled proudly, while Joey Chun also stared at Terrance, wanting to see what this young man of the same age as him was capable of.

"Ha ha, that's good. Since we still have some time before reaching Qishui City, why don't I give you a test?" Shengzong suddenly wanted to test Terrance's real level.

Terrance and Joey Chun, of course, could not refuse.

And so, Shengzong led the two youngsters into the house, shaking his head as questions kept coming out of his mouth. Fortunately, although the questions were a bit tricky, they were still within the realm of a beginner cultivator. Terrance was able to handle eight or nine out of ten questions.

As Shengzong kept questioning them, he also gained a better understanding of their situations.

If there was any difference between Xiao Chun and Terrance, it might lie in their knowledge reserves.

Joey Chun had his teaching and powerful background, and his exposure to knowledge and practical abilities far surpassed what Terrance was capable of.

But Terrance had a better understanding and reasoning ability than Xiao Chun, in other words, he had a very intelligent brain that worked quickly and had strong logic.

"You are both excellent. The assessment of a beginner cultivator cannot stump you," Shengzong smiled, very satisfied with Terrance. He was primarily referring to Terrance since Joey Chun was his student, and he already knew his level very well.

"Amazing!" Joey Chun also expressed her recognition of Terrance.

This young girl was admiring someone of the same age for the first time. Terrance's knowledge amazed her.

After a moment of silence, Shengzong looked at these two talented newcomers, feeling a bit of emotion. In recent years, there have been many outstanding trainers, but the field of cultivation is still lacking.

Now, with the likes of Terrance and Joey Chun, a new generation of excellent blood, Shengzong, as a senior cultivator, felt very pleased.

After thinking for a while, Master Shouzong asked the two newbies another question, "What do you think a Pokémon Trainer is?"

This question was different from the previous one, and both of them were stunned for a moment.

After a few seconds of thinking, Terrance tried to answer, "A trainer who helps Pokémon grow perfectly?"

And Joey's answer was not much different from Terrance's.

Nodding his head, Master Shouzong smiled and said, "That's a good answer, but would you like to hear my opinion?"

"Of course," Terrance and Joey said in unison.

After brewing for a while, Master Shouzong said, "In my opinion, a Pokémon Trainer includes many things. What you said, helping Pokémon grow perfectly, is one of the signs of a trainer, but a trainer is not just that simple. Each trainer specializes in different areas. In Little Pure's family, most of them have great achievements in medical care and maintenance. The top-level trainers in this category can master the habits of Pokémon and prepare the most perfect growth plans for them. The Pokémon they cultivate are not inferior to the main force of top trainers in all aspects. Moreover, some people can see their potential and talent just by looking at the development of their Pokémon."

"The most famous one is Master Aien. He once guided a teenager through a maze and told him to choose it as his beginner Pokémon. As long as you are not too useless, the future world will have a place for you. Later, this teenager, with his Pokémon, grew into one of the Four Heavenly Kings."

"There is also Master Ayaro. His most outstanding achievement is to teach a discarded Kabutops, which had poor talent, nearly 40 moves across multiple attributes."

"So, in my opinion, every trainer is an incredible fellow."

Master Shouzong said with a smirk.

"Then what about Master Shouzong?!" Terrance asked unconsciously after hearing these cases.

"Me? I have always been studying the genetics of Pokémon," Shouzong said without concealment.