
Chapter 10 Genetic Tricks

Author's note: if you guys like this novel please give some powerstones



In the literal meaning, Terrance thought of the biology he had learned in his past life, but he didn't know if there was any relationship between the two.

When trying to explain things in this world based on what he knew, Terrance couldn't help but feel strange. Some of the magical creatures in this world were difficult to explain using science.

Creatures like the Rocky Snake made entirely of stones, the Magnemite composed entirely of magnets, and the ghostly Gastly shrouded in mist, could they be explained?

Terrance raised his question, and even Xiao Chun felt confused about it.

"That's why we have to study," Sheng Zong laughed and gave a vague answer.

"What is your most significant achievement, teacher?" Joey Chun asked.

Both Master Ain and Master Ayaro were highly accomplished, but as a student of Master Sheng Zong, Joey Chun had no idea what her teacher's "secret technique" was.

"Well, let me think. If I could teach a small creature three or four ultimate moves, does that count?" Master Sheng Zong said.

Three or four ultimate moves?

Not only Joey Chun but even Terrance was puzzled.

Earlier, he had given an example of Master Ayaro, who was also a top breeder, and who taught a less talented Kangaskhan nearly 40 ultimate moves. So why would Master Sheng Zong, who was also a top breeder, consider his achievement to be teaching a small creature only three or four ultimate moves?

"Are you unsure?" Master Shengzong asked.

Both nodded their heads.

"Then let me ask you, taking the most common proud Beautifly in the Fangyuan region as an example, can it learn Flash?"

"Of course, it can."

Not only can it, but it can easily learn Flash. The proud Beautifly race can easily learn Flash.

"Can it learn Steel Wing?"

"Yes, it can."

Without hesitation, Joey and Terrance gave this answer. Although it is not as easy to learn as Flash, it is not difficult either.

"What about Rain Dance?"

At these words, both Joey and Terrance were stunned.

Rain Dance, this move seems completely incompatible with the proud Beautifly.

"Although it is very difficult, there is still a slight possibility that the proud Beautifly can learn Rain Dance," Master Shengzong said with a smile.

"Then let me ask again, can a proud Beautifly learn Mimic, Refresh, or even Thunderbolt?"

Master Shengzong once again asked about examples that neither of them had heard of.

"To be precise, if they learn through genetics and are guided by trainers, it is not impossible for the proud Beautifly to learn moves like Mimic and Refresh that they would not be able to learn in their lifetime. This is my achievement, teaching Pokemon moves that they would never be able to learn through genetics alone," Master Shengzong laughed. At this point, he seemed very excited.

"For these magical creatures called Pokemon, they can even mate and produce offspring between different races, and these combinations between different races often bring unimaginable miracles."

"The genetics I study is based on the premise of combining different races of Pokemon."

"Don't underestimate these few moves. A different starting point can often bring out deeper talents in Pokemon and uncover greater potential, and may even break through the limitations of their race."

"What about Thunderbolt?" Xiao Chun asked in surprise. If even proud Beautiflys can learn Thunderbolt, it would completely change her worldview.

Can genetics go this far?

"Unfortunately, so far, there has been no such precedent, but it is precise because of this that it is worth my research and exploration."

The old man shook his head but immediately smiled.

His attitude directly changed Terrance's perception of breeders and made him rethink this profession.

"Is it possible for my Beautifly to inherit moves?" Terrance asked.

" Beautifly, until now no genetic technique has been found, maybe my practice is not enough." Master Shengzong expressed regret that no genetic technique has been found for the Phoenix Butterfly, which could teach moves that it could not normally learn.

"I see," Terrance nodded, but he still had some expectations. Not finding anything does not mean that it does not exist, the unknown is the most fundamental reason that drives people crazy.

"So, what genetic moves can my Chansey learn?" Xiao Chun asked eagerly.

"Let me think, there are many moves such as Aromatherapy, Gravity, Heal Bell, Mud Bomb, and many more. However, your Chansey is specially prepared for newcomers within your family, so it is impossible to have genetic moves," Master Shengzong said.

Xiao Chun agreed and did not feel too disappointed.

"Perhaps one day, undiscovered genetic moves will be found by you," the old man smiled, clearly having high expectations for the two.

Master Shengzong's words also brought a different emotion to the two.

In what field will they develop?

She, Qiao Yi Chun, will follow the path of all her family members and eventually become a resident of the Pokémon Center. Will helping trainers treat injured Pokémon be her life's work?

As for Terrance, he thought more.

He chose to become a breeder, at first only attracted by the benefits of being a breeder, but after hearing the explanation of a top breeder, it seemed that breeders were jack-of-all-trades, capable of doing anything without losing out.

Breeders can help Pokémon grow healthier and more perfect, improve their use of moves, and make them look more beautiful. What's the difference between that and being a coordinator?

Not only that, but by breeding dozens of moves for a Pokémon, even an outstanding trainer probably wouldn't have that kind of ability. With so many moves, wouldn't the selection of tactics be more perfect in battle?

Moreover, breeding a special Pokémon with moves that it cannot normally learn seems to be a very challenging thing.

With the expectations of the entire green house Orphanage, Terrance once vowed to climb the glorious stage of the Grand Contest with the Hunting Phoenix Butterfly.

Now, he realized that this did not conflict with being a breeder.

Even becoming an excellent breeder, whether it is towards the top coordinator, or the Champion and Elite Four will be easier.

"Thank you, Master Shengzong." Terrance's eyes gradually brightened, and his understanding of being a breeder deepened.